Advantages and disadvantages of robots IELTS


  • Advantages and Disadvantages of Robots

    Robots Alive In today's society, robots come in different types and qualities, and robots’ use was mainly in the laboratories and factories; however, that has drastically changed where their uses are changing at a high speed. In addition to that, they have spread throughout the world. The main function of robots is to replace the work that people used to do, or perform tasks that man cannot. A robot is a mechanical or virtual device that uses a computer program, or electronic circuitry, to carry out its functions.

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  • Artificial Intelligence Essay

    For many years robots have been used in factories and manufacturing processes to help humans do simple jobs. In the past robots were used for huge tasks such as in the production of a car by welding it or painting it. The future of robots in factories and manufacturing lies in the change of their utility. Robots are now being developed to do small tasks that take a high rate of precision. They also are being made to be smaller and easily reprogrammable, so they can do more than just one task in a singular location. The transition of robots taking a bigger role in the manufacturing process which forces out human workers is because of the reliability of having a consistent worker. Infosys an AI research company states, “ With robots attaining greater degrees of sensitivity in their touch capabilities, savvy manufactures are embracing robotics in greater volume to increase efficiency and work rates on production, picking and packing lines” (Limited, 2017) With robots becoming more advanced and cheaper to buy and operate many businesses have switched to robotics instead of workers. Robots can work continuously without stopping for a lunch break or to go home every 8 hours. In areas of the world that have high wages, robots are becoming an easy way for companies to cut cost by firing human employees they no longer need. They do not require a lot of training, which is an added cost to a company every time they hire a new human employee. Robots can also take over jobs that are dangerous for a human to do and perform the task at a higher success rate as well. In February of 2017 an article written by Kristin Houser explained how, a precision technology company in China replaced 90% of human employees with robots and saw 250% increase in production. A few of the issues with robots include the time needed to integrate and program

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  • I Robot

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    I Robot

    Artificial Intelligence, also known as AI, allows a machine to function as if the machine has the capability to think like a human. While we are not expecting any hovering cars anytime soon, artificial intelligence is projected to have a major impact on the labor force and will likely replace about half the workforce in the United States in the decades to come. The research in artificial intelligence is advancing rapidly at an unstoppable rate. So while many people feel threatened by the possibility of a robot taking over their job, computer scientists actually propose that robots would benefit a country’s efficiency of production, allowing individuals to reap the benefits of the robots. For the advantage of all, researchers and analysts have begun to mend the past ideas of human-robot interaction. They have pulled inspiration from literary works of Isaac Asimov whom many saw as the first roboticist ahead of his time, and have also gotten ideas of scholarly research done by expert analysts. These efforts have began to create an idea of a work force where humans and robots work together in harmony, on a daily basis.

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  • The Development of The Robots

    The development of the robot is being produced to look and behave like a human. It is with these characteristics that humans will relate to and probably trust to manage our own personal needs. Cleaning, cooking, managing the children are all possibilities with the advancements being made in robotics. Much like the dishwasher that was very popular in in the 70‘s where most homes, we are heading in the direction that personal robots will also be like an appliance we can’t live without. They will also be common in Hospitals, Schools and the Military along with performing tasks that we humans can’t perform or don’t want to.

