Which of the following lead generation methods is most likely to product hot leads


    • 0.1 What Is Lead Generation? 
    • 0.2 Why Is Lead Generation Important For Your Business? 
    • 0.3 Types Of Leads
    • 0.4 Lead Generation Process 
    • 0.5 Determining The Lead Quality 
    • 0.6 Lead Generation Strategies and Techniques (How To Attract Quality Leads?)
    • 0.7 How Do You Convert a Lead Into a Paying Customer? (Lead Nurturing)
    • 0.8 Lead Generation Tools 
    • 0.9 Wrapping Up 
  • 1  

Lead generation has been around for decades! Each year as we evolve with technology, our business strategies change with it. Acquiring leads is still and will always be one of the most important objectives for any organization. 

Most businesses dedicate a large sum of their resources toward lead generation rightfully so as it can help boost sales and increase ROI. The tricky part about lead generation is generating quality leads (quality over quantity as they say). 

With so many strategies available and numerous companies offering fast-tracked methods, it can all be perplexing. Always remember that qualified leads entail having leads that have expressed an interest in your product or service and are also in the market to purchase what you are offering (and a bonus addition, they perfectly fit your Ideal Customer Profile). If you go after prospects that are still early on their buyer’s journey, and not at the decision-making stage then it will be difficult to make a sale. 

In this blog, we deep dive into all things ‘lead generation’. From strategies to tools, we discuss the best techniques that have proven to be effective in generating qualified leads that eventually turn into paying customers. 

What Is Lead Generation? 

Any individual that expresses an interest in your organization’s product or service is generally considered to be a ‘lead’. 

The process of lead generation involves reaching out to or attracting individuals that could be potentially interested in your product or service. The intention of lead gen is to open the lines of communication with these prospects in the hopes of them converting into paying customers. 

It is important to note that there are two types of lead generation processes. Inbound lead generation is when the leads come to you through social media, SEO, targeted content, and more. Outbound lead generation is when you reach out to leads that might not know about your product but after conducting extensive research you have deemed them to be worthy prospects. 

Which of the following lead generation methods is most likely to product hot leads

Why Is Lead Generation Important For Your Business? 

What would your company look like if you had no lead generation strategy? You would probably have to rely on sheer luck, hoping someone will buy your product or service. Without ‘leads’, it will be extremely difficult for your business to maximize growth and revenue. 

Lead generation exists for a reason! It helps in building trust, credibility, and visibility from potential leads. So when you focus your efforts on lead generation, you end up driving traffic from high-quality prospects who ultimately turn out to be high-value customers in the long run. And what does this mean? More revenue for your business! Through the implementation of smart lead gen strategies, your business can experience exponential growth and simultaneously build the lifetime value of each customer you acquire.

So you get it, leads are an essential component of sustainable growth. But what is the actual importance of lead generation, and how does your organization seek to benefit from it? Let’s delve into why lead gen is paramount for the success of your business:

  1. Lead generation helps in increasing brand awareness and reputation. The process of lead generation entails educating your leads about your company and the product and services it offers. Whether they came to you themselves or you targeted them, either way, they learn more about your product’s features and your organization.

Leads can then help spread the word about your brand bringing you more clients. The more people that are made aware of your brand the better it is for your overall profit potential and brand value.

  1. When you are undertaking the process of lead generation, you are able to target a specific group of people that will most likely benefit from your product and are also relevant to your business. This will result in generating high-quality leads that will increase your sales (better ROI). 
  1. The more leads you generate the more information/data you end up collecting about your prospective customers, their pain points, and preferences. You can use this information to improve upon your product and tailor it in accordance with your prospects’ needs and wants. 
  1. It’s a competitive market out there! If your marketers and sales folks are spending too much time chasing leads without any actual effective conversions then it is a colossal waste of time. Lead generation targets potential customers through a strategy that is specifically tailored to bringing in quality leads that will benefit from your product. When efforts are invested towards this you save time and resources.
  1. Creating content and uploading it onto the web can indeed get you traffic, perhaps a lot of it. But here’s the issue, if your visitors aren’t converting into leads, then your efforts are wasted. With lead generation, your approach is highly targeted, you create content with your Ideal Customer in mind (i.e. the prospects you reach out to or attract). By doing this, you improve the quality of your leads.
  1. With an effective lead gen strategy in place and all of the aforementioned benefits, your company can generate a 133% more revenue. 

