Move data from SQL Server to S3

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SQL Server backup to URL for S3-compatible object storage

  • Article
  • 11/18/2022
  • 9 minutes to read

In this article

Applies to:

SQL Server 2022 (16.x)

This article introduces the concepts, requirements and components necessary to use S3-compatible object storage as a backup destination. The backup and restore functionality is conceptually similar to working with SQL Server backup to URL for Azure Blob Storage as a backup device type.

For information on supported platforms, see providers of S3-compatible object storage.


SQL Server backup and restore with S3-compatible object storage is in preview as a feature of SQL Server 2022 (16.x).


SQL Server 2022 (16.x) introduces object storage integration to the data platform, enabling you to integrate SQL Server with S3-compatible object storage in addition to Azure Storage. To provide this integration SQL Server has been enhanced with a new S3 connector, which uses the S3 REST API to connect to any provider of S3-compatible object storage. SQL Server 2022 (16.x) extends the existing BACKUP/RESTORE TO/FROM URL syntax by adding support for the new S3 connector using the REST API.

URLs pointing to S3-compatible resources are prefixed with s3:// to denote that the S3 connector is being used. URLs beginning with s3:// will always assume that the underlying protocol will be https.

Part numbers and file size limitations

To store data, the S3-compatible object storage provider must split files in multiple blocks called parts. This is similar to block blobs in Azure Blob Storage.

Each file can be split up to 10,000 parts, each part size will range from 5 MB to 20 MB, this range is controlled by the T-SQL BACKUP command through the parameter MAXTRANSFERSIZE. The default value of MAXTRANSFERSIZE is 10 MB, therefore the default size of each part is 10 MB.

The maximum supported size of a single file is the result of 10,000 parts * MAXTRANSFERSIZE, if it is required to backup a bigger file it must split/striped up to 64 URLs. The final maximum supported size of a file is 10,000 parts * MAXTRANSFERSIZE * URLs.


The use of COMPRESSION is required in order to change MAXTRANSFERSIZE values.

Prerequisites for the S3 endpoint

The S3 endpoint must have been configured as follows:

  • TLS must be configured. It is assumed that all connections will be securely transmitted over HTTPS not HTTP. The endpoint will be validated by a certificate installed on the SQL Server OS Host.
  • Credentials created on the S3-compatible object storage with proper permissions to perform the operation. The user and password created on the storage layer are named the Access Key ID and Secret Key ID. You will need both to authenticate against the S3 endpoint.
  • At least one bucket has been configured. Buckets cannot be created or configured from SQL Server 2022 (16.x).


Backup Permissions

To connect SQL Server to S3-compatible object storage, two sets of permissions need to be established, one on SQL Server and also on the storage layer.

On SQL Server the user account that is used to issue BACKUP or RESTORE commands should be in the db_backupoperator database role with Alter any credential permissions.

On the storage layer, the user (Access Key ID) must have both ListBucket and WriteOnly permissions.

Restore Permissions

If the database being restored does not exist, the user must have CREATE DATABASE permissions to be able to execute RESTORE. If the database exists, RESTORE permissions default to members of the sysadmin and dbcreator fixed server roles and the owner (dbo) of the database.

RESTORE permissions are given to roles in which membership information is always readily available to the server. Because fixed database role membership can be checked only when the database is accessible and undamaged, which is not always the case when RESTORE is executed, members of the db_owner fixed database role do not have RESTORE permissions.

On the storage layer, the user (Access Key ID) must have both ListBucket and ReadOnly permissions.

Supported features

High-level overview of the supported features for BACKUP and RESTORE:

  1. A single backup file can be up to 200,000 MiB per URL (with MAXTRANSFERSIZE set to 20 MB).
  2. Backups can be striped across a maximum of 64 URLs.
  3. Mirroring is supported, but only across URLs. Mirroring using both URL and DISK is not supported.
  4. Compression is supported and recommended.
  5. Encryption is supported.
  6. Restore from URL with S3-compatible object storage has no size limitation.
  7. When restoring a database, the MAXTRANSFERSIZE is determined by value assigned during the backup phase.
  8. URLs can be specified either in virtual host or path style format.
  9. WITH CREDENTIAL is supported.
  10. REGION is supported and the default value is us-east-1.
  11. MAXTRANSFERSIZE will range from 5 MB to 20 MB. 10 MB is the default value for the S3 connector.

