Bộ golf top flite 13 món năm 2022

Con Dao today has become a famous resort paradise in Vietnam, no longer a “hell on earth” as before. Con Dao is not only famous for its unspoiled and charming natural beauty, but also extremely famous in the culinary field. The specialty in Con Dao attracts visitors by its name, eye-catching decoration and unique taste, bearing the characteristics of the land far off the coast. Let’s discover the most famous delicious specialties of Con Dao with chúng mình right here.


  • 1 Moon Crab
  • 2 Oyster sauce
  • 3 Her breast snail
  • 4 A sunny ink
  • 5 Red grouper
  • 6 Shark salad
  • 7 Red Lobster
  • 8 Eagle nut jam
  • 9 Salted fish sauce
  • 10 Sacrifice
  • 11 Cochlear cochlear
  • 12 Crab wine
  • 13 Oyster porridge

Moon Crab

Moon Crab is a rather special type of sea crab, usually living at a depth of 3 to 4m in coral reefs. On the shell of this crab, there are extremely bright circles of deep red with bright pink that look like the moon. That’s why people call it the moon crab. Another special point to explain the name is that during the rising moon, crab meat seems to be more delicious.

Meat of moon crab very tasty, fragrant and firm, in stark contrast to the spongy meat of other crabs. Therefore, never miss the opportunity to enjoy this unique specialty if you come to Con Dao.

Oyster sauce

Oyster sauce is the next most famous delicious specialty dish in Con Dao that chúng mình would like to introduce to you. This is a sauce made from sea oysters, animals that live on the rocky beaches around the islands of Con Dao.

For people in Con Dao, oyster sauce is an indispensable dipping sauce in their daily meals. Sometimes it becomes the main dish on the rice tray on rough sea days. As for tourists when visiting Con Dao, when returning to the mainland, they often bring oyster sauce as gifts for relatives.

Although it is just a new specialty of Con Dao, the dish oyster sauce This rich sea flavor has more or less gained an important place in life here.

Her breast snail

Her breast snail quite rare, is one of the most famous delicious specialties in Con Dao. Her breast snail has a deviated pyramidal shell, a small knob on the top, the outer shell is dark gray, the inner surface sparkles with nacre, rubbing the shell with sand will make the snail glow a bright pink, the larger the shell, the larger the shell. The more pink the snail, the darker it is.

Normally, her breast snail is only about the size of three adult fingers, but her breast snail in Con Dao can be almost as big as a hand. Her breast snail There are countless ways of processing and enjoying different ways such as boiled, salad, steamed … but the most popular is baking. No matter how it is processed, it has a distinct delicious taste that is not mixed with any other snail.

Type her breast snail These are mainly exploited by Con Dao fishermen in Hon Tai and Hon Trac areas and always keep their freshness when put into processing.

A sunny ink

A sunny ink It is understood that the squid is exposed to exactly one round of crispy sunlight, ensuring that the outside is completely drained but the meat is still fresh inside.

This one-day squid is a delicious, 100% pure specialty dish that you should not miss if you visit Con Dao. Squid drying in the sun It is milky white in color, uniform in size, thick in flesh and has an attractive aroma. Con Dao squid caught at night is still fresh, carefully selected the largest and most uniform to make a scrumptious, thick squid.

This Con Dao specialty is not too expensive, only from 300,000 VND that you can enjoy or buy as gifts for the mainland.

Red grouper

Red grouper is one of the most famous delicious specialties of Con Dao. Red grouper is quite rare and expensive. However, as the saying goes, “you get what you pay for”, almost all parts of this red grouper can be made into a dish, and are always delicious dishes.

Red grouper The meat of Con Dao is white, chewy, very fragrant, so it is extremely suitable for processing into sauces and salads. According to the concept of a country in the world, this red grouper is a symbol of luck, especially in the first days of the year. If you are treated to red grouper by the owner, you are surely a valued guest. When coming to Con Dao, don’t forget to enjoy delicious dishes made from this special fish!