When done correctly lead generation can yield favorable results and maximize your brand’s reach. Through the right type of messaging, offers, and content you can generate interest from your ideal customers. When you are focusing your interests and efforts on the pain points of your audiences, without a doubt, you will achieve worthwhile results. 

By now you have a clear understanding of the importance of lead generation. Let us now delve into the different types of leads that your organization will come across: 

Types Of Leads

There is a wide range of leads that you will come across once you start your lead generation process. It is important to categorize each lead depending on its placement in the marketing and sales funnel. Here are some of the most common leads you will find: 

Cold Leads

Cold leads are leads that have not expressed any sort of interest in your product. But these leads perfectly fit into your ideal customer profile. They are usually generated through your own research or a lead gen software. Cold leads are considered one of the toughest types of leads to convert. However, most of the leads you will come across will fall under this category so you need to master the art of communicating with them. 

Warm Leads

Warm leads are already aware of your brand either through reading your blogs, following you on social media, subscribing to your newsletter, or consuming your content in any form; the point is, they are familiar with your brand in one way or another. These leads are a lot easier to convert into purchasing customers than cold leads. 

Hot Leads

Hot leads (also known as qualified leads) have explicitly shown an interest in your product. It could be through filling out a demo form or reaching out to you directly. These leads require immediate attention because their interest could fizzle out if you take too long to respond to them. If you miss out on the opportunity they could reach out to your competitors. So you need to be extremely proactive! 

IQL (Information Qualified Lead)

IQLs are just at the beginning of their buyer’s journey. They have just begun to research a solution to their problem. These leads usually provide their contact information for something useful in exchange. They are generated when they fill out a form to download ebooks, webinars, infographics, reports, etc. Most of the time these leads have provided you with very little information about their company or job title. Marketers generally don’t prioritize these types of leads as most IQLs don’t move on to the next stage after they have obtained the information they sought after. 

SQL (Sales Qualified Leads)

SQLs are leads that are considered to be ‘sales-ready’. They are usually passed over from the marketing team to the sales team. These leads have expressed an intent to buy what you are offering and are ready for buying. However, these leads could still be comparing solutions against your competitors. Marketers and salespeople consider these leads as very ‘hot’. Since they have already checked all the boxes and are fully qualified, all you need to do is strike while the iron is hot and start walking them through the sales process.

MQL (Marketing Qualified Leads)

MQLs are right in the middle of the sales funnel and are just one step ahead of IQLs. These leads are usually that have been identified by the marketing team as being interested in your product. Typically these leads have to meet certain criteria such as providing their information on landing pages, expressing an interest through social media platforms, actively watching your solution-based videos, having attended your company’s webinars, etc. Of course, the criteria are not so straightforward, and each lead requires closer inspection. These leads are easily converted as they just require some convincing over an email or a conversation. But not all leads are alike, you may have to indulge in several follow-ups. 

PQL (Product Qualified Leads)

PQLs are considered leads that have gone beyond the SQL stage and have already managed to gain experience in using your product. This could be through a feature-limited access account or a free trial. Generally, SaaS or software companies focus more on PQLs as they most often offer free trials 

Lead Generation Process 

As popular as lead generation is becoming, it is also subsequently getting harder. 61% of marketers and salespeople have ranked lead generation as their number one challenge. 

Despite this, lead generation still continues to be pivotal in the success of your business. In this section of the guide, we discuss the lead generation process and aim to simplify it. 

One of the first things you must be is that your lead generation process will depend on your marketing methodology i.e. how your customers have gotten to know you. The first method is known as inbound lead generation wherein the customers come to you and the second method is outbound lead generation where you find and approach them. 

Depending on your marketing methodology, the lead generation process will be different for each. Let us understand the process for both: 

Inbound Lead Generation 

The inbound lead generation process involves having potential customers find you on their own. This could be done through numerous ways such as visiting your website, blog page, social media pages, reacting to your CTA, and many more. With this type of lead generation, the visitor controls how, when and whether or not they wish to engage with your content and then provides their information for further use. 