Supported arguments for backup

WITH optionsS3 EndpointNotes
BLOCKSIZE Y MAXTRANSFERSIZE will determine the Part size
MAXTRANSFERSIZE Y From 5 MB (5,242,880 Bytes) to 20 MB (20,971,520 Bytes), default value is 10 MB (10,485,760 Bytes)
MIRROR TO Y Only works with another URL, MIRROR with URL and DISK is not supported
NOINIT/INIT N Appending is not supported. To overwrite a backup use WITH FORMAT.
REGION Y Default value is 'us-east-1', must be used with BACKUP_OPTIONS

Supported arguments for restore

WITH optionsS3 EndpointNotes
BLOCKSIZE Y MAXTRANSFERSIZE will determine the Part size
FILE N Logical names not supported with RESTORE FROM URL
MEDIAPASSWORD N Required for some backups taken prior to SQL Server 2012
PASSWORD N Required for some backups taken prior to SQL Server 2012
REGION Y Default value is 'us-east-1', must be used with RESTORE_OPTIONS


Your S3-compatible object storage provider can offer the ability to determine a specific region for the bucket location. The use of this optional parameter can provide more flexibility by specifying which region that particular bucket belongs to. This parameter requires the use of WITH together with either BACKUP_OPTION or RESTORE_OPTION. These options require the value to be declared in JSON format.

If no value is declared us-east-1 will be assigned as default.

Backup example:

WITH BACKUP_OPTION = '{"s3": {"region":"us-west-1"}}'

Restore example:

WITH RESTORE_OPTION = '{"s3": {"region":"us-west-1"}}'

Linux support

SQL Server uses WinHttp to implement client of HTTP REST APIs it uses. It relies on OS certificate store for validations of the TLS certificates being presented by HTTP(s) endpoint. However, SQL Server on Linux the CA must be placed on a predefined location to be created at /var/opt/mssql/security/ca-certificates, only the first 50 certificates can be stored and supported in this folder.

SQL Server will read the certificates from the folder during startup and add them to the trust store.

Only super user should be able to write in the folder, while the mssql user must be able to read.

Unsupported features

  • Backup to S3-compatible object storage with a non-secure HTTP URL is not supported. Customers are responsible for setting up their S3 host with an HTTPS URL and this endpoint will be validated by a certificate installed on the SQL Server OS host.
  • Backup to S3-compatible object storage is not supported in SQL Server Express and SQL Server Express with Advanced Services editions.


The following are the current limitations of backup and restore with S3-compatible object storage:

  1. Due to the current limitation of S3 Standard REST API, the temporary uncommitted data files that are created in the customer's S3-compatible object store (due to an ongoing multipart upload operation) while the BACKUP T-SQL command is running, are not removed in case of failures. These uncommitted data blocks will continue to persist in S3-compatible object storage in the case the BACKUP T-SQL command fails or is canceled. If the backup succeeds, these temporary files are removed automatically by the object store to form the final backup file. Some S3-compatible storage providers will handle this through their garbage collector system.
  2. The total URL length is limited to 259 characters. The full string is counted in this limitation, including the s3:// connector name. Consequently, the usable limit is 254 characters. However, we recommend sticking to a limit of 200 characters to allow for possible introduction of query parameters.
  3. The SQL credential name is limited by 128 characters in UTF-16 format.
  4. Secret key ID only supports alphanumeric values.

Path style and virtual host style

Backup to S3 supports the URL to be written in both path style or virtual host style.

Path style example: s3://<endpoint>:<port>/<bucket>/<backup_file_name>

Virtual host example: s3://<bucket>.<domain>/<backup_file_name>


Create credential

  • The IDENTITY should always be 'S3 Access Key' when using the S3 connector.
  • The Access Key ID and Secret Key ID must not contain a colon. Access Key ID and Secret Key ID is the user and password created on the S3-compatible object storage.
  • Only alphanumeric values are allowed.
  • The Access Key ID must have proper permissions on the S3-compatible object storage.

