What type of surgery is based on urgency when the patient requires prompt attention and should be done within 24 30 hours?

In the process of registration, our Patient Service Associates (PSAs) will verify your identification details, and update your key information i.e., address and contact details, where necessary.

The current charges for Emergency service can be found here, and it includes standard* investigations, services and medications. Specialised emergency investigations and services will involve extra costs, hence additional charges may be incurred. If the doctors recommends for you to be admitted, the fees will be included in the total hospital bill.

*Non-standard investigations and medications will be charged at the end of your healthcare journey.

2. Nurse Triage

Estimated Waiting Time: 15-30 minutes

Our nurses will take your vital signs such as temperature, pulse, respiration and blood pressure, conduct an assessment of your health to identify the problem, and direct you to an appropriate area for consultation and treatment. There are various waiting areas for patients with different priority levels. 

There are four different priority levels:

PAC 1: Resuscitation and Critically-ill Cases

Patients are either in a state of cardiovascular collapse or in imminent danger of collapse, i.e. acute myocardial infarction, cardiac arrest or major trauma that require immediate medical attention. Our doctors will speak to the family members or caregivers after they have assessed and stabilised the patient. 

Examples include heart attack, severe injuries, severe bleeding, shock and severe asthma attack.

PAC 2: Acutely-ill cases (non-ambulant)

Patients are unable to move on their own and in various forms of severe distress. They appear to be in a stable state upon initial cardiovascular examination and are not in danger of imminent collapse. However, they still require early attention due to the severity of their symptoms, failing which early deterioration of the medical condition may occur.

Examples include stroke, long bone fractures and asthma.

PAC 3: Minor Emergencies (Ambulant)

Patients show acute symptoms but are still able to move on their own. Their symptoms are mild to moderate, and acute treatment will result in the resolution of symptoms over time.

Examples include bleeding cuts, moderate injuries and persistent high fever.

PAC 4: Non-emergency

PAC 4 are non-emergency cases that do not require immediate medical attention. There is no present threat to their lives and their symptoms can be managed in a primary health care setting such as a general practitioner or polyclinic.

Examples include chronic lower back pain, high cholesterol, acne, etc.

Fever Patients with positive travel history and infectious status will be managed in a separate area within the ED. This is to reduce the risk of infection to other patients in the ED.

3. Consultation and Treatment

Estimated Waiting Time: 1-3 hours

Physical examinations involving blood tests, X-rays or stay-in observation (as required) will be performed. We seek your understanding for the long waiting time that may arise from different situations such as:

    1. An increase in the number of patients for the day
    2. Overcrowding due to epidemics
    3. Waiting time for X-ray and laboratory results

4. Collection of Medication

Estimated Waiting Time: 15 minutes (subject to patient load)

Upon prescription of medications by our doctors, our nurses will direct patients who are fit for discharge to our pharmacy within ED for collection of medication. A pharmacist will explain to you the correct way to take your medications.

5. Admission/ Discharge

To be discharged means you can go home and do not need to be warded for further observation. Our nurse will prepare the following for you (as required):

    1. Medical Certificates
    2. Medicine Prescriptions
    3. Referral Letters (if a follow-up is required)*

* Longer waiting time may be expected when our staff prepares the referral appointment.


Estimated Waiting Time: 1-4 hours

To be admitted means you will require further observation and treatment in an inpatient ward or the Extended Diagnostic Treatment Unit (EDTU), a 24-hour short-stay ward that performs extended observation on patients.

Financial Counselling

Before admission, you and/or your family will be informed of the different classes of wards available and their estimated costs, as well as the subsidies that you are eligible for. Our staff will assist you with the admission and help you decide on your room type. More information on financial matters can be found on our charges & payment page.

Preparation for Admission

A ward suitable for the treatment of your condition will be arranged for you. At times, admission may take longer when our hospital is experiencing a heavy patient load.

What surgical procedure is considered urgent?

urgent or emergency surgery: These are surgeries done for urgent, possibly life-threatening medical conditions, such as a serious injuries from an accident, testicular torsion, or acute appendicitis.

What are the three levels of urgency related to surgical procedures?

The urgency of surgery is often described by three categories:.

What are 3 types of surgery?

Types of Surgery.
Bariatric Surgery..
Breast Surgery..
Colon & Rectal Surgery..
Endocrine Surgery..
General Surgery..
Gynecological Surgery..
Head & Neck Surgery..
Hernia Surgery..

What are the most common emergency surgeries?

Acute Abdominal Emergencies.
Incarcerated and Strangulated Inguinal Hernias. ... .
Appendicitis. ... .
Intestinal Obstructions Caused by Adhesions, Volvulus, Worm Infection, or Intussusception. ... .
Pelvic Infections with Abscesses. ... .
Peptic Ulcer Complications. ... .
Bleeding from Esophageal Varices. ... .
Perforated Typhoid Ulcers..

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