Can I write during IELTS listening?

IELTS Listening Test Can You Take Notes While Listening

There are many students who face difficulty inIELTS Listeningtest. Especially, test takers find it almost impossible to keep track of what they listen and then possibly arrive at the right answer.

The big mistake is that they do not focus on taking notes while listening to the script which is very important. By taking the notes you will know what the speakers have discussed and you will be able to provide the right answers.

Practicing this skill of note taking is important.

When you take theIELTS PracticeTests, it is necessary that you shall learn to take the notes. Listen to the recordings and jot down important points or important information which can be helpful for you to create the perfect answers.

If you are taking computer-based IELTS or paper-based IELTS, you can have this option to jot down some notes on the paper. It is true that at many test centers where there is computer-based IELTS, it is not allowed. But, there is nothing wrong in asking if you can take notes on the paper or not. The test center authority may allow you to do so for they also know how important note taking is while taking this listening test.

Look for relevant words / phrases

Before listening to the recordings, you will have some time to look at the questions. So, do not waste this time. Look at the questions carefully. Read well. Keep in mind the target keywords.

For instance, if there are questions where you see blank space for the answers which may possibly be time, date, day, the name of the person, place or animal or thing then try to grab that info from the recordings you hear.

Remember, you do not have to write down everything you hear. Focus more on the information related to your keywords which you find in the questions. Sometimes, you may not get to hear exact keywords. So, in that case, you will have to be attentive and look for synonyms or other similar words which are close to meaning your keywords or phrases provide.

Putting the information in simple phrases

Whatever information you hear try to write that down in simple manner. There is certainly no need to write down complete words. Just write in a way you can understand.

Using short forms of the words, abbreviations and symbols can be the best way to take out the right information.

For some words like “Gorilla”, you can write “Gorla” For “Printing Machine” you can write like “Prt Mac.” Influenza can be written as “flu,” Martial Arts can be written as Mrtl Arts or in any other form you think you can remember.

You can use symbols for some words. For instance, for the word “arrow” you can use the symbol such as this: →. For increase and decrease, you can use symbols like ↑ ↓.

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IELTS Test Information

  1. What does IELTS mean? Answer
    IELTS stands for: International English Language Testing System.
  2. How many skills are tested in the IELTS test? Answer
    There are 4 skills tested: listening, reading, writing and speaking.
  3. Which is best, IDP or British Council? Answer
    See this page for tips and advice about where to take your test: IDP or BC?
  4. What is IELTS UKVI? Answer
    See this page for information on IELTS UKVI: //
  5. Does the IELTS test accept American English? Answer
    Yes, it does. It is an international test of English. In the speaking test, most examiners speak with an English or Australian accent. For spelling, you must choose either US or UK spelling – you can’t mix them.
  6. Which skills do I take on the same day? Answer
    Listening, reading and writing are all taken on the same day. The speaking test can be taken either before, after or on the same day as the other skills.
  7. Is there a break between the reading and writing test? Answer
    No, there is no break between the listening, reading and writing test. They are all taken together and take a total of 2 hours and 40 minutes. So, make sure you eat and drink well before you take your test
  8. Can I use a pen in my IELTS Test? Answer
    You can use a pen or pencil for your IELTS writing test. However, for your listening and reading test, you must use a pencil (don’t forget to take an eraser with you).
  9. How many times can I take my IELTS test? Answer
    You can take it as many times as you want. There is no limit.
  10. Can I wear a watch in my IELTS test?Answer
    No, you can’t. You can’t wear a watch in any of the IELTS tests, even the speaking test. There will be a clock on the wall so you can check the time.
  11. What happens if I am colour blind?Answer
    You should contact your IELTS test center before the exam to let them know. They will adapt any colour pages or illustrations for you in the test.
  12. Can I write using capital letters?Answer
    Yes, you can. Click on this link to learn more: Capital letters in IELTS Answers.
  13. General Training IELTS - what are the differences?
    The GT IELTS test is only different in reading and writing. All students take the same speaking and listening test. However, GT students take a different reading test and a different writing test. See below in the relevant sections for more information.

Computer Delivered IELTS

See the following link page to read about the pros and cons of doing the IELTS test by computer. Click here: Computer Based IELTS Advice

Best Tips for Note Taking on the IELTS

By on , UPDATED ON March 10, 2020, in IELTS Listening: Academic & General Training

Some students have trouble with taking notes while listening because it requires you to do two tasks at the same time (listen and write). However, it is necessary to take notes because effective note taking will help you to better understand the meaning and logic of listening materials on the IELTS. Practice your note taking skill when doing practice tests and it will definitely improve your listening score. Here are some IELTS Listening tips for better note-taking!

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