The following examples create SQL Server credentials for authentication with the object storage endpoint:

CREATE CREDENTIAL [s3://<endpoint>:<port>/<bucket>] WITH IDENTITY = 'S3 Access Key', SECRET = '<AccessKeyID>:<SecretKeyID>';

Backup to URL

The following example performs a full database backup to the object storage endpoint, striped across multiple files:

BACKUP DATABASE <db_name> TO URL = 's3://<endpoint>:<port>/<bucket>/<database>_01.bak' , URL = 's3://<endpoint>:<port>/<bucket>/<database>_02.bak' , URL = 's3://<endpoint>:<port>/<bucket>/<database>_03.bak' -- , URL = 's3://<endpoint>:<port>/<bucket>/<database>_64.bak' WITH FORMAT -- overwrite , STATS = 10 , COMPRESSION;

Restore from URL

The following example performs a database restore from the object storage endpoint location:

RESTORE DATABASE <db_name> FROM URL = 's3://<endpoint>:<port>/<bucket>/<database>_01.bak' , URL = 's3://<endpoint>:<port>/<bucket>/<database>_02.bak' , URL = 's3://<endpoint>:<port>/<bucket>/<database>_03.bak' -- , URL = 's3://<endpoint>:<port>/<bucket>/<database>_64.bak' WITH REPLACE -- overwrite , STATS = 10;

Options for encryption and compression

The following example shows how to back up and restore the AdventureWorks2019 database with encryption, MAXTRANSFERSIZE as 20 MB and compression:

CREATE MASTER KEY ENCRYPTION BY PASSWORD = <password>; GO CREATE CERTIFICATE AdventureWorks2019Cert WITH SUBJECT = 'AdventureWorks2019 Backup Certificate'; GO -- Backup database BACKUP DATABASE AdventureWorks2019 TO URL = 's3://<endpoint>:<port>/<bucket>/AdventureWorks2019_Encrypt.bak' WITH FORMAT, MAXTRANSFERSIZE = 20971520, COMPRESSION, ENCRYPTION (ALGORITHM = AES_256, SERVER CERTIFICATE = AdventureWorks2019Cert) GO -- Restore database RESTORE DATABASE AdventureWorks2019 FROM URL = 's3://<endpoint>:<port>/<bucket>/AdventureWorks2019_Encrypt.bak' WITH REPLACE

Use region for backup and restore

The following example shows how to back up and restore the AdventureWorks2019 database using REGION_OPTIONS:

-- Backup Database BACKUP DATABASE AdventureWorks2019 TO URL = 's3://<endpoint>:<port>/<bucket>/AdventureWorks2019.bak' WITH BACKUP_OPTIONS = '{"s3": {"region":"us-east-1"}}' -- Restore Database RESTORE DATABASE AdventureWorks2019 FROM URL = 's3://<endpoint>:<port>/<bucket>/AdventureWorks2019.bak' WITH MOVE 'AdventureWorks2019' TO 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL16.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\DATA\AdventureWorks2019.mdf' , MOVE 'AdventureWorks2019_log' TO 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL16.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\DATA\AdventureWorks2019.ldf' , RESTORE_OPTIONS = '{"s3": {"region":"us-east-1"}}'

Next steps

  • SQL Server back up to URL for S3-compatible object storage best practices and troubleshooting
  • SQL Server back up to URL for Microsoft Azure Blob Storage best practices and troubleshooting


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Can S3 store SQL database?

Overview. SQL Server 2022 (16. x) introduces object storage integration to the data platform, enabling you to integrate SQL Server with S3-compatible object storage in addition to Azure Storage.

Does S3 support SQL?

You can perform SQL queries using Amazon SDKs, the SELECT Object Content REST API, the Amazon Command Line Interface (Amazon CLI), or the Amazon S3 console. The Amazon S3 console limits the amount of data returned to 40 MB.

Is S3 good for database?

Capacity and data structures S3 provides tools for uploading large objects in parts and migrating big data into storage. AWS S3 is a key-value store, one of the major categories of NoSQL databases used for accumulating voluminous, mutating, unstructured, or semistructured data.

Can SSIS connect to S3 bucket?

By default, the SSIS package does not allow you to connect with the AWS S3 bucket.

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