at worlds end là gì - Nghĩa của từ at worlds end

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The World Ends With You is an RPG for the DS, developed by Square Enix. The game takes place in the Shibuya District of Tokyo Japan. The game is greatly based off real world culture and trends in Japan in fashion, food, and other things.

In the game you play as Neku Sakuraba, who wakes up in the busy Shibuya district of Tokyo at the beginning of the game with no memory of who he is or where he came from. It is revealed to him that he is playing the Reaper's Game, a 7 day long game in which he must fulfill various missions to progress onward and win the game. He teams up with his partner to erase Noise, monsters that exist in the Reaper's Game, and to solve different riddles and puzzles laid out by the Reapers.

The game is incredibly unique in many ways. First of being the battle system, in which you fight on dual screens at once. You control Neku with the stylus, using various movements to activate 'pins' he wears which give him 'psychs' or abilities. Neku's partner is controlled with the control pad or alternatively with the ABYX Buttons. A 'Light Puck' travels back and forth which increases the attack of the characters moves the more combos they preform in sync. Occasionally there are slight changes in partner controls, but it overall remains the same layout. The system can be difficult at first, but is actually rather enjoyable once gotten the hang of.

The game has unique brand/infulence system in which if you wear a brand of clothing that is trendy you get bonuses to attack. But if you wear clothes that are out of style, the game employs a penalty on you. Switching brans of clothes and pins to suit your surroundings help, but you are not completely lost if you don't have what's hot at the moment. By wearing clothes and fighting Noise you increase the popularity of the brands you're wearing.

The game also has a system which encourages players to eat to gain attack and defense. The player has several options to reduce Neku's attack and deffence, for added rewards. The game comes in several settings: Easy, Normal, Hard, and Ultimate. The higher the level the higher the enemy attack and defense, but the better the rewards. Chaining battles together, fighting more than one fight in a row, also increases the likeliness of getting better pins. The player can voluntarily reduce Neku's level, decreasing his attack and defense, but increasing rewards.

The story is very compelling, filled with twists and turns you won't see coming. The characters are deep and rich, each with lots of personality, and personality flaws. The story explores problems that all teenagers have, such as fitting in, lonliness, jealousy, and trouble trusting people. Through out the story Neku learns how to put faith in people and trust them, unlike before. Like many Nomura games, the plot focuses on people and how they relate to one another, on both a small and massive scale.

The game was made by the same team that made the international hit Kingdom Hearts. Production for the game began roughly after Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories was complete.

The World Ends Wth You was recieved with high praise for its graphics, soundtrack, storyline, and innovation. It was the second top selling DS game in Japan, and the top selling DS game in the US on the week of its release. The overall reception of the game was very high by game critics, earning a 9/10 from IGN, Gamespot, and GamePro. X-Play, a popular video game rating television show, gave it a 5/5. As of August 2008, the game has sold around 240,000 copies in North America, topping the earlier-released Japanese version.

(Not all of this information may be 100% acurate. Dates and statistics may be slightly off. Most were double checked however. Some of the statements above are opinions of the author and are based on hands on experience.)


The World Ends With You is a revolutionary game unlike anything every before made. It shouldn't be compared with Final Fantasy or Kingdom Hearts. We should encourage Square to make more games like this by buying them!

at worlds end có nghĩa là

The end of the trilogy of Pirates. The main characters are
Captain Jack Sparrow (Johnny Depp), Will Turner (Orlando Bloom), and Elizabeth Swann (Keira Knightley).

Will and Elizabeth join forces with Barbossa(Geoffrey Rush) to rescue Jack from Davy Jones' Locker. Then they realize that the end of pirates is nearing, caused by Lord Cutler Beckett(Tom Hollander). They immerse in an epic battle between the quadruple and Davy Jones(Bill Nighy).


Near the end of the battle, Will is fatally wounded by Davy Jones. Jack "saves his life" by letting him stab Jones' heart and making him the new captain of the Flying Dutchman.

