What happens if you download a file with a virus?

If a file is downloaded from the Internet, and saved on disk, but is not opened by a user (if we keep autorun off), are there any chances that malicious code (e.g. a virus) in the file could trigger?

I'm not asking about attacks that could be made while downloading, or on browsing to a site - imagine the file has somehow been stored onto the disk with no attack taking place. What risk do I then face from malware?

Rory Alsop

61.4k12 gold badges116 silver badges321 bronze badges

asked Jul 19, 2015 at 7:20


There are a few cases where simply downloading a file without opening it could lead to execution of attacker controlled code from within the file. It usually involves exploiting a known vulnerability within a program which will handle the file in some way. Here are some examples, but other cases are sure to exist:

  • The file targets a vulnerability in your antivirus which triggers when the file is scanned
  • The file targets a vulnerability in your file system such as NTFS where the filename or another property could trigger the bug
  • The file targets a bug which can be triggered when generating a file preview such as PDF or image thumbnail
  • A library file (ex. dll) could get executed when saved to the same directory where an application vulnerable to binary planting is executed from
  • The file is a special file that can change the configuration of a program such as downloading a .wgetrc file with wget on Linux
  • …and more


Windows will try to extract information from the file to display the icon and preview when looking at the folder inside explorer. One example was the Windows Metafile Vulnerability which could be exploited only by previewing the file in explorer.

Another attack vectors is the builtin Windows Search. To extract the information necessary for a full text search Windows will scan the files in the background and use the file parser to extract the content. A bug in the file parser can thus lead to code execution.

Also, if the path is known to an attacker (i.e. inside the default download folder) opening could be enforced by embedding the file as image, flash file, PDF etc using a file:///... link inside a web page you visit.

answered Jul 19, 2015 at 9:05

Steffen UllrichSteffen Ullrich

187k29 gold badges365 silver badges427 bronze badges


Autorun applies mostly to external drives connected to the machine, less to downloaded files.

If you do not execute the downloaded file, in theory you should be safe. However, practically, your computer may open it itself for your convenience and without asking your approval, whether it is to generate some kind of thumbnail or preview of the document, to index it for file search application, etc.

For instance, you will find here an example of exploit affecting older Windows Media Player software: no need to open the file, simply browsing to the directory containing the file is sufficient to execute the malware...

answered Jul 19, 2015 at 8:12


19.1k4 gold badges59 silver badges105 bronze badges

It depends on the type of virus you may have downloaded.

  • Macro viruses: when you open an infected document using the program it is designed to attack. Same thing occurs with program viruses that infect other programs of your machine if the program infected by them are activated by executing them.
  • Boot sector viruses: they infect your hard drives by their simple presence (without clicking to open them) or by just restarting your machine

answered Jul 19, 2015 at 7:43


The simplest and most common type of malware depends on you executing it, but malware can target vulnerabilities in any program that processes the data. Image a piece of malware that targeted a known vulnerability in your antivirus software, or your spam filtering software.

answered Jul 23, 2015 at 20:11


1,9741 gold badge12 silver badges20 bronze badges

Can you get a virus by downloading a file?

Malware can get onto your device when you open or download attachments or files, or visit a scammy website. Your device might get infected with malware through: downloading free stuff like illegal downloads of popular movies, TV shows, or games.

Can you get a virus from downloading a file but not running it?

The straight-up, scary truth is yes, in some cases simple downloading a malicious file to your computer may be enough to become infected. In fact, it is theoretically possible to become infected simply by receiving an email with a malicious attachment, even if you don't open or read the email!

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