Xiaomi mi noise canceling đánh giá năm 2024

Cám ơn quý khách đã quan tâm và truy cập vào website. Chúng tôi tôn trọng và cam kết sẽ bảo mật những thông tin mang tính riêng tư của Quý khách.

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Bảo vệ dữ liệu cá nhân và gây dựng được niềm tin cho quý khách là vấn đề rất quan trọng với chúng tôi. Vì vậy, chúng tôi sẽ dùng tên và các thông tin khác liên quan đến quý khách tuân thủ theo nội dung của Chính sách bảo mật. Chúng tôi chỉ thu thập những thông tin cần thiết liên quan đến giao dịch mua bán.

Chúng tôi sẽ giữ thông tin của khách hàng trong thời gian luật pháp quy định hoặc cho mục đích nào đó. Quý khách có thể truy cập vào website và trình duyệt mà không cần phải cung cấp chi tiết cá nhân. Lúc đó, Quý khách đang ẩn danh và chúng tôi không thể biết bạn là ai nếu Quý khách không đăng nhập vào tài khoản của mình.

1. Thu thập thông tin cá nhân

- Chúng tôi thu thập, lưu trữ và xử lý thông tin của bạn cho quá trình mua hàng và cho những thông báo sau này liên quan đến đơn hàng, và để cung cấp dịch vụ, bao gồm một số thông tin cá nhân: danh hiệu, tên, giới tính, ngày sinh, email, địa chỉ, địa chỉ giao hàng, số điện thoại, fax, chi tiết thanh toán, chi tiết thanh toán bằng thẻ hoặc chi tiết tài khoản ngân hàng.

- Chúng tôi sẽ dùng thông tin quý khách đã cung cấp để xử lý đơn đặt hàng, cung cấp các dịch vụ và thông tin yêu cầu thông qua website và theo yêu cầu của bạn.

- Hơn nữa, chúng tôi sẽ sử dụng các thông tin đó để quản lý tài khoản của bạn; xác minh và thực hiện giao dịch trực tuyến, nhận diện khách vào web, nghiên cứu nhân khẩu học, gửi thông tin bao gồm thông tin sản phẩm và dịch vụ. Nếu quý khách không muốn nhận bất cứ thông tin tiếp thị của chúng tôi thì có thể từ chối bất cứ lúc nào.

- Chúng tôi có thể chuyển tên và địa chỉ cho bên thứ ba để họ giao hàng cho bạn (ví dụ cho bên chuyển phát nhanh hoặc nhà cung cấp).

- Chi tiết đơn đặt hàng của bạn được chúng tôi lưu giữ nhưng vì lí do bảo mật nên chúng tôi không công khai trực tiếp được. Tuy nhiên, quý khách có thể tiếp cận thông tin bằng cách đăng nhập tài khoản trên web. Tại đây, quý khách sẽ thấy chi tiết đơn đặt hàng của mình, những sản phẩm đã nhận và những sản phẩm đã gửi và chi tiết email, ngân hàng và bản tin mà bạn đặt theo dõi dài hạn.

- Quý khách cam kết bảo mật dữ liệu cá nhân và không được phép tiết lộ cho bên thứ ba. Chúng tôi không chịu bất kỳ trách nhiệm nào cho việc dùng sai mật khẩu nếu đây không phải lỗi của chúng tôi.

- Chúng tôi có thể dùng thông tin cá nhân của bạn để nghiên cứu thị trường. mọi thông tin chi tiết sẽ được ẩn và chỉ được dùng để thống kê. Quý khách có thể từ chối không tham gia bất cứ lúc nào.

2. Bảo mật

- Chúng tôi có biện pháp thích hợp về kỹ thuật và an ninh để ngăn chặn truy cập trái phép hoặc trái pháp luật hoặc mất mát hoặc tiêu hủy hoặc thiệt hại cho thông tin của bạn.

- Chúng tôi khuyên quý khách không nên đưa thông tin chi tiết về việc thanh toán với bất kỳ ai bằng e-mail, chúng tôi không chịu trách nhiệm về những mất mát quý khách có thể gánh chịu trong việc trao đổi thông tin của quý khách qua internet hoặc email.