Soon afterward, Davy Jones dies, and eventually everyone battles against Beckett. Beckett is killed, and the pirates succeed, and the EITC(East India Trading Company) flee.

The new Captain Will Turner and Elizabeth spend their one day on Shipwreck Cove before Will leaves to do his duty(rescue lost souls at sea). Will hands her the Dead Man's Chest and tells her to keep it safe. He turns away, but Elizabeth stops him and they kiss.

Will tells her to "keep a weather eye on the horizon" and he disappears. He and the ship are engulfed in the Flash of Green, and his duty begins.

Jack is then sailing for the Fountain of Youth, which is located in present-day St. Augustine, Florida.

After the credits roll, Elizabeth and her son(William as listed in an early draft of the Pirates 3 script, but as Young Will Turner in the credits played by Dominic Scott Kay) are walking on the cliff of Shipwreck Island, and they wait for Will to return.

A Flash of Green erupts in front of them, and Will returns after 10 years, seeing his wife and new son.


Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End is an amazing movie filled with many special effects! OMG!

at worlds end có nghĩa là

Tits with nipples right at the bottom (6:30pm or 1830 hours on the clock) like a drop of snot dangling from your nose


Those nipples are at worlds end arghhh

at worlds end có nghĩa là

The third and final installment in the Pirates of the Caribbean trilogy. It follows Will Turner (Orlando Bloom), Elizabeth Swann (Kiera Knightley), Captain Barbossa (Geoforry Rush) Tia Dorma (Naomi Harris), and their crew past the edge of the earth to fetch back Jack Sparrow (Johnny Depp), from Davy Jones (Bill Nigh) Locker. Grossed almost 10 million dollars.


Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End is the final installment in the series.

at worlds end có nghĩa là

This is a 1000 page book about 4 children who grow up and survive the black plague. There's Gwenda, a poor theif who gets sold into sex slavery for a cow by her father and escapes; Merthin, a carpenter's apprentice who becomes a famous architect; Caris, a rich girl who wants to be a doctor and hates the church's rules; and Ralph, a total jerk who becomes a horrible, corrupt knight. There are lots of twists and turns in this story. Right when things are going good, something bad happens again. You'll become so attached to the book, its as if you grew up with all the characters. Don't worry, there's a happy ending. It's just very frustrating.


World Without End is a good book. I finished it in one week. Can you beat my record?

at worlds end có nghĩa là

The act of drinking a pint of beer at every bar/lounge in a designated area in one night.


Person 1: Hey man, do you want to do a world's end? Person 2: I don't think I've finished recovering from last time.

at worlds end có nghĩa là



man A: When will the world end?
Man b: 9/15/12
man a: thats messed up
man b: Y?
man a: thats my friends birthday
man b : that sucks

at worlds end có nghĩa là

An amazing song made by the best Vocaloid producer Wowaka


Have you heard the song World's End Dancehall by wowaka yet?
Of course i have!

at worlds end có nghĩa là

Is an expression for people that are far to out of this time and need to be brought back to reality. People dressing in something called "new age", partying with aliens masks on, thinking the world revolved around them all the time, and updating their facebook's with pictures of them wearing beehives on their head.


After saying that the world ends in 21012 and putting her fingers up on her head, Lady GaGa had tripped on her retro 12'' high heels. Girl with TV hair pins, " Ga... I was totally zonked 2day da, Bima shafted 2 scadodles over fingalurizzle... Boy, "Okay did you know the world ends in 2012?" Boy with cowboy boots, "The world ends in 2012." Girl with balls in her hair, "Wow Oh, em, gee." Lindsay Lohan was in protest screaming how the world ends in 2012 and after a year of rehab she is back in blue jeans. Lindsay realized the she was wrong for thinking the world ends in 2012 but it helped her face reality about doing drugs. Right now she is helping wildlife conservation.

at worlds end có nghĩa là

a phrase used jocularly or humorously to denote never. The illustration below will elucidate it.


I will pay you the debt when the world ends (meaning I will never pay you the debt).

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