Shark salad

Shark salad is one of the most famous delicious specialties of Con Dao that attracts many tourists. This dish is a combination of many different unique flavors.

The soft and fragrant taste of fresh fish meat combined with countless natural spices such as apricot leaves, coriander leaves, cloves, apricot leaves, green bananas, pineapples, star fruit… are rolled by a layer of rice paper rolls outside. All are dipped with a bowl of dark red peanuts, the spicy, sour, and aromatic flavors make up the dish shark salad Con Dao features unmistakable features.

If you want to make your piece of fish rich, you can completely drizzle the fish sauce over the fish and then roll it with vegetables. The shark salad is so much more flavorful.

Red Lobster

Red Lobster It’s not strange, but the red lobster in Con Dao is really special. This is one of the most famous delicious specialties of Con Dao that attracts many tourists.

Meat red lobster Con Dao is very tough, crunchy, sweet and firm to every small fiber. Besides, this red lobster also has an extremely attractive brick layer inside. The bricks on the shrimp body are hammered into a yellow stripe on the back and a large patch on the head.

In addition to enjoying shrimp meat, shrimp bricks with sweet and greasy taste will surely easily conquer the most demanding guests.

Eagle nut jam

Eagle nut jam is a unique specialty dish in Con Dao, which seems to be rare in other places. Eagle nut jam Made from the seeds of a natural acacia nut. Although it is called a jam, it is actually a roasted peanut with salt or sugar, quite similar to the salted or sugar roasted peanuts that we often enjoy.

Eagle nut jam is one of the most famous delicious specialties of Con Dao. This unique specialty gift bearing the imprint of Con Dao attracts many tourists.

Salted fish sauce

Salted fish sauce It is a kind of fish sauce made from sea urchin. The porcupine is a mollusk, related to clams and shellfish, living in rocky coastal areas where there is warm water. Nhum is also known as sea urchin or sea urchin because they have round bodies, many sharp and fragile spines.

Mushroom meat It is processed into many different dishes by the locals, which can be braised, steamed with eggs… but the best is still making fish sauce. The fish sauce is viscous, opaque red in color, fragrant in the nose. The sweetness of urchin meat spreads with the salty taste of the sea, the sour taste, the fatty taste and the very characteristic fleshy taste. All these flavors blend together to form a charming fish sauce.


Sacrifice Also known as sea worm. This is an animal that usually lives in the sand lagoons of Con Dao. Just like squid or many other sea fish, people can be preliminarily processed and then dried for long-term use.

The specialty of Sa worm is the raw material for processing many different delicious dishes such as sago salad, sago soup, porridge or sweet and sour fried sago… Especially and also the most famous is the grilled sage with lemon pepper sauce. – food that any visitor to Con Dao will enjoy. Dish sage Grilling will help you feel the maximum crispy, sweet and slightly chewy flavor of this dish.

Cochlear cochlear

Con Dao cochlea shaped like an elephant’s ear, and very large, up to 10kg/head. To get delicious pieces of snail meat, it is necessary to have a specialized tool to separate the shell because the shell is very hard, if you don’t know how to open it, even young adults will find it very difficult! Due to the large size with two shells facing each other like an elephant’s ears, this mollusk is called the cochlea. Cochlear cochlear belongs to the group of snails with the largest size of sea snails with the shape of an elephant’s ear.

After opening the shell, you will see the large snail meat inside. When cooked, cochlea meat is very crispy and fragrant, when chewed, it makes a lumpy sound almost like chewing young cartilage. The cochlear meat is as white as ink, but it is very crispy and chewy. Therefore, this type of snail can be processed into many delicious dishes such as grilled, steamed, cooked porridge, fried with garlic butter… According to the experience of the fishermen, the giant cochlea At about 1kg in weight, snails have the most delicious meat

Cochlear cochlear It is processed into many delicious and nutritious dishes such as porridge, spicy butter fried cochlea, mustard-dotted cochlear, steamed cochlear, etc. All dishes are delicious and cause nostalgia for visitors when they come. with Con Dao. Meanwhile, the cochlear shell is used to create fine arts or decorative objects for the house.

