Did any native american tribes stay neutral during the american revolution

Defining a "home front" in the Revolutionary War is difficult because so much of the thirteen states became, at one time or another, an actual theater of war. Even so, the war profoudly affected the domestic scene, and the domestic scene, in turn, greatly influenced the conduct and course of the war.

News from America, December, 1776
George Washington Papers

Most Native American tribes east of the Mississippi were uncertain about which side, if either, to take during the Revolutionary War, and many remained neutral. A number of tribes, however, feared the Revolution would replace the British--who had worked hard to protect their lands from colonial encroachments--with the land-hungry colonials. As a result, these tribes fought with the British or took advantage of the situation and acted against the colonists on their own. Patriots viewed the Indians as a threat throughout the war. The patriots' use of the term savages for the Native Americans gives a good indication of their overall attitude toward most tribes.

For some African Americans, the Revolution meant freedom. Because so much of the fighting in the last years of the war took place in the South, many slaves escaped to British lines. The British, hoping to weaken the American war effort, emancipated and evacuated thousands of ex-slaves. A few African Americans also won their freedom by fighting in the Continental Army despite the prejudices of patriot leaders. (This attitude changed somewhat during the course of the war.) For the vast majority of African Americans, however, the liberties touted by the American Revolution remained more promise than reality.

Women's lives were also profoundly affected by the Revolutionary War. Women whose husbands and other male relatives went to war had to assume many of their responsibilities, whether it be the farm or small business. Since Continental Army soldiers were typically drawn from the lower ranks of society, many women did not have farms and businesses to fall back on. Cities throughout the United States witnessed growing populations of impoverished women. Many women did not stay at home when their husbands went off to war. These women flocked to the army camps to join male relatives. There they helped maintain army morale while doing traditional women's chores--cooking, laundry, nursing, and so forth.

In many respects, the Revolutionary War was a civil war. First, most of the land war was fought on United States' soil. Second, somewhere between 20 and 30 percent of the population retained their loyalty to the crown. In some places, the loyalists actively opposed the patriots--through propaganda, spying, military service with the British, and sometimes insurrectionary activities. Loyalist propaganda continually planted seeds of dissention within the wider population. Patriots continuously perceived loyalist threats on the home front and actively worked to quiet the loyalists, arrest them, and confiscate their property.

Because the Continental Congress was unable to levy taxes to pay for the war, it relied on the printing press to issue nearly $250 million in paper money (the so-called Continental). The paper money was backed only by the good faith of the Congress; because of dislocations in trade and manufacturing, there was too much money competing for too few goods. The result was uncontrolled inflation. In early 1780, the Congress confessed that its money was worthless (something the people had known long before as evidenced in their popular saying "not worth a Continental").

For additional documents related to these topics, search Loc.gov using such key words as slaves, blacks, Indians (use "savages" and specific tribes such as Mohawk, Iroquis, or Six Nations), loyalists and tory, women, and economy (including paper currency, depreciation, and inflation), and use the terms found in the documents. Note that using these terms alone will produce thousands of hits each. Therefore, try to use these keywords in specific collections and with more specific modifiers, such as dates or places.

For Native Americans, the American Revolution was a conflict between brothers. They didn't want to participate on either side but were forced to by both: the British and the Colonists sought to make alliances with the Native American tribes. Even though many Natives did not want to get involved in the war, ultimately, sides were chosen. The Revolution carried ruin both sides of the Atlantic, however, it had devastating consequences for Native peoples. This article will be your guide on Native Americans' involvement in the Thirteen Colonies' fight for independence.

Native American Involvement in the Revolutionary War

Portrait of Native American Orator Red Jacket. Source: Wikimedia Commons (Public Domain).

The American Revolution severely impacted not only the colonists but Native Americans as well. Most Native Americans attempted to remain neutral during the war. However, some tribes were forced out of neutrality as the war continued. Some tribes continued to maintain their neutral stance, such as the Oneida nation who declared:

Brothers! Possess your minds in peace, respecting us Indians. We cannot intermeddle in this dispute between two brothers. The quarrel seems to be unnatural; you are two brothers of one blood. We are unwilling to join one other side in such a contest, for we bear an equal affection to both of you, Old and New England. Should the great King of England apply to us for our aid, we shall deny him." 1 –Chiefs of the Oneida, June 19th, 1775.

