All of the following are causes of resistance to change except

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  • Ch15 supervisory

Ch15 Supervisory

by g1133859, Dec. 2010

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All of the following are causes of resistance to change except

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All of the following are causes of resistance to change except
All of the following are causes of resistance to change except

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The reasons that people resist change include all of the following EXCEPT FOR:

D. threat to ego.

Internal forces that create a need for change for a supervisor include the following EXCEPT FOR:

C. government regulations.

All of the following are characteristics of an innovative culture EXCEPT:

D. closed systems focus.

Outside consultants hired by an organization to provide advice and assistance for major system-wide changes may be at a disadvantage because they have an inadequate understanding of the organization's:

E. All of these.

Resistance to change can be reduced through communication with employees to help them see the logic of the change.

A. True

The easiest type of resistance to change for supervisors to deal with is when it is implicit or deferred.

B. False

In the traditional change process, unfreezing the equilibrium state can be achieved by the following ways EXCEPT FOR:

C. not combining the increase of driving forces with the decrease of restraining forces.

The type of view of change that takes into consideration that environments are both uncertain and dynamic is the:

D. contemporary view

Resistance to change can surface in the following forms for a supervisor EXCEPT FOR:

C. covert

Innovations are evaluative statements or judgments concerning objects, people or events.

B. False

The process of turning a creative idea into a useful product or service, or method of operation is called:

E. innovation

According to the change process model, successful change requires unfreezing the status quo, changing to a new state, and refreezing the new change to make it permanent.

A. True

Techniques to overcome resistance to change include all of the following EXCEPT FOR:

D. announcing change in the newspaper.

Cultural variables that foster innovation include all of the following EXCEPT FOR:

E. closed systems focus.

Ways to overcome resistance to change include all of the following EXCEPT:

E. do not address employees feelings.

New government regulations, changing social and political trends, new tax laws, and changes in labor market conditions have no effect on supervisors' roles in the organization.

B. False

One of the most well-documented findings in the study of people at work is that individuals:

B. resist change.

When a supervisor, in cooperation with company officials, make sweeping changes in his or her department, that effort is frequently called:

E. organization development.

Innovative organizations tend to have similar cultures.

A. True

The ability to combine ideas in a unique way or to make unusual associations between ideas is:

B. creativity

In an organization with an innovative culture you will find an environment with the following low controls EXCEPT FOR:

E. goals.

Employees often fear any change in their work environment may reduce their:

E. job security or income.

Within the Human Resources category, innovative organizations do all of the following EXCEPT FOR:

E. seek employees that are not creative and resist change.

the ability to combine ideas in a unique way or to make unusual associations between ideas is called:

B. creativity.

External forces that create a need for change for a supervisor include the following EXCEPT FOR:

B. long range plans.

The traditional view of change was appropriate during the calming periods of:

C. 1950s, 1960s, and 1970s.

The type of resistance efforts that are more subtle and difficult for a supervisor to recognize are the:

D. implicit resistance efforts.

Evaluative statements or judgments concerning objects, people, or events is called:

A. attitudes.

Evaluative statements or judgments made by employees concerning objects, people, or events that reflect how people feel about something are their:

A. attitudes.

In an organization with an innovative culture you will find an environment with the following low controls EXCEPT FOR:

E. goals.

Employees often fear any change in their work environment may reduce their:

E. job security or income.

Within the Human Resources category, innovative organizations do all of the following EXCEPT FOR:

E. seek employees that are not creative and resist change.

the ability to combine ideas in a unique way or to make unusual associations between ideas is called:

B. creativity.

External forces that create a need for change for a supervisor include the following EXCEPT FOR:

B. long range plans.

The traditional view of change was appropriate during the calming periods of:

C. 1950s, 1960s, and 1970s.

The type of resistance efforts that are more subtle and difficult for a supervisor to recognize are the:

D. implicit resistance efforts.

Evaluative statements or judgments concerning objects, people, or events is called:

A. attitudes.

Evaluative statements or judgments made by employees concerning objects, people, or events that reflect how people feel about something are their:

A. attitudes.

When employees have not been involved in a change from its beginning, they will usually actively support the change.

B. False

People who act as catalysts and assume the responsibility for overseeing the change process are called:

D. change agents.

Which reason for change attacks a person's ability to be specialized in a skill?

B. Threat to expertise

The following activities would create change in a supervisor's environment EXCEPT FOR:

A. preserving the status quo.

The following are steps in a traditional change process EXCEPT FOR:

B. maintaining complacency.

Many of today's supervisors are having to learn to manage in a world of constant:

E. change.

An employee's attitude has no affect on department morale.

B. False

Innovation can be viewed as a fourfold process that includes all of the following EXCEPT FOR:

B. job design

A pay increase, a new job title, flexible work hours are examples of incentives that can help reduce resistance to change.

A. True

If employees have trust and confidence in you, they're less likely to be threatened by changes you propose.

What are the causes of resistance to change?

6 common reasons for resistance to change.
Lack of trust. One reason for resistance to change is a lack of trust in the leadership team or the company as a whole. ... .
Poor communication. ... .
Emotional response. ... .
Fear of failure. ... .
Surprises. ... .
Constant change..

Which of the following is not a cause for resistance to change?

Increase in performance and productivity is not a symptom of employee resistance to change.

What are the 4 types of organizational resistance to change?

Passive resistance – when employees have negative emotions about change. Aggressive resistance – if resistance against becomes violent. Covert resistance – if no one is open about resistance. Overt resistance – when employees openly resist change.

What are the 3 forms of resistance?

There are three types of resistance, Logical/Rational, Psychological/Emotional, and Sociological. As a person who is facilitating Change, you should expect to experience each of these from employees.