Underway nghĩa là gì

Này rồi bao giờ mới được đi? Photo courtesy mem42

"Get under way" có nghĩa là bắt đầu, khởi hành, lên đường.

Ví dụ

Essential repair work (việc tu sửa) which will last more than a week is set to get under way at Haven and Breydon Bridge.

Motorists using the A85 are set to benefit from an improved road surface as surfacing improvements (cải tiến bề mặt) are due to get under way.

Contractors (nhà thầu) are establishing their site offices and associated infrastructure (cơ sở hạ tầng liên quan) to enable the works to get underway.

The appointment (bổ nhiệm) of independent directors (thành viên hđqt độc lập) in the coming weeks and the start of the search for a new chief executive (giám đốc điều hành), also expected to get under way in October, will be key elements (yếu tố chính) of the process.

Thu Phương

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