Blinding flash of the obvious là gì

Saturday, November 29, 2008 7:38 AM by colouring

What does "a blinding flash of the obvious" mean?

Thanks a lot in advance

Saturday, November 29, 2008 2:25 PM by Delmobile

Without more context, I assume this is a sarcastic/ironic way to say that someone finally noticed something that had been obvious. "Blinding flash" is usually used to refer to a startling discovery. I believe the reference is to Paul's experience on the road to Damascus. You wouldn't need a "blinding flash" to see/ understand something that was already obvious.


Saturday, November 29, 2008 2:25 PM by Delmobile

Without more context, I assume this is a sarcastic/ironic way to say that someone finally noticed something that had been obvious. "Blinding flash" is usually used to refer to a startling discovery. I believe the reference is to Paul's experience on the road to Damascus. You wouldn't need a "blinding flash" to see/ understand something that was already obvious.

Sunday, November 30, 2008 9:17 AM by colouring

Thanks a lot Delmobile

Sunday, January 27, 2013 11:19 AM by davidfm

I think there's a bit more subtlety to it than that (if anyone's still interested 5 years later!) Once you see it it's blindingly obvious. Until then it's profoundly obscure. What's interesting about this is that something which is blindingly obvious to you is completely obscure to me. Your efforts to explain it to me will probabaly be unsuccessful. When I see the blinding flash I will finally understand the concept and why you were trying to explain it to me in the way you were. Until then, you will have been speaking to me in an alien language.

Thursday, September 10, 2015 5:40 AM by anonymous

I agree with you David. That's the way I've always understood it. It was a favourite phrase of my mother's as a self-deprecating utterance, and whenever I use it in the same way I do so in honour of her. But now I must admit that I'm not sure that I'm agreeing with you after all. C'est la vie.

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "blinding", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ blinding, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ blinding trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh

1. 11) It's a blinding album.

2. A rocket exploded with a blinding flash.

3. He emerged from the tunnel into blinding sunlight.

4. 5) A rocket exploded with a blinding flash.

5. Suddenly I had a blinding flash of inspiration.

6. There ensued a blinding light and then blackness.

7. The sun hit the windscreen, momentarily blinding him.

8. 2 He emerged from the tunnel into blinding sunlight.

9. I struggled back to the hut through blinding rain.

10. There was loud bang and a sudden blinding light.

11. 24) In a blinding flash, everything fell into place.

12. 8) Suddenly I had a blinding flash of inspiration.

13. Then he looked back again at the blinding quayside.

14. 23) With a blinding roar the creature reached out.

15. 10) We saw a sudden flash of blinding light.

16. 6) The sun hit the windscreen, momentarily blinding him.

17. 1) He emerged from the tunnel into blinding sunlight.

18. 21) The first bomb exploded with a blinding flash.

19. 3) I struggled back to the hut through blinding rain.

20. 7) Did you hear her effing and blinding at him?

21. 9) The answer came to her in a blinding flash.

22. 2) There was loud bang and a sudden blinding light.

23. The reflection of the sun on the glass wall was blinding.

24. And they were sort, you know, blinding glimpse of bleeding obvious.

25. We could hardly bear to be outdoors in the blinding sunlight.

26. 12) There was a lot of effing and blinding going on.

27. That morning it was a matter of blinding, shattering, choking importance.

28. 22) Blinding E.-like light gushes out of the first crack.

29. Avoid self - righteousness like the devil -- nothing is so self - blinding.

30. 17) There was a blinding flash and the whole building shuddered.

31. 16) We had a blinding day out in London last Saturday.

32. To illustrate: Imagine you glimpsed the blinding flash of a welder’s torch.

33. 28) We could hardly bear to be outdoors in the blinding sunlight.

34. The doctor worked busily beneath the blinding lights of the delivery room.

35. 25) The reflection of the sun on the glass wall was blinding.

36. Experts said that ferocious winds and blinding fogs would prevent construction and operation.

37. An emotion that is already blinding you from the simple and obvious truth:

38. Because they are networked, smart markets are able to renegotiate relationships blinding speed.

39. 29) She stared after him as he left her, tears blinding her eyes.

40. They approach, embrace, and poof! they disappear in a blinding flash of light.

41. 15) His thoughts were abruptly cut off by a blinding flash of pain.

42. 14) We screwed up our eyes against the blinding glare from the searchlights.

43. It was then that she realised, with blinding clarity, that she loved him.

44. 4) The doctor worked busily beneath the blinding lights of the delivery room.

45. Thunder shook the catamaran as she looked up at him, rain almost blinding her.

46. His single-minded determination to win the war is blinding him to other dangers.

47. 22 IR active jamming technology includes IR decoy , IR jammer, DIRCM laser blinding, etc.

48. 27) They approach, embrace, and poof! they disappear in a blinding flash of light.

49. 13 IR active jam technology includes IR decoy, IR jammer, DIRCM laser blinding, etc.

50. 18) It was then that she realised, with blinding clarity, that she loved him.

It seems as if this expression is used in a lot of different ways and with different meanings. Who can explain to me what this really means? I need to translate it to German, but any english explanation would be greatly appreciated.

  • To me, it is somewhat of a humerous exaggeration. I don't think it's a common phrase, but the meaning I take from it is that the person in question finally realizes something that is painfully obvious, that is, something that he or she should have known all along and something that the average person would know as well.

    I agree with JediMaster. The image used is of lightning, so that the truth suddenly rushes on you in one great flash of illumination, in which what was previously very dark and confused becomes suddenly terribly obvious... The humour lies in the fact that a big drama is being made of something you ought to have known perfectly well all along.

    It's often used to describe speech, eg 'You mean I'm stupid!' said Louisa, with a blinding flash of the obvious....

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