- Quý khách tuyệt đối không sử dụng bất kỳ chương trình, công cụ hay hình thức nào khác để can thiệp vào hệ thống hay làm thay đổi cấu trúc dữ liệu. Nghiêm cấm việc phát tán, truyền bá hay cổ vũ cho bất kỳ hoạt động nào nhằm can thiệp, phá hoại hay xâm nhập vào dữ liệu của hệ thống website. Mọi vi phạm sẽ bị tước bỏ mọi quyền lợi cũng như sẽ bị truy tố trước pháp luật nếu cần thiết.

- Mọi thông tin giao dịch sẽ được bảo mật nhưng trong trường hợp cơ quan pháp luật yêu cầu, chúng tôi sẽ buộc phải cung cấp những thông tin này cho các cơ quan pháp luật.

Các điều kiện, điều khoản và nội dung của trang web này được điều chỉnh bởi luật pháp Việt Nam và tòa án Việt Nam có thẩm quyền xem xét.

3. Quyền lợi khách hàng

- Quý khách có quyền yêu cầu truy cập vào dữ liệu cá nhân của mình, có quyền yêu cầu chúng tôi sửa lại những sai sót trong dữ liệu của bạn mà không mất phí. Bất cứ lúc nào bạn cũng có quyền yêu cầu chúng tôi ngưng sử dụng dữ liệu cá nhân của bạn cho mục đích tiếp thị.

| Balanced Armature | Dynamic Driver | Active Noise Cancelling |

? We are reviewing the Xiaomi Mi Noise Cancelling Type-C Headphones and running them through our in-depth sound test run to share with our readers their performance with this Xiaomi Mi Noise Cancelling Type-C Headphones Review

The Xiaomi Mi Noise Cancelling Type-C Headphones features an hybrid configuration with 1 dynamic driver and 1 balanced armature and also have active noise cancelling built-in. You might have already read our reviews of other Xiaomi’s hybrid in-ear headphones and have found out that the most of them sounded great, so we have good hopes for the Xiaomi Mi Noise Cancelling Type-C Headphones.

Nowadays there are plenty of hybrid earphones at ultra budget prices such as the KZ ZS6, KZ ZS5, KZ ZST, KZ ES3, Xiaomi In-Ear Headphones Pro, Xiaomi Mi Pro HD and Senfer 4in1 but the most rare thing about the Xiaomi Mi Noise Cancelling Type-C Headphones is that in addition of having an hybrid configuration, they also provide Active Noise Cancelling technology.

If looking at the differences of the Xiaomi Mi Noise Cancelling Type-C Headphones vs Xiaomi Mi In-Ear Headphones Pro, both are hybrid earphones with 1 balanced armature and 1 dynamic driver but the Xiaomi Mi Noise Cancelling Type-C Headphones have ANC while the other does not. Instead with the Xiaomi Mi Noise Cancelling Type-C Headphones vs Xiaomi Mi Pro HD, the Mi Pro HD does not offer ANC technology but has a triple driver configuration with 2 dynamic drivers and 1 balanced armature. Moreover, there is a key differentiating point between the aforementioned Xiaomi’s models; the Xiaomi Mi Noise Cancelling Type-C Headphones was built by TiinLab while the other two were made by 1MORE. Most if not all previous in-ear headphones sold by Xiaomi were built by 1MORE so this could be a new era for new upcoming Xiaomi headphones.

MORE: 1MORE In-Ear Headphones Reviews

Hybrid ANC in-ear headphones are not easily found; not even the “king of Active Noise Cancelling” (Bose QuietComfort20) earphones offer this configuration. By looking at the Xiaomi Mi Noise Cancelling Type-C Headphones vs Bose QuietComfort20 it is not only found that the Xiaomi’s are hybrid earphones and the Bose’s are not, also the Xiaomi’s do not have a battery pack like the Bose’s.