To catch cochlea is not an easy task because they often live on reefs or live in coral reefs. The food of the cochlea is small organisms or plankton. Cochlear cochlear very good for human health because it contains many nutrients such as vitamins A, C, iron, zinc, calcium and insoluble fats. This snail is also quite rare, so if you are lucky you can enjoy it!

Crab wine

Crab wine Similar to field crab but smaller, the largest one is the size of the tip of a big toe, the body of the crab is purple-brown, almost like the color of wine. Maybe that’s why they are called red crabs. If you have the opportunity to travel to Con Dao, do not forget to enjoy the crab with roasted tamarind wine, dipped with salt, pepper, and lemon. The crispy, fragrant, sweet taste of this strange dish will make you want to eat it again and again…

Con Dao people often look for crabs on rainy nights. The new mounds with the diameter of a thumb are the nests of newly arrived wine crabs, people just need to use their hands to pull out the crabs and put them in the basket. Crab wine Although small but delicious, it can process many dishes such as: boiled wine crab with salt and pepper lemon, wine crab cooked with vermicelli, porridge, roasted with salt…

The dish that most impresses visitors to Con Dao is red crab roasted tamarind.

The way to prepare this dish is also quite simple. Crab wine bought, washed, put in a bowl. Break in ice water, let the crabs sink into “hibernation”, so that when doing it, they don’t get caught. Separate crab shells, remove bibs, wash and dry. Fry the garlic until fragrant, then pour in the crab and stir-fry, when the crab turns brick red, add tamarind juice, continue to stir-fry the crab with a low flame. Season to taste, until the tamarind juice drains into the crab, turn off the stove. Arrange fried crab with tamarind on a plate of laksa leaves, add a plate of salt, pepper, and lemon…

Oyster porridge

Con Dao is a land favored by nature with its wild and majestic beauty and the diversity of primitive flora and fauna. Thanks to the ingredients available in nature, the people here have created many dishes with distinctive features for the region. The highlights are dishes such as moon crab, her breast snail, eagle nut jam, one sunny mackerel, fish sauce, etc., but perhaps maybe Con Dao oyster porridge Most popular among tourists when coming to this “resort paradise”.

Con Dao oyster porridge This is a long-standing popular dish made by the people here from fresh oysters from the sea and rice grains from the countryside. The processing method is also extremely simple because the main ingredient is oysters, which have many nutrients, so it is easy to create a famous nutritious and delicious dish. Oysters after being caught are cleaned, marinated with spices, fried to infuse. When the porridge is cooked, just pour in the oysters and season to taste. The dish seems to be easy that anyone can make, but Con Dao oyster porridge has its own characteristics that cannot be mixed with other localities.

After a day of exploring the sacred land and experiencing the entertainment activities in Con Dao. Eating a bowl of oyster porridge at Con Dao market to provide enough energy and health to continue the journey will be the perfect choice for each person.

The hot Con Dao Oyster Porridge is steaming, the meat is sweet and cool, the porridge is soft with a little pepper, cilantro, and non-aromatic purple onion in the whole region. Porridge is capable of conquering the most demanding gourmets. Any Con Dao tourist who has tried it once has the desire to come back next time to enjoy all the quintessence and best of the food.

chúng mình has just shared with you the most famous delicious specialties of Con Dao. All these dishes are very eye-catching and attractive, but just looking at them, you immediately want to go to Con Dao.

Đăng bởi: Thiều Phạm

Từ khoá: Top 13 món ăn đặc sản ngon nổi tiếng nhất Côn Đảo

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Câu lạc bộ Golf hàng đầu là tốt nhất cho người mới bắt đầu và cầu thủ cơ sở.

Top Flite có thuộc sở hữu của Callaway không?

Callaway Golf thông báo mua lại hàng đầu | Topgolf Callaway Brand Corp.

Top Flite có phải là một quả bóng golf tốt?