Here are some of the most popular inbound lead generation methods:

  1. SEO (Search Engine Optimization): High-ranking pages generally have a steady flow of visitors. And how do you get your website/blog pages to rank on the first page of search engines? Through search engine optimization. Your SEO team would carefully curate a list of keywords for a search, and optimize content for better ranking.
  1. Email Marketing Automation: Don’t mistake this for cold emailing! Email marketing automation involves emails that are sent to leads (subscribers). These leads have already expressed an interest in your product or service through reading your blogs, engaging with social media content, subscribing to your newsletter, or are returning customers. 
  1. Content Marketing: Content marketing centers on the creation of highly-relevant and valuable content for prospective customers. Content could range from infographics, ebooks, blog posts, how-to guides, and videos. The aim of the content is to add value to the prospect’s lives encouraging them to start a relationship with your brand. 
  1. Social Media Marketing: The use of social media is widespread. Using social media you can combine your efforts of blogging, targeted ads, and many of the specific features each platform offers to spread the word of your business. You can provide them with valuable and engaging material that will propel them towards wanting to use your products or services. Moreover, social media allows you to target your audience based on location, interests, age, and so much more. 

Outbound Lead Generation

In outbound lead generation you contact prospects directly and deliver your sales pitch. Usually, the sales or marketing teams come up with smart strategies such as cold emailing, pay-per-click, and cold calling, to reach out to them. 

A usual outbound lead generation process looks like this: 

You identify leads that match your ideal customer profile (ICP), figure out their pain points, and how exactly your product/service can help them resolve them. 

You then move on to looking for their contact information through verified channels (LinkedIn, email extraction tools, email lists, etc) and organize it into a segmented list.

Now you begin your outreach and start qualifying the leads. 

So what are some of the outbound lead generation methods? Let’s get into those! 

  1. Cold Outreach: Cold outreach could be cold emailing or calling. Cold calling is drawing up a prospects list and having sales representatives call them to have them opt for your product or service. Cold emailing on the other hand entails sending emails to a list of prospects that fit your Ideal Customer Profile in an effort to convert them into paying customers. 

Cold emailing is a meticulous process and also far less intrusive than cold calling. Cold emails are scalable in nature and considered to be a cost-effective lead generation method. For every dollar one spends on email marketing, they can expect $42 back. That’s a 4400% ROI, higher than any other lead generation avenue. With the right type of personalization, email content, subject line and follow-up sequence cold emails can become a lucrative lead gen avenue. 

  1. Social Selling: Social selling involves directly connecting with prospects on social media. One such example would be connecting with prospects on LinkedIn as it is a business-focused platform. Sales reps directly connect with prospects and aim to nurture and build relationships that ultimately lead to closed deals. Social selling must be undertaken through a personalized strategy, i.e. each message should be tailored to the prospect.
  1. Content Syndication: Content syndication should not be confused with content marketing. This outbound lead generation method involves republishing already existing content onto websites and platforms that your target audience frequents. The re-shared content could range from whitepapers, ebooks, articles, case studies, reports, and infographics. If content syndication is undertaken in an effective manner it can prove to be a low-cost way of reaching more of your target audience, building brand awareness, and generating traffic for your website.
  1. Campaign marketing/Paid Ads: This outbound lead generation method involves running paid campaigns (largely Ads) via social media, search engines, online, in print, on television, or radio. The main aim here is to create brand awareness by promoting your company’s message through a widespread channel. Paid ads include Pay-Per-Click (PPC) ads, ads on LinkedIn/Facebook/Instagram, display ads, TV and radio commercials, newspaper ads, or sponsored emails.

So you’ve understood the different types of lead generation methodologies and the processes behind them. Can you start your lead generation process now? Yes, but if you keep reading on then you will be able to generate high-quality leads that will actually make an impact on your business. 

Determining The Lead Quality 

Which of the following lead generation methods is most likely to product hot leads

Not every lead you generate will be the right fit for your business. When you start your lead generation process, you will no doubt generate a lot of leads. But how do you evaluate those leads? How do you separate them from high-quality leads to low-quality ones? Sure, experience and strategy are on your side, but they aren’t enough. To ensure you are consistently finding strong and long-term potential customers you require a Lead Scoring Model. 

Lead Scoring Model 

The process of ‘lead scoring’ entails distinguishing individuals who are most likely to purchase your product or service from individuals who are unfit leads. The lead scoring model was designed with the intention of helping sales and marketing teams focus their efforts on the most important opportunities, close more deals, and gain a holistic view of who they are attracting and what types of leads they should draw in more. 

The lead scoring model is a model that assigns a numerical value to each lead received in order to evaluate how you should treat it. Each lead is given a point based on a set of revealing data points that are generally decided by you such as industry, job title, annual revenue, level of interest, company size, and more.