The Xiaomi Mi Noise Cancelling Type-C Headphones obtain their power to drive the active noise cancelling from the USB Type-C connection (therefore from your device), the positive advantage is that you do not need to worry about charging your earphone and that the active noise cancelling switch section is more than 10 times smaller than the Bose’s. The Xiaomi Mi Noise Cancelling Type-C Headphones durability is excellent with robust metal housings that give the sensation of being able to withstand for a long time.

The cables are rounded and use a half-braided and half-ruberrized design, the cable part from the USB Type-C up to the ANC module is braided and the remaining section is the rubberized one. The Active Noise Cancelling module holds also a 3-button control that allows to control volume and skip songs/play/pause and answer/reject calls, also this part is the cable bifurcation section. On the rubberizes section of the cable corresponding to the right earpiece a very small cylindrical microphone is found. All the aforementioned sections are constructed in metal with a pearled finish.

The Xiaomi Mi Noise Cancelling Type-C Headphones is officially compatible with Xiaomi Smartphones that have a USB Type-C connection other devices with a Type-C connection are not officially guaranteed to be 100% compatible, the headphones will most probably work but the main issues could arise with the Active Noise Cancelling function. We have tested them through a USB Type-C to USB 3.0 connected to any USB 3.0 PC port and the Xiaomi Mi Noise Cancelling Type-C Headphones were 100% compatible with all the PC’s and laptops in our HQ, even the ANC worked flawlessly.

Xiaomi also launched a standard 3.5mm mini stereo plug version of the Xiaomi Mi Noise Cancelling Type-C Headphones which can be used and connected to any smartphone, tablet, device with a classic headphone jack connection and has a 3-driver hybrid configuration.

You can buy the Xiaomi Mi Noise Cancelling Type-C Headphones in:

  • Xiaomi Mi Noise Cancelling Type-C Headphones Black
  • Xiaomi Mi Noise Cancelling Type-C Headphones Silver White

Instead, you can buy the Xiaomi Mi Noise Cancelling model with a normal headphone jack and a triple hybrid driver configuration in:

  • Xiaomi Mi Noise Cancelling Hybrid with 3.5mm plug Black

FIND ALL: Earphones Scores Compared

MORE: In-Ear Headphones Reviews

SEE ALSO: Headphones Technical Specifications

Xiaomi Mi Noise Cancelling Type-C Headphones – Cable (1)

Xiaomi Mi Noise Cancelling Type-C Headphones – Cable

Xiaomi Mi Noise Cancelling Type-C Headphones – Cable

Xiaomi Mi Noise Cancelling Type-C Headphones – Cable

Xiaomi Mi Noise Cancelling Type-C Headphones – Cable

Xiaomi Mi Noise Cancelling Type-C Headphones – Cable


Advancec Features

The Xiaomi Mi Noise Cancelling Type-C Headphones have one main advanced feature, their active noise cancelling function.

Saying that the Xiaomi Mi Noise Cancelling Type-C Headphones have an ANC function is not a fake “noise cancelling” marketing statement. Instead, the Xiaomi Mi Noise Cancelling Type-C Headphones feature a truly active noise cancellation module and circuitry that is enabled by switching a button.

When the active noise cancellation function is turned on, a discrete blue led will be seen on the ANC/remote control module.

Xiaomi Mi Noise Cancelling Type-C Headphones - Review

Tests & Scores



Xiaomi Mi Noise Cancelling Type-C Headphones weight in Ounces and Xiaomi Mi Noise Cancelling Type-C Headphones weight in grams.

Xiaomi Mi Noise Cancelling Type-C Headphones – Weight

Xiaomi Mi Noise Cancelling Type-C Headphones – Weight

MORE: In-Ear Headphones Weight Comparison

SEE ALSO: Earphones Size Comparison


Accessories & Packaging

The earphone come inside a clean white packaging after unboxing the Xiaomi Mi Noise Cancelling Type-C Headphones you will find a hard storage/carrying case (a classic style of packaging that we have seen provided with the Xiaomi Mi Pro HD and even the 1MORE Piston Classic In-Ear Headphones), 3 pair of eartips and a soft carrying pouch.