The Chiefs of the Oneida stated their concerns over neutrality between the British and her colonies and expressed their unwillingness to fight for either side if war occurred.

Liberty Enlightened, 1781. Source: Wikimedia Commons (Public Domain).

Many colonists disagreed with British interference between Native Americans and the colonists before the war. Parliament, concerned with the violence between the two groups, enacted the Proclamation of 1763, which maintained specified land for Native Americans. The act attempted to sustain the appropriate distance between the Native Americans and colonists, but it only raised tensions.

Did you know?

In the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson wrote about the Native Americans claiming they had essentially become "the vicious pawns of a tyrannical king."2

However, Native Americans fought against the British in Ohio in 1763. The local tribes in the Ohio River Valley and Great Lakes region pushed back the British, who were seen as tyrants by the Native Americans. Several chiefs rallied together and assaulted British forts destroying them. The British reaction was the Proclamation of 1763, which reserved land for Native Americans but alienated American colonists.

Declaration of Independence July 4th, 1776. Source: Wikimedia Commons (Public Domain).

While many Native Americans sided with the British, not all tribes allied themselves with the Crown. For example, Native Americans from Massachusetts, known as the Stockbridge tribe, joined American colonists against the British in 1776. Britain had made weak attempts at securing lands for Native Americans, but the tribes knew that their lands were at stake.

Did you know?

The Stockbridge Native Americans helped the Americans win the Battle of Saratoga in 1778! Like other tribes, the Stockbridge aided the Continental Army throughout the war.

While alliances were made on both sides by tribes and confederacies, not all Native Americans followed the decisions of their leaders. Tribes torn apart by opposing alliances caused upheaval amongst their people. For example, the Cherokee nation split when deciding on alliances. Due to the war, the Iroquois Confederacy also saw a split amongst its six Native American tribes.

Proclamation Act of 1763:

The British signed the Act in 1763 to stop colonists' encroachment on Native American lands.

Map of the Five Indian Nations 1730. Source: Wikimedia Commons (Public Domain).

Wabanaki Confederacy

The Wabanaki Confederacy consisted of five Native American tribes who hailed from the northern part of America. The confederacy included the Penobscot, Maliseet, Passamaquoddy, Abenaki, and Micmac tribes. Colonists from the North pleaded with the Wabanaki Confederacy to aid in the American Revolution. For example, a delegation from Massachusetts wrote to them saying:

'Friends and good Brothers,' they wrote, 'We will do all for you we can & fight to save you any time and hope none of your men or the Indians in Canada will join with our enemies.’” 3

The quote above shows the desperation of the colonists to gain an alliance with the Wabanaki Confederacy during the war. Eventually, several tribes from the Wabanaki Confederacy agreed to fight alongside George Washington’s army in exchange for trading posts and promises of stopping encroachment on Native American lands.

It was agreed and concluded that Peace and Friendship be now Established permanent & lasting between the United States and the Several Tribes... That they should be forever viewed as brothers and children, under the Protection and Fatherly care of the United States." 4

While several tribes of the confederacy fought with the colonists, at the end of the American Revolution, previous promises were not acknowledged or kept. As a result, sometime after the war, the Wabanakis slowly lost their power, land, and hunting areas. America's attitude and policies essentially ate away at their Native culture.

Native American Tribes in the American Revolution

Abenaki (fought for both the British and colonies)

Abenaki (fought for both the British and colonies)

Table showing Native American tribes who fought for the British and for the Colonies. StudySmarter Original.

Important Native Americans in the Revolutionary War

Portrait of Mohawk Chief Joseph Brant. Source: Wikimedia Commons (Public Domain).

Many Native Americans fought valiantly on both sides during the American Revolution. Mohawk chief Joseph Brant (Thayendanegea) became one of the most well-known Iroquois leaders. Brant fought alongside the British and influenced several other tribes to join him. Brant believed that the British should remain head of the colonies to stop any further incursion on Mohawk lands. Leading an incursion into New York and Pennsylvania, Brant and his forces clashed with George Washington, who ultimately claimed victory. Later on, Washington attempted to include Brant in post-war negotiations.

Red Jacket, another prominent Native American from the Seneca tribe, became well known for his oratory skill. Red Jacket interceded before the war between 1775 to 1776:

“This quarrel does not belong to us, and it is best for us to take no part in it; we need not waste our blood to have it settled. If they fight us, we will fight them, but if they leave us alone, we better keep still.”5 -Red Jacket.