While most companies tend to come up with their own model for assigning points to assess leads, one of the most common ways remains to be using data from past leads to create a value system. Leads with the same attributes as the previous high-value lead automatically gain more points. 

The lead scoring model also uses both positive and negative scoring attributes when assessing a lead, making it easy to pass on to the sales team. 

With this model in place, you are able to quickly identify leads that have the most potential for sales and which leads should be given less attention. 

Here is a real-life lead scoring model example in action: 

Lead Pilot uses an integrated lead scoring model. Each lead they receive is assigned a score between 1 to 100, and this score is updated in real-time as and when leads perform an action. The higher the score a lead receives, the more qualified it becomes. The image below shows their lead scoring model system: 

Their algorithm takes into account certain attributes that have been set by them such as, how the lead engaged & interacted with the content, the actions they took on their website, the amount of time spent on the website, and others. Lead Pilot makes use of AI technology to quantify their leads. 

I am sure by now you have a pretty thorough understanding of lead generation and its process. But what are some of the strategies and techniques people in the business realm use that are known to generate quality leads. In the next section, we will be discussing proven tried, and tested strategies and techniques you can incorporate into your lead generation process. 

Lead Generation Strategies and Techniques (How To Attract Quality Leads?)

Finding the right lead generation strategy for your business can be a tough task. There are so many strategies available, how do you choose the right one that will work for your business? One of the best ways to determine the right strategy is to think about your company size, industry, product/service offerings, and of course, the ultimate goal that you wish to achieve. 

Ultimately, several facets will affect your decision-making. You will go through some trial and error until you find what is the best fit for you. Let’s review some lead generation strategies available to us so you can determine which one will be successful for your business. 

1. Sales Intelligence

Results Achieved: Relevant information about your prospective customers 

In order to generate leads that will be the right fit for your product or service, you must learn about your prospect and their industry. The best way to do this is through the concept of ‘Sales Intelligence’. 

Sales intelligence technology enables you to collect data about prospects. It collects insights from various sources in real-time offering you a comprehensive database of prospect-based information. The data collected can help you understand what made customers convert, their pain points, and their buyer journey. 

An all-encompassing sales intelligence delves deeper than just pooling together contact details. Sales intelligence strategies analyze context and behavior, far beyond face-value data. For example, a sales intelligence strategy can put together data that provides insights into a business’ purchasing behavior. Or it may give you deeper insights into their financial capabilities. The behavioral insights are key in determining prospect intent. 

This lead generation technique allows you to ask better sales qualifying questions.

2. Competitor Analysis and SEO 

Results Achieved: Targeted Lead Generation 

SEO remains to be one of the highest-ROI lead generation strategies available, largely due to its low customer acquisition cost. Keyword research can aid in the process of generating targeted leads. 

You can use SEO tools like SEMrush or Ahrefs to explore broad topics relevant to your niche. These tools provide you with in-depth data about a particular topic, that can help you target your ideal customer with a laser focus. 

To take this strategy to the next level, you can also check what your competitors are focusing on. Check out the content they are creating and what is working for them. 

Yes, SEO in itself is another strategy, however, it can complement your lead generation by increasing awareness of your brand through organic traffic to your website. It’s simple, the more often your website (or its pages) show up on the first page of Google (or other search engines), the easier it becomes for your target prospects to find you and learn more about your business offerings. 

Pro Tip: Look into getting backlinks from high DR (domain rating) websites, this will automatically push your ranking on SERP (search engine results page). 

3. Get Referrals Through Your Existing Customers 

Results Achieved: Qualified leads that already trust your credibility  

Don’t underestimate the power of a good referral! They can be a source of quality leads. If an existing or previous customer used your product/service and saw great results, they would 100% recommend it to their friends, colleagues, or network. 

Of course, customers will not willingly hand you qualified leads. You can come up with a ‘rewards referral program’ to request referrals from your customers. Incentivizing this process can be done by offering a discount on their next purchase or coupons (the reward should be of value to the customer).

4. Create and publish relevant content to your ICPs 

Result Achieved: Attracting ICPs 

Much like SEO, a good content marketing strategy will do wonders for your lead generation process. Think of it this way, the more high-quality content you are producing, the better your chances of ranking on search engines.

Search engines give preference to websites that help answer questions in a simplified manner. For example, if you have written a blog ‘why is email deliverability important’, and your blog post provides the who, what, where, and how of the question you will enjoy a first-page ranking. 