Xiaomi Mi Noise Cancelling Type-C Headphones – Accessories


Bass & Sub Bass

The Xiaomi Mi Noise Cancelling Type-C Headphones have enough punch in their mid-bass and good sub-bass depth with energetic punch and depth but at the same time is not exaggerated or boomy. Overall their bass will cover any genre without issues but will keep a balanced amount of bass without muffling all the listening experience. If you are used to heavy bass centered earphones the Xiaomi Mi Noise Cancelling Type-C Headphones could feel a bit short of bass but really they are just not overdone.

Applying an EQ, their mid-bass gets noticeably punchier and sub-bass becomes insanely deep.

You already know our reviews and might be expecting the results of Xiaomi Mi Noise Cancelling Type-C Headphones standardized extreme basshead sound tests results, unfortunately we did not put them through this tests as the Active Noise Cancelling circuitry could potentially get fried by the huge amount of amplification that we feed to them with a Fiio E12 Mont Blanc.


MORE: Earphones Amplification Power Comparison

MORE: Best Basshead Earphones

SEE ALSO: Best Fun Sounding Earphones Chart


Mids & Vocals

The Xiaomi Mi Noise Cancelling Type-C Headphone’s mids are excellent, not rolled off, with absolutely clear lower vocals and no mid-bass bleed. Lower vocals are energetic and alive with no muddy or congested sound. Higher mids are crisp but if very strong peaks are reached they can become harsh.

With an EQ lower vocals can be pushed up a bit (truly they do not need any help on the lower mids) and will respond perfectly, higher mids dBs can be reduced by a very small amount and harsh higher mids will disappear.



Highs & Treble

The Xiaomi Mi Noise Cancelling Type-C Headphone’s highs are bright with slight detail resolved. Piercing highs are present but not extremely strong, sibilance can be perceived but it is not exrusiantingly terrible (it will depend to each ones tolerance to sibilance) Overall their highs are very good besides the not so great detail level.

An EQ adds a good amount of extra brightness and mostly detail is revealed and resolved; piercing highs become stronger and sibilance too strong and frequent.


Xiaomi Mi Noise Cancelling Type-C Headphones


Sound Leak

The sound that leaks out of the Xiaomi Mi Noise Cancelling Type-C Headphones is higher than many average earphones, probably they will not be the perfect match for people planning to use them exclusive in libraries. The sound level that leaks out is not outrageous by any means it will simply be heard easier by nearby people if you set a high volume while listening to your music.



Sound Isolation

Noise isolation (passive) is quite good, better than most average earphones in a substantially perceivable level. Moderate to low levels of volume can be set and the Xiaomi Mi Noise Cancelling Type-C Headphones will still provide a fairly effective level of isolation.

Besides the classic passive sound isolation that any earphone can provide, the Xiaomi Mi Noise Cancelling Type-C Headphones have an active noise cancelling system that will actively reduce the perception of surrounding noises, this technology is extremely effective for noises inside airplane cabins and constant sounds with lower sound frequencies, voices of people chatting or babies crying are not efficiently reduced by any Active Noise Cancelling technology to date.

When turning on the active noise cancellation of the Xiaomi Mi Noise Cancelling Type-C Headphones it will provide a clear difference of the level of noise perceived but remember to level up your expectations to what is reachable by ANC technology nowadays. If you use it for airplane trips or while traveling in trains you will get the most noticeable noise cancelling. From our measurements the Xiaomi Mi Noise Cancelling Type-C Headphones offered as much as 18dB of reduction at their most efficient frequencies response and as low as 6dB on their least effective ones.


Xiaomi Mi Noise Cancelling Type-C Headphones



The resemblance in shape and form factor to other Xiaomi models such as the Xiaomi Mi Hybrid Pro HD, Xiaomi Mi Piston Fresh Edition, Xiaomi Mi-In Ear Headphone Pro, Xiaomi Mi Piston Basic Edition and with their angled nozzles and narrowing back section of the housings make the Xiaomi Mi Noise Cancelling Type-C Headphones extremely easy to place and handle, they also provide a secure fit that is not uncomfortable nor painful. You can wear them for as long as you want and will never have comfort issues.



