In debt to sb là gì

Keep a thankful heart. Photo byPro Church Media

"Owe a debt of gratitude" = Mang nợ biết ơn -> Vô cùng cảm ơn/biết ơn ai vì việc họ đã làm.

Ví dụ
Kurdish Pershmerga troops (quân đội) have successfully led the U.S. war on the Islamic State (ISIS), which is why the US-led coalition (sự liên minh) owes them a debt of gratitude, Teller said.

"Louisianans owe a debt of gratitude to Gov. Blanco, who always put the people of our state first, fighting to improve the quality of life for our families and children, championing better educational opportunities for all students at every level and building a stronger Louisiana," Edwards wrote on Twitter.

Kentuckys kids owe a debt of gratitude to the Courier Journals editor, Rick Green, for making a considerable commitment (sự cam kết) of resources to focus on abuse (lạm dụng) and neglect (làm lơ) in Kentucky. That gratitude extends to Debby Yetter, whose reporting prowess highlighted the multitude of factors that are contributing to the tragic state of this commonwealth (thịnh vượng chung) when it comes to the safety of our children.

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