What were the three key ideas about government in the English tradition quizlet?

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Terms in this set (29)

ordered government

first English colonists needed an orderly regulation of relationships with one another. created local governments.

limited government

government that is not all powerful.

Representative government

government that serves the will of the people.

What did the Magna Carta (the great charter) contribute to English political tradition?

that the power of the monarchy was not absolute.

What did the petition of right contribute to English political tradition?

declared that even a monarch must obey the law of the land.

What did the bill of rights contribute to English political tradition?

prohibited a standing army in peacetime, except with the consent of parliament and required that all parliamentary elections to be free.

What were the royal colonies?

were subject to the direct control of the crown.

What were proprietary colonies?

a person who the king had made a grant of land to.

What were charter colonies?

based on charters granted in 1662 and 1663 to the colonists themselves.


written grants of authority from the king to establish a colony.


consisting of two houses; as a legislature


consisting of one house; as a legislature

Magna Carta

document written in 1215 limiting the power of the English monarchy.


a refusal to buy or sell goods.


Bodies of fundamental laws setting out the principals, structures and processes of their government.

Popular Sovereignty

government can exist and function only with the consent of the governed.


formal approval. it was needed by all 13 colonies first but only 11 colonies agreed to the document within a year later.

Articles of confederation

was established "a firm league of friendship" among the states.

Virgina Plan

called for a new government with three separate branches: legislative, executive, judicial.

New Jersey Plan

called for a federal executive of more then one person. this person was chosen by congress and could be removed by the states governors.

Connecticut Compromise

agreed that congress should be composed of two houses. smaller senate is represented equally and in the house was based upon population.

Three-Fifths Compromise

provided that all "Free Persons" should be counted and so should "Three-Fifths of all other persons".

Commerce and Slave Trade Compromise

congress was forbidden the power to tax the export of goods from any state.


who favored Ratification.

Anti- Federalists

who opposed Ratification.

On what two states did the success or failure of ratification depend?

1. Virgina
2. New York

where was the first national capital located?


who became the first president?

George Washington

who became the first vice- president?

John Adams

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What were the three key ideas about government in the English tradition?

The English colonists in America brought with them three main concepts: The need for an ordered social system, or government. The idea of limited government, that is, that government should not be all-powerful. The concept of representative government — a government that serves the will of the people.

What are three key ideas found in the English Bill of Rights?

It is an original Act of the English Parliament and has been in the custody of Parliament since its creation. The Bill firmly established the principles of frequent parliaments, free elections and freedom of speech within Parliament – known today as Parliamentary Privilege.

What were the English traditions of limited and representative government?

The English had a tradition of representative government, in which people elect delegates to make laws and conduct government. The English Parliament was a representative assembly. It had the power to legislate, or make laws. Parliament had two chambers, or houses: the House of Lords and the House of Commons.

What did Magna Carta contribute to English political tradition?

Magna Carta was issued in June 1215 and was the first document to put into writing the principle that the king and his government was not above the law. It sought to prevent the king from exploiting his power, and placed limits of royal authority by establishing law as a power in itself.

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