Response to Equalization

The Xiaomi Mi Noise Cancelling Type-C Headphones had an outstanding response to almost every custom EQ that we applied. Bass could transform from a balanced style to a highly energetic and insanely deep bass style. Lower mids could be bumped up (don’t need it) without getting boxy and higher mids harshness could be highly reduced. Highs gained substantial brightness and added a very welcomed amount of detail but sibilant and piercing highs went out of control becoming too strong.


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  • Accessories - 10/10
  • Design - 10/10
  • Bass - 8/10
  • Mids - 8/10
  • Highs - 7.75/10
  • Sound Leak - 6.5/10
  • Sound Isolation - 8.5/10
  • Comfort - 10/10
  • Response to EQ - 9/10
  • Value for Money - 10/10




✅ Excellent bass with the right amount of energy, punch and depth without boomy or muddy overall sound

✅ Greatly clear sounding mids and lower vocals

✅ Bright highs with an overall non-congested sound signature

✅ Active Noise Cancelling + Hybrid configuration at a ridiculously low price

✅ Highly efficient response to EQ

✅ Elegant and stylish design

✅ Extremely comfortable


❌ Sound leak might be slightly worse than an average earphone

❌ Sibilance is perceivable and piercing highs can be reached too

❌ Harshy higher mids peaks can happen but can be substantially reduced with an EQ


The Xiaomi Mi Noise Cancelling Type-C Headphones are excellent earphones that showed a great overall performance and offer an unique combination of hybrid configuration and Active Noise Cancellation packed at a very friendly price. Sound quality was overall very well achieved with strong but not overdone bass, very clear mids and bright highs. Due to their excellent comfort, strong fit, three button control + mic and active noise cancelling the Xiaomi Mi Noise Cancelling Type-C Headphones are now part of the Best Daily Commute Earphones Chart. The Xiaomi Mi Noise Cancelling Type-C Headphones can be safely recommended to anybody looking for a stylish and good sounding in-ear headphone that offers Active Noise Cancellation or to Xiaomi fans looking for a Xiaomi hybrid style of sound with the addition of ANC technology. The only people that might have to think twice before getting them are treble sensitive people.


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Xiaomi Mi Noise Cancelling Type-C Headphones

TypeHybrid + Active Noise CancellingDriver Unit1 Balanced Armature + 1 Dynamic DriverSensitivity113dB/mWPower Capacity5mWImpedance32 ohmsFrequency Response20-40,000HzDiaphragmUnknownMagnetN/ACordY-type, round cordCord Length1.25mPlugUSB Type-CWeightApprox. 20gSupplied Accessories3x Earphone tips; hard storage/carrying case; soft carrying pouch

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Xiaomi Mi Noise Cancelling Type-C Headphones

Xiaomi Mi Noise Cancelling Type-C Headphones – Cable

Xiaomi Mi Noise Cancelling Type-C Headphones – Cable

Xiaomi Mi Noise Cancelling Type-C Headphones – Cable

Xiaomi Mi Noise Cancelling Type-C Headphones – Cable

Xiaomi Mi Noise Cancelling Type-C Headphones – Cable

Xiaomi Mi Noise Cancelling Type-C Headphones – Cable (1)

Xiaomi Mi Noise Cancelling Type-C Headphones – Accessories

Xiaomi Mi Noise Cancelling Type-C Headphones – Weight

Xiaomi Mi Noise Cancelling Type-C Headphones – Weight

Xiaomi Mi Noise Cancelling Type-C Headphones


We highly discourage anyone from trying to apply our testings to your own earphones, the risk of damaging or permanently breaking your iems is absolutely probable to happen. With our standardized equalization and amplification tests we push the limits of the earphones to the extreme. If anyway you decide to do so, we cannot be held responsible of the damage done to your equipment. Do it at your own risk.

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