Which theory most clearly emphasizes the importance of homeostasis in motivation?

In the context of hunger motivation, an "external" person is an individual: a. who is particularly sensitive to the social norm of slimness. b. whose basal metabolic rate is more sensitive to exercise than to internal factors. c. whose dieting can be maintained only by external, social support. d. whose eating is triggered more by the presence of food stimuli than by internal factors. a. women who reported masturbating before marriage typically had difficulties experiencing orgasm after marriage. b. a majority of married women reported that they had never had an orgasm. c. a majority of both women and men reported that they masturbated. d. all the above were true. a. the sexual desire of human females is much higher at the time of ovulation than at other times in the menstrual cycle. b. male sex offenders typically have lower-than-normal testosterone levels. c. adult males who suffer castration experience a decline in their sex drive. d. sexual interests are aroused by decreased...

15.Which theory most clearly emphasizes the importance of homeostasis in motivation?A)instinct theoryB)drive-reduction theoryC)arousal theoryD)hierarchy of needs theory

17.Which of the following is most clearly NOT an example of an incentive?

18.The influence of personal and cultural experience on our wants and desires can mostclearly be seen in the influence of ________ on motivation.

19.A thick, juicy hamburger is to hunger as ________ is to ________.A)need; driveB)incentive; driveC)homeostasis; thirst

D)incentive; instinct20.Internal push is to external pull as ________ is to ________.

21.Lessening of internal tension would be most closely associated with which theory ofmotivation?

22.“A monetary bonus is obviously the best way to motivate someoneto do a great job andtake pride in their work.” This statement best illustrates the concept of ________ inmotivation.

23.The arousal theory of motivation would be most useful for explaining an infant's urge toA)cry.B)sleep.C)eat.D)explore.

24.Which theory best explains why “sensation seekers” are motivated to engage in riskyrecreational behaviors such as mountain climbing?

25.The arousal theory of motivation would be most helpful for explaining why

D)sexually active teens learn to practice effective birth control.26.The desire to avoid stress is to ________ theory as the desire to avoid boredom is to________ theory.

24. Which theory most clearly emphasizes the importance of homeostasis in motivation?a. drive-reduction theoryb. instinct theory

c. arousal theoryd. incentive theory

Which theory most clearly emphasizes the importance of homeostasis in motivation?

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Which theory emphasizes the importance of homeostasis in motivation?

According to drive-reduction theory, humans are motivated to satisfy physiological needs in order to maintain homeostasis.

Which theory of motivation emphasizes genetically predisposed behaviors?

Instinct theory (evolutionary perspective) focuses on genetically predisposed behaviors for all members of a given species. Drive-reduction theory focuses on the motivation to maintain homeostasis by satisfying basic biological needs.

Which theory would be most likely to predict that rats are motivated?

Which theory would be most likely to predict that rats are motivated to explore precisely those areas of an experimental maze where they receive mild electrical shocks? Arousal theory.

Which theory of motivation would be most useful for understanding the aversive effects of boredom?

The arousal theory of motivation would be most useful for understanding the aversive effects of: boredom. The most basic or lowest-level need in Maslow's hierarchy of human motives includes the need for: food and water.