However, Red Jacket's tribe became engulfed in the war, eventually fighting for the British. At the war's end, the Seneca tribe, like many others, lost their homeland. Post-war negotiations with American leadership continued from the 1780s to the 1790s, with Red Jacket predominantly speaking on behalf of the Iroquois.

Joseph Brant (Thayendanegea):

Was a highly educated Mohawk leader. Sided with the British, he led forces against the American colonists during the war. He became well known during post-war negotiations.

Red Jacket:

Prominent Native American from the Seneca tribe. A skilled orator, he became a spokesperson for the Iroquois in post-war negotiations.

Native American Heroes in the Revolutionary War

Polly Cooper

Statue of Polly Cooper. Source: Wikimedia Commons.

Many Native Americans showed heroism during the American Revolution though many of their stories are not recorded. However, one notable Oneida woman, Polly Cooper, actively participated in an expedition to help the Continental Army at Valley Forge. Hearing about George Washington's starving troops, the Oneida chief sent a group of warriors and Polly Cooper with food and supplies. Cooper stayed with the army and continued to help them by teaching the soldiers how to prepare food. Without the actions of the Oneida chief and Polly Cooper, Washington's army may have never made it out of Valley Forge.

Native Americans in the Revolutionary War American Battlefield Trust

The American Revolution had dire impacts on the Native Americans. It is estimated that roughly 70,000 people died during the American Revolution due to disease and battle injuries. However, the Native American casualties are not widely known. Many tribes lost more land during the war, like the Cherokees and Iroquois. Although many people from these tribes relocated, the Iroquois eventually settled in Canada. The tribes siding with Britain counted on a swift British victory. After the colonists' victory, Native Americans became collateral damage in America's rapid and cruel westward expansion.

Iroquois Six-Nations 1720. Source: Wikimedia Commons (Public Domain).

After the war, the taking of Native American land had never been a question. After the Treaty of Paris 1783, the British recognized America's independence and quickly forgot about their Native American allies. America began to build Jefferson's "empire of liberty with its independence in hand."6 The idea of complete equality sounded like a utopian society. However, in building the new nation, Native American lands became the foundation for the birth of America. The fledgling country also believed that Native American land was now public domain and that the Natives needed to undergo a civilizing process. Native Americans saw an all-out attack on their way of living and land. However, Native Americans did not back down and would continue to fight to keep their culture.

Treaty of Paris 1783:

A collection of treaties signed by representatives from Great Britain, France, Spain, and the American colonies that officially ended the American Revolution and recognized its independence.

Native American Diplomacy After the War

Portrait of The Shawnee Prophet, Tenskwatawa, Source: Wikimedia Commons (Public Domain).

Though conflict became necessary when diplomacy failed, the primary remedy after the war was diplomatic relations. Native American diplomats negotiated with other Native tribes and the newly developed American leadership. While negotiations took place, the white attitudes about Native Americans foreshadowed any actual progress with America. However, multi-tribal alliances rose due to some Native Americans' visions of creating unions to stop the land grabs. For example, one such confederacy initiated by Tecumseh and Tenskwatawa brought together Natives who sought restoration of Native American lands and cultures.

Tecumseh and Tenskwatawa: Tecumseh was the Shawnee leader after the American Revolution; Tenskawatawa, known as the prophet, was Tecumseh's brother.

Which native tribe supported the American Revolution?

The Iroquois Confederacy, an alliance of six Native American nations in New York, was divided by the Revolutionary War. Two of the nations, the Oneida and Tuscarora, chose to side with the Americans while the other nations, including the Mohawk, fought with the British.

What happened to Native Americans during the Revolutionary War?

Many Native American tribes allied with the British during the Revolutionary War. However, the Treaty of Paris, which ended the war, was silent on the fates of these British allies. The new United States government was thus free to acquire Native American lands by treaty or force.

Did Native Americans support the Revolutionary War?

Many Native American tribes fought in the Revolutionary War. The majority of these tribes fought for the British but a few fought for the Americans. Many of these tribes tried to remain neutral in the early phase of the war but when some of them came under attack by American militia, they decided to join the British.

How did the American Revolution affect native tribes?

Over the years, the Indians who remained in America were forced to give up most of their land. Even the two Iroquois nations who had fought with the Americans—the Oneida and the Tuscarora—were persuaded to sell their lands and move west as more and more whites intruded on their territory.

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