Ngày nay, trong khi họ thiếu thứ hạng đó, họ vẫn cam kết sản xuất thiết bị golf chất lượng. Những quả bóng golf hàng đầu được thiết kế để rất bền với vỏ bọc khó khăn, và chúng chắc chắn là một lựa chọn vững chắc trong danh mục giá trị. ... Đánh giá bóng golf kỳ dị hàng đầu ..

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Đạt được hiệu suất cấp cao nhất trong vòng tiếp theo của bạn với bộ hoàn chỉnh FLITE XL hàng đầu. Một trình điều khiển tổng hợp TI 460cc, gỗ 3 cấu hình thấp và các giống lai truyền cảm hứng đảm bảo hiệu suất trò chơi dài tăng cao. Bàn là duy nhất, thép không gỉ có trọng số chu vi và CG thấp để cho phép tha thứ và cải thiện chuyến bay bóng. Một putter Mallet dễ dàng sắp xếp đơn giản hóa trò chơi ngắn, trong khi túi đứng ánh sáng, đầy đủ tính năng giúp bạn có tổ chức và thoải mái.

Tính năng thiết bị:

  • Hoàn thành thiết kế được thiết kế để trang phục cho những người chơi golf nam với mọi thứ cần thiết để thành công trên sân
  • Trình điều khiển đầu tổng hợp 460cc Titanium tự hào có kích thước đầu lớn nhất được USGA cho phép và cho khoảng cách xa khỏi tee với sự tha thứ cuối cùng
  • Cấu hình thấp Fairway Wood cung cấp chuyến bay bóng cao hơn và căng thẳng hơn
  • Hai giống lai cho khoảng cách của một gỗ fairway với độ chính xác của một bàn ủi
  • Bàn chân bằng thép không gỉ rộng duy nhất có lợi cho các cuộc tấn công ngoài trung tâm và cung cấp chuyến bay được cải thiện trên các bức ảnh cao với trọng tâm thấp
  • Căn chỉnh putter cung cấp một lời nhắc trực quan cho vị trí bắn và căn chỉnh để đảm bảo mục tiêu thích hợp
  • Bảo vệ người lái xe và gỗ fairway của bạn với nắp đầu phù hợp chất lượng cao

Tính năng Túi đứng:

  • Topper 6 chiều với các thợ lặn tổ chức đầy đủ và lưới đệm để bảo vệ các câu lạc bộ của bạn
  • Đảm bảo một chiếc khăn hoặc găng tay vào túi của bạn bằng một cái móc tích hợp và vòng khăn vòng
  • Túi có giá trị cho phép bạn đặt các mặt hàng nhỏ hơn trong khi tham gia khóa học
  • Thoải mái vận chuyển túi bằng dây đeo vai được kết nối
  • Túi bóng golf cho phép bạn dễ dàng lưu trữ và lấy bóng golf ở một vị trí thuận tiện
  • Tay cầm nâng cung cấp dễ dàng nhận và vận chuyển

Người mẫuCăn hộ nhỏNói dốiChiều dàiNảyKhối lượng đầuTrọng lượng đầu
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Những câu lạc bộ nào đến trong một bộ 13 mảnh?

Những gì được bao gồm..
Gỗ Fairway ..
4h và 5h lai ..
6, 7, 8, 9, w bàn ủi ..
Trình điều khiển và đầu fairway ..
Túi đứng ..

Top Flite có phải là một người mới bắt đầu tốt không?

Câu lạc bộ Golf hàng đầu là tốt nhất cho người mới bắt đầu và cầu thủ cơ sở.best for beginner and junior players.

Top Flite có thuộc sở hữu của Callaway không?

Callaway Golf thông báo mua lại hàng đầu |Topgolf Callaway Brand Corp.

Top Flite có phải là một quả bóng golf tốt?

Ngày nay, trong khi họ thiếu thứ hạng đó, họ vẫn cam kết sản xuất thiết bị golf chất lượng.Những quả bóng golf hàng đầu được thiết kế để rất bền với vỏ bọc khó khăn, và chúng chắc chắn là một lựa chọn vững chắc trong danh mục giá trị.... Đánh giá bóng golf kỳ dị hàng đầu ..

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