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  • Robots Essay

    With the development of technology in the world, people are faced with many things they never saw and knew before. In this modern life, technology has affected a lot of people’s lives in many levels. Robots are considered as important products of technology. Robots were introduced by a writer, Karel Čapek, from the Czech word, robota, meaning “forced labor” or “serf”. Čapek used this word in his play, R.U.R. (Rossum's Universal Robots) which opened in Prague in January, 1921, a play in which an Englishman named Rossum mass-produced automata. The automata, robots, are meant to do the world’s work and to make a better life for humans; but in the end they rebel, wipe out humanity, and start a new race of intelligent life for the robots themselves (Asimov, 1984). Robot does not have a specific definition itself, every dictionary has a slightly different definition. “Deciding if a machine is or is not a robot is like trying to decide if a certain shade of greenish blue is truly blue or not blue,” said Carlo Bertocchini, the owner of “Some people will call it blue while others will vote not blue,” (Branwyn, 2004). This essay will limit the meaning of robot as what defined in the Merriam Webster Dictionary (2004), robot is a machine that looks and acts like a human being, an efficient but insensitive person, a device that automatically performs especially repetitive tasks, and something guided by automatic controls. As the technology grows more modern each day, scientists and programmers are creating and improving the function of robots. Nevertheless, many people are still debating should robots be developed more and should robots be used in everyday life. I disagree that the further development of robots should be remain...

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  • Analysis Of Better Than Humans: Why Robots For The Better

    We live in a time where technology is at the center of our society. We use technology on a daily basis, for the simplest tasks, or to aid us in our jobs, and don’t give a second thought to whether these tools are actually helping us. Writers such as Kevin Kelly and Clive Thompson argue that the use of technology actually helps us humans; whiles writers such as Nicholas Carr argue that technology affects people’s abilities to learn information negatively.

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  • History and Development of Robotics

    This paper discusses three aspects of the field of robotics The first is the history of where the ideas of robotics originated. Second, what was the effect that these ideas had on society? Finally, what developments in the field have proved to be useful to society?

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  • Industrial Robots and Manufacturing Automation

    The number of robots used in industry increases every year as more companies realize their many benefits. Robots are the future of the manufacturing industry. As the performance and flexibility of robots increases and their prices continue to drop, many companies will uses these added incentives to invest in the future. Soon every company that has an application for a robot will be forced to invest in one, to stay competitive in the world market.

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  • Robots

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    Robots have many tasks to accomplish in the world, from doing work to playing with humans. Generally, there are few types of robots for these jobs. There are general-purpose robots used to do many functions like walking around or talking to people. Some of these can move by themselves, and some of them try to mimic humans. Robots are also used to work rapidly and efficiently. Factory robots are usually cheaper than human workers, and they can work more efficiently. They can assemble...

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  • Robots are Over-taking Us

    Robots are machines that can do the work of a person and that work automatically or are controlled by a computer (Merriam-Webster, 2014). The Robot Institute of America (circa 1979) defines robots as “a reprogrammable, multifunctional manipulator designed to move material, parts, tools, or specialized devices through various programmed motions for the performance of a variety of tasks” (Branwyn, G.). The Japanese Industrial Robot Association (JIRA) has classified robots based on the following: manually operated manipulators, sequential manipulators, programmable manipulators, numerically controlled robots, sensate robots, adaptive robots, smart robots, and intelligent mechatronic systems (Branwyn, G.). Robots have been improved over time and have proven to be efficient because the computer is controlling them. The history of robots goes as far back as the Ancient Greeks and Romans for the use of toys, tool...

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What is the advantages and disadvantages of robots?

In many situations robots can increase productivity, efficiency, quality and consistency of products: Unlike humans, robots don't get bored. Until they wear out, they can do the same thing again and again. They can be very accurate – to fractions of an inch (as is needed for example in manufacturing of microelectronics ...

What are 5 disadvantages of robots?

Disadvantages of robots Robots need a supply of power, The people can lose jobs in factories, They need maintenance to keep them running, It costs a lot of money to make or buy robots, and the software and the equipment that you need to use with the robot cost much money.

What are 3 advantages of robots?

Robots produce more accurate and high quality work. Robots rarely make mistakes and are more precise than human workers. They can produce a greater quantity in a short amount of time. They can work at a constant speed with no breaks, days off, or holiday time.

What are two disadvantages of robots?

Dangerous:- Robots can also be dangerous to humans when they malfunction or designed to work for warfare and some of the countries have already started using robots in wars in various forms. Emotionless:- Robots can never interact like humans, as they lack empathy, which is one of the disadvantages of robotics.

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