Additionally, the content you create can also include ‘lead magnets’. Lead magnets compel website visitors to exchange their information (email address, name) for access to a piece of content, free trial, ebooks, templates, and newsletters. 

All of this results in generating quality leads that can check the criterion of your ICPs. 

5. Create Downloadable Resources 

Results Achieved: Quid-pro-quo 

If you are an expert in a particular subject area, then you can capitalize on this opportunity. You can offer a wide range of assets such as templates, ebooks, guides, and white papers all of which feature your expertise. And through the lead magnet, you will be able to generate leads. 

It’s a beneficial exchange, for prospects and your business both. Plus, if your asset is top notch there is a chance it will be shared amongst peers, expanding your brand’s name and reputation. 

6. Paid Media Campaigns 

Results Achieved: Accelerated Lead Generation

One of the best lead generation strategies in digital marketing to quickly boost your content is paid media campaigns. This could range from Instagram ads, sponsored posts on LinkedIn, Facebook ads, or PPC ads on Google. 

The secret to a successful paid media lead gen campaign is to configure the technical side. Hiring a professional that is well versed in this niche is the best way to make use of this strategy to its fullest. 

Using this in tandem with other lead generation practices can set you up for short and long-term success. Organic lead generation practices like SEO, and blogging take time to generate results. With paid media, you are paying to get leads in the blink of an eye. 

Once your paid content is live, the social platform/search engine immediately puts your content out there for promotion and works towards reaching your lead gen goals. Beyond this, you are also able to closely target your audience by displaying ads based on geographic location, specific demographics, location, devices, and behaviors. Not only are you reaching people faster, but you are also reaching people that are your direct ICPs. 

These are just a few of the techniques and strategies that you can use for successful lead generation. Here are a few more:

Use compelling CTAs

Whether it’s your landing page, in blog CTAs, exit pop-ups, email copies, or social media posts; ensure you make use of a strong CTA that will motivate the lead to take the desired action. The best way to write a CTA is to include their pain points and how exactly your product or service can resolve them. 

Add a live chat feature to your website

A recent study found that 44% of customers view having a real-time chat function as one of the important features of a website. With a live chat functionality, prospects can easily reach out without going through the hassle of scheduling a call or emailing you. Their queries and doubts can be cleared in real-time. This will help in having repeat business and also building a positive relationship with leads. 

Have a social media strategy

If you are opting for the outbound lead generation method then this strategy is very important. Social media is continually changing, so it’s important to keep abreast of all the latest trends and functionalities each platform offers. Social media has a myriad of ways you can reach your leads. For example, of late influencer marketing has become one of the most popular ways to reach leads for a younger demographic. Through social media, you gain more visibility and awareness. 

Hold webinars or seminars

This is another creative and interactive way to generate leads and create meaningful relationships with them. If you offer expert knowledge on a particular topic, then conduct a webinar or seminar for it. Invite all your prospects and existing ones to the event, and give them a chance to network with your employees and also amongst each other. 

Create evergreen content

Trends change in the blink of an eye! It is best to create content that will stay relevant for years to come. This will pay off and last you much longer. Otherwise, always burdening yourself with creating new content encompassing new trends can become a tedious task. 

How Do You Convert a Lead Into a Paying Customer? (Lead Nurturing)

So you’ve generated all the leads you possibly can! Your lead generation strategy and efforts all worked! Now what? How do you convert them into paying customers though? 

Lead Nurturing! 

Lead nurturing is the process of building and maintaining relationships with leads throughout their journey in the sales funnel. A well-thought-out lead nurturing strategy will focus its efforts on marketing and communicating directly with the prospect, providing them with valuable information and answering any questions they may have. Nurturing leads is essential to your business’s success because the strategies implemented will directly play a role in a lead’s decision to convert into a paying customer. 

Lead nurturing helps in: 

  • Building trust and credibility
  • Increases brand awareness and reputation 
  • Maintains a strong relationship and connection until the lead is ready to purchase

Here’s a quick rundown on how you can convert leads into paying customers through lead nurturing. 

