new hotness là gì - Nghĩa của từ new hotness

new hotness có nghĩa là

A term used to describe females lowering their standards when it comes to choosing men, while attending SUNY New Paltz due to the fact that attractive men are very scarce. This drastic decline in taste effects these young women for the rest of their lives; they will continue to believe that unattractive men are indeed attractive.


Nikki- Hey, did you see that dirty guy on that stoop next to Fat Bob's? He's kinda hot.
Valerie- Yeah, but only "New Paltz Hot".

new hotness có nghĩa là

Something that is young and fresh, usually dealing with the physical makeup of a human being. The opposite of old and busted.


Breon is old and busted. Meghan is the new hotness.

new hotness có nghĩa là

A term that I have used in abundance during my days at New Paltz. The "New Paltz Hot" phenomenon is when an attractive woman will lower her dating standards to accommodate to the male selection at New Paltz. It epitomizes the Darwinian struggle. New Paltz statistics are against you from the beginning. With a school that's 70% women and 30% men, you're bound to run into some problems. While a 7:3 ratio may seem appealing at first, let's dig a little deeper into the real percentages. Looks can be deceiving in more ways than one. Of those 30% men, half of them are either gay, bi, or confused. You're left with a cumulative 15%. You soon begin to question whether guys you would never have found attractive prior to the New Paltz experience are actually attractive. This disillusionment will continue to grow with each progressive year you attend school. Soon, you find yourself dating a burnout, wanna-be rapper with no sense of direction. A true catch. The "New Paltz Hot" cannot be evaded. Your only defense is to go back home, or to other colleges, as often as possible. May the odds be ever in your favor. Synonyms may include but are not limited to: Real-world ugly, New Paltz handicap, "okay-looking," the "I-don't-know-what-I-was-thinking" summer break realization, etc.


Sam: "I've questioned as to whether or not I should turn lesbian just to better my chances. Still single as fuck. "
Amanda: "New Paltz problems." Stefanie: "Why can't I find a boyfriend?"
Lisa: "It's not you, it's New Paltz." Jennifer: "I need your opinion, is this guy "real-world" hot or just New Paltz hot?"
Katie: "I don't know... I can't tell the difference anymore."

new hotness có nghĩa là

To refer to something as being better than a previous ownership. Mostly used when talking about cars. Made famous by J.W.A.S!


Yo did u check out Josh's new hotness? Much better than that p.o.s Escort he used to have.

new hotness có nghĩa là

The unfortunate situation that arises when you’re working Brunch at the local po-boy shack and it’s almost 100° outside and the sweat drips down the small of your back inevitably accumulating in your butt crack. The only way to provide relief to this uncomfortable predicament is to dust the crack of your ass with the powdered sugar from the beignet station, thus absorbing the sweat and providing some small bit of relief as you continue to roast in the Louisiana sun.


1. HOT DAMN BRAH!! My ass is swampy like the Bartholomew Bayou, we got ourselves a New Orleans Hot Brunch today! 2. Person one: “Who dat say dey gonna beat dem Saints?” Person two: “Who gives a flying fuck? Pass the powdered sugar because it’s a god damn New Orleans Hot Brunch in my pants right now.”

new hotness có nghĩa là

The phenomena of increased attractiveness of a person who is new to your school/workplace/sharehouse/friendship group. Over time their attractiveness will return to its true value as you begin to notice their crooked teeth/lazy eye/big nose/other trivial imperfections.


Guy 1: "Have you seen the new girl at work? She's pretty hot. I'd give her a 9."
Guy 2: "Yeah, but give it a couple of weeks. She's still new hot, so she could drop to a 8 or a 7."
Guy 3: "And she could also just be work hot. Could send her down another point or 2."

new hotness có nghĩa là

to be the great new thing. All that. linked to cocky people with a talent.


"that quarterback comin outta texas is the hot new."

"This dude over there thinks he's the hot new, don't he"

new hotness có nghĩa là

A short mexican girl Aka Nigglet


Thats what they call the new hotness

new hotness có nghĩa là

When a person who was previously not hot becomes hot and doesn’t realize it yet. Normally these people are cooler than people who have been hot their entire life. This is also known as buying in low.


Wow have you seen Megan in accounting? She lost a ton of weight and doesn’t even know how hot she is, she’s new hot unlike Tiffany who’s always been hot and is a total bitch!

new hotness có nghĩa là

a Italian female guido from the state New Jersey street black hair usually extensions, sexy ass outfits, fake tan, horrible accent, usually obsessed with Philadelphia sports yet they can't tell you the quarterbacks name of the eagles. Freak in the sheets drink slut at the bar, hangs with you until your bank account says 0, then they move on


you my boi said stay away from those New Jersey Hot girls when you go to college this year, they'll screw you over bro

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