Lỗi the file contains characters in unicode format năm 2024

Notepad là một ứng dụng soạn thảo nhỏ gọn và nhiều hữu ích được cài đặt sẵn trong Windows. Khi sử dụng NotePad để soạn văn bản, nếu không để ý bảng thông báo This file contains characters in Unicode which will be lost if you save this file as an ANSI… mà bạn vẫn lưu thì khi mở lại các chữ chứa dấu trong tiếng Việt sẽ bị lỗi như sau:

Để khắc phục lỗi font tiếng Việt khi lưu file bằng NotePad, khi lưu các bạn chỉ cần chuyển sang bộ mã hóa là UTF-8 để lưu thì file lưu sẽ không bị lỗi Font tiếng Việt nữa.

Dưới đây là kết quả sau khi lưu bằng bộ mã hóa UTF-8.

OK! Với cách trên, sử dụng NotePad để soạn thảo văn bản sẽ không còn bị lỗi font tiếng Việt nữa nên các bạn cứ yên tâm sử dụng đi nhé!

# Error in NotePad when saving file with emojis Today I will explain how to fix the error: ” This file contains characters in Unicode format which will be lost-Notepad-this file contains characters in Unicode format which will be lost notepad-notepad ANSI encoding.” I will take this phrase “The 💲[price] will rise to 45$” - as an example. ![](//i.imgur.com/jfJ0SVo.png) To solve this problem follow the next steps one by one: 1 – Try saving the file; 2 – Type the file name; 3 – In the “Encoding” section choose the “Unicode” option; 4 – Save the file; 5 – The problem is solved.

You get this error when the file you are attempting to upload is not in a UTF-8 format. UTF-8 is the dominant character encoding for email and the web. Character encoding tells your web browser how to display special characters like ' (apostrophe) or - (hyphen).

This error occurs because the software you are using (Microsoft Excel, for example) saves the file in a different type of encoding, such as ISO-8859, instead of UTF-8. This will cause your web browser to show special characters like ' and - as ?. ​

How to save your file in UTF-8 format

There are a few solutions you can use to change your file to UTF-8 encoding. If your file already has ? instead of the correct characters, you will need to fix these manually before saving your file. ​

Google Drive

If you have a Gmail account or have used Google Drive previously, you can:

1. Open up Google Drive. 2. Upload your your CSV file.

3. Open your file as a Google Sheet. 4. Navigate to File>Download As>Comma-Separated Values to save the file to your computer. 5. The file should now be in UTF-8 encoding, and it will successfully upload. ​


If you’re using the Windows operating system and you have Notepad, you should be able to perform these steps to open your Excel file in Notepad and change the encoding:

In Microsoft Notepad, you may receive the following error when trying to save a file with different encoding.

This file contains characters in Unicode format which will be lost if you save this file as an ANSI encoded text file. To keep the Unicode information, click Cancel below and then select one of the Unicode options from the Encoding drop down list. Continue?

  1. Go to File -> Save As

  1. Select Encoding at the bottom and choose Unicode

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