  1. Always start by communicating your value first – Let’s face it, no one likes it when you’re just after a sale! Instead, focus on bringing value to your lead. How will your product or service improve your leads’ life and meet their needs? Shed light on how exactly what you are offering is going to act as a relief or added benefit to their lives. Modern customers are more likely to support businesses that align with their values and are able to offer them support if they opt for your brand. Always speak to your buyer’s needs!
  1. Identify their specific pain points – What exactly is the pain point of your lead that they are considering your product? Are they trying to save time? Be more scalable? Trying to automate their efforts? As you open the lines of communication with them, ask them more about their pain points, this will help you understand them better. 
  1. Keep the content shared relevant – You don’t want a prospect to lose interest because you have shared one too many irrelevant resources with them. Also, often sales reps end up overshooting their value proposition. The subject matter, flow, tone all of these things matter! Strategically create and share content that nudges your leads towards your offerings. For example, if a lead is interested in buying your CRM software, and they aren’t convinced. You can share a case study with them from their own industry. 
  1. Apply a conversational approach – Leads are more likely to be responsive if you encourage a two-way conversation. Open dialogue keeps prospects engaged, allowing your sales team to learn more about their needs in a casual space. Avoid the traditional sales pitch at all costs! 
  1. Keep your leads warm – Even after a conversation with a prospect that has expressed an interest, he or she may still not be sales-ready. But because they are already interested, you should keep them warm. The general rule of thumb suggests that a prospect usually sees or hears from you at least 7 times before converting. Following up is very important. Keep them informed and let them know that you are always available for any questions or when they are ready to move to the next step, show them that you care.
  1. Ask the big question! (the sale) – Asking for a sale is a crucial part of the conversion process. You would think that this is common sense but an alarming number of people don’t ask for the sale. Remember this, if your leads didn’t have a genuine interest in buying your product they wouldn’t have made it this far into the sales funnel. Ask before your competitors do! 
  1. Follow-up – It is essential to keep your leads in ‘purchase mode’ by either following up via an email or a phone call. You don’t want too much time to pass. All of the leads you generate and consider to be high-quality, should be contacted immediately and followed up a few days later. You want to ensure you reach out to them during the period they may be having doubts right before making a purchase. 
  1. Strike while the iron is hot – Don’t wait around too long to reach out to your leads! It’s a competitive and abundant market out there. If your assessment reveals that the lead has enough awareness and interest, contact them as soon as possible (interest levels can drop drastically even after an hour). Your team can come up with an internal process for following up on leads. 
  1. Make a good impression – A number of studies have revealed that leads are more likely to convert into customers if they don’t feel rushed. Every lead you reach out to should feel individually respected and remembered. This not only favors you in the sales sense but also leaves a good impression on the lead about your company. 

Prospecting for sales manually is long drawn out and often monotonous. It takes up too much of your valuable time, time that you can use for other sales activities that could drive profits. 80% of marketers agree that marketing automation generates more leads. Lead generation software automates your prospecting process from the start to finish. Your marketing team is able to seamlessly create targeted campaigns that bring in high-quality leads. 

If you’re anything like the 34% of marketers that find lead prospecting and qualification a tough job, then you could benefit from a lead generation tool. 


Which of the following lead generation methods is most likely to product hot leads

Saleshandy is a cold emailing tool that is perfect for your lead generation activities. Through the use of Saleshandy, you can easily reach out to multiple prospects and even create a unique follow-up cycle for them. Saleshandy’s features support all lead generation activities, from automated follow-ups, A/B testing, inbox warm-up, and more. Let’s delve into some of the most important lead generation features: 

Automated Follow-Ups 

Which of the following lead generation methods is most likely to product hot leads

Did you know that leads are 9x more likely to convert when businesses follow up within 5 minutes? With Saleshandy you can create a unique email sequence that consists of a variety of time-based follow-ups. The smart technology also allows you to set up trigger action-based follow-ups. So for instance, if a prospect has opened and engaged with your email, it will automatically send out the corresponding email set for that trigger. Worried about reaching your prospects at the wrong time? Schedule follow-ups in their time zones. 

Prospect Email List Verification

Which of the following lead generation methods is most likely to product hot leads

One of the worst things to happen to you during your lead gen process would be a bounced email. Saleshandy verifies all of the emails on your list, so you can avoid hard and soft bounces. The bounce guard technology pauses your sequences if there is an indication of bounces for you to check and then resume the sequence manually. 

AI-powered Email Assistant 

Which of the following lead generation methods is most likely to product hot leads

Unsure if your content is appealing enough for leads? With the AI-powered email assistant, you can get real-time suggestions to help you write better emails. The email assistant also lets you of other important attributes such as the spamminess of the content, subject length, amount of personalization, and the appropriate number of links inserted. 


Which of the following lead generation methods is most likely to product hot leads

We all know and understand the importance of personalization in emails. Whether it’s the email body or the subject line, personalization is everything. But personalizing each email for every lead? Yes, it’s possible! With Saleshandy you can use merge tags and insert them anywhere in your email content or subject line, et viola, mass personalization at its best. Simply upload the CSV file containing the information about each prospect in specified columns, and Saleshandy will take care of the rest. 

Advanced Email Analytics & Insights 

Which of the following lead generation methods is most likely to product hot leads

Wouldn’t it be better if you knew how to move ahead with your leads? With the email analytics and insights feature, you can do just that. Deep dive into your email campaigns, and become aware of how leads are interacting with your email whilst simultaneously keeping a keen eye on your campaign performance. Analyze open rates, replies, unsubscribe rates, and link clicks, to optimize your outreach and make data-backed business decisions. 

Other features beneficial for lead generation:

  • Inbox warm up
  • Custom tracking domain
  • A/B testing
  • Email health score and age
  • Preheader text
  • Saleshandy Connect

Saleshandy Connect is an email finder and tracking tool that operates as a Google Chrome extension and effortlessly integrates into your inbox(es). 

Email Finder 

During your lead generation process, especially if you are using the outbound method, you will require verified email addresses of leads. Using Saleshandy Connect you can simply extract the email addresses of individuals through the LinkedIn profile and directly add them to your email sequence or prospect list on Saleshandy. You also have the ability to add extracted email addresses to your CRM software if need be. 

Email Tracking 

Wouldn’t it be awesome if you could reach out to your lead as soon as they open and interact with your email? With the email tracking feature, you can receive real-time desktop notifications each time an email is opened or a link within the body is clicked on. You won’t have to worry about reaching out to leads at the wrong or inconvenient time. Email tracking can also help you understand how leads are engaging with your emails: the number of times links were clicked, the time the email was opened, and how many times it was opened. 


Which of the following lead generation methods is most likely to product hot leads

Unbounce is perfect for creating landing pages that will generate your business numerous leads. One of the best things about Unbounce is that it uses data of 1.5 billion conversions to help you generate on-brand landing pages. If you are also struggling with your landing page content, they provide AI-generated original content in over 30 languages. 


Which of the following lead generation methods is most likely to product hot leads

OptinMonster is the perfect tool for converting returning visitors and gaining leads on your website. With OptinMonster you can create opt-in forms, exit pop-ups, in-line call to actions, floating bars, slide-in scroll boxes, welcome mats, and much more! The tool is also perfect for keeping track of your conversions. 

  • Leadfeeder

Which of the following lead generation methods is most likely to product hot leads

Leadfeeder is a B2B lead generation software that is perfect for analyzing website visitors. You can uncover how visitors got to your website, which pages they are engaging with, and the names of users/companies visiting your website. Leadfeeder easily allows you to manage new leads by allowing you to directly export them into your CRM software. It also offers multiple integrations with Google Analytics, MailChimp, Pipedrive, Salesforce, and more. 

Wrapping Up 

Generating tons of leads can be tough but in the long run, it pays off. Always remember the importance of high-quality leads as they can benefit your business the most. Acquiring and then losing a lead isn’t favorable either. There is a wide range of methods available to acquire leads, find the correct channel for your business and use the information mentioned in this guide. 

Your leads are your future customers, so it is critical that you invest a good amount of effort, resources, and time towards acquiring quality leads.

Good luck! 


What are the leads in lead generation?

Lead generation is the process of gaining the interest of potential customers in order to increase future sales. It is a crucial part of the sales process of many companies. A lead is anyone who has shown interest in a company's products or services but may not yet be qualified to buy.

What is lead generation methods?

Lead generation is the process of attracting prospects to your business and increasing their interest through nurturing, all with the end goal of converting them into a customer. Some ways to generate leads are through job applications, blog posts, coupons, live events, and online content.

What is cold lead generation?

Cold leads are people or businesses who have shown little to no interest in your products and services. Most of the time, you might have gotten their number or email address from the web, or they might have signed up on your landing page in exchange for a resource, like an ebook.

How can I generate leads quickly?

Here are five foolproof ways to generate leads for your business:.
Facebook Ads. Facebook ads are one of the best ways to drive leads. ... .
Personalized email marketing. ... .
Discounts and coupons. ... .
High-value content. ... .
Referral Partnerships..