What are the principles of learning in Organisational Behaviour?


I want to talk about learning. But not the lifeless, sterile, futile, quickly forgotten stuff that is crammed in to the mind of the poor helpless individual tied into his seat by ironclad bonds of conformity! I am talking about LEARNING - the insatiable curiosity that drives the adolescent boy to absorb everything he can see or hear or read about gasoline engines in order to improve the efficiency and speed of his 'cruiser'. I am talking about the student who says, "I am discovering, drawing in from the outside, and making that which is drawn in a real part of me." I am talking about any learning in which the experience of the learner progresses along this line: "No, no, that's not what I want"; "Wait! This is closer to what I am interested in, what I need"; "Ah, here it is! Now I'm grasping and comprehending what I need and what I want to know!" Carl Rogers 1983: 18-19

Learning is a powerful incentive for many employees to stick to certain organizations. Learning has a significant impact on individual behavior as it influences abilities, role perceptions and motivation. Along with its role in individual behavior, learning is essential for knowledge management. Knowledge management enhances an organization’s capacity to acquire, share and utilize knowledge in ways that improve its survival and success.

Objectives of Learning

The main objective of Organizational Behavior is to understand the human interactions in an organization find what is driving it and influence it for getting better results for attaining business goals.

The organizations in which people work have an effect on their thoughts, feelings, and actions. These thoughts, feelings, and actions, in turn, affect the organization itself.

Organizational behavior studies the mechanisms governing these interactions, seeking to identify and foster behaviors conducive to the survival and effectiveness of the organization.

We have identified 8 objectives of organizational behavior;

1.     Job Satisfaction: Understanding organizational behavior can shed light on the factors that can foster or hamper job satisfaction, such as physical settings, organizational rewards and punishments or work-group characteristics. Job satisfaction, in turn, can foster higher productivity and reduced turnover, while providing more leverage for the recruitment of top talent.

2.     Finding the Right People: A ship with all sails and no anchors would flounder, one with all anchors and no sails would not get anywhere. Organizational behavior can be helpful for finding the right mix of talents and working styles required for achievement of the task at hand. This can assist in deciding who to include in a team or task force, as well as in deciding who to promote to a leadership position or even the ideal profile for new hires.

3.     Organizational Culture: As organizations grow larger, it may become difficult to keep a sense of common purpose and unity of direction. Organizational behavior is useful for understanding and designing the communication channels and leadership structures that can reinforce organizational culture. As rapidly evolving business environments force organizations to adapt, entering, for example, into global markets or utilizing virtual workforce, organizational behavior can assist in maintaining a clear identity without losing flexibility and adaptability.

4.     Leadership and Conflict Resolution: Playing by the book and not making waves may be fine for some organizations, but the command-and-control mentality of the manufacturing age may become counterproductive in the knowledge market. Organizational behavior can assist in fostering leadership, pro-activity and creative problem-solving. When creativity is allowed, the divergence of opinions is unavoidable; but- organizational behavior can provide the leadership and the arbitrage dynamics required for turning conflicts into constructive idea exchanges.

5.     Understanding the Employees Better: Organizational behavior studies help us understand why employees behave the way they do, and also thereby predict how they are going to behave m the future.

6.     Understand how to Develop Good Leaders: Organizational behavior patterns help in predicting who among the employees have the potential to become leaders. They also teach us how to mold these employees so that their leadership potential is utilized to its fullest.

7.     Develop a Good Team: An organization is only as good as the weakest member of its team. It is essential that all members of the team work in coordination and are motivated to work together to achieve the best results. The teamwork theories of organizational behavior are an essential tool in the hands of any manager.

8.     Higher Productivity: All this leads us to the most important goal of achieving the highest productivity in realizing the visions and goals of any organization. If implemented well, the organizational behavior principles help in motivating all the members to do their best. The levels of motivation can be the difference between a good and a bad result. Really organizational Behavior has so many objectives by which it serves the organizations, individuals, groups and in a word all the stake holders.


Learning is defined as “a relatively permanent change in behavior that occurs as a result of prior experience.” Learning is understood as the modification of behavior through practice, training, or experience. This is supplemented with five important components of learning:

1.     Learning involves change: a change may be for good or bad. Change may not be evident until a situation arises in which the new behavior can occur. Learning is not always reflected in performance

2.     Not all changes reflect learning: to constitute learning, change should be relatively permanent. Temporary changes may be only reflective and fail to represent any learning. This requirement, therefore, rules out behavioral changes caused by fatigue or drugs.

3.     Learning is reflected in behavior: a change in an individual’s thought process or attitude, not accompanied by behavior, is no learning. It should be further clarified that learning needs to result in behavior potentiality and not necessarily in the behavior itself. The reason for this distinction lies in the fact that an individual may learn but owing to lack of motivation, may not exhibit any changed behavior.

4.     The change in behavior should occur as a result of experience, practice or training: this implies that behavior caused from maturity, disease, or physical damages does not constitute learning.

5.     The practice or experience must be reinforced in order for learning to occur: if reinforcement does not accompany the practice or experience, the behavior will eventually disappear.

6.     Though not implied in any standard definition of learning: contrary to popular belief, learning is not confined to one’s schooling. Learning occurs throughout one’s life.


There are four theories which explain how learning occurs. They are:

1.     Classical conditioning

2.     Operant conditioning

3.     Cognitive theory

4.     Social learning theory 

Classical Conditioning                                        

Classical conditioning is based on the premise that a physical event – termed a stimulus – that initially does not elicit a particular response gradually acquires the capacity to elicit that response as a result of repeated pairing with a stimulus that elicits a reaction. Learning of this type is quite common and seems to play an important role in such reactions as strong fears, taste aversions, some aspects of sexual behavior and even racial or ethnic prejudice.

Despite the theoretical possibility of the widespread applicability of classical conditioning, most theorists agree that it represents only a very small part of total human learning. Skinner, in particular, felt that classical conditioning explains only respondent (reflexive) behaviors. These are the involuntary responses that are elicited by a stimulus. Skinner felt that the more complex human behaviors cannot be explained by classical conditioning alone. He felt that most human behavior affects, or operates on, the environment. The latter type of behavior is learnt through operant conditioning.

In an organizational setting we can see classical conditioning operating. For example, at one manufacturing plant, every time the top executives from the head office would make a visit, the plant management would clean up the administrative offices and wash the windows. This went on for years. Eventually, employees would turn on their best behavior and look prim and proper whenever the windows were cleaned even in those occasions when the cleaning was not paired with visit from the top brass. People had learnt to associate the cleaning of the windows with the visit from the head office.

The first model, classical conditioning, was initially identified by Pavlov in the salivation reflex of dogs. Salivation is an innate reflex, or unconditioned response, to the presentation of food, an unconditioned stimulus. Pavlov showed that dogs could be conditioned to salivate merely to the sound of a buzzer (a conditioned stimulus), after it was sounded a number of times in conjunction with the presentation of food. Learning is said to occur because salivation has been conditioned to a new stimulus that did not elicit it initially. The pairing of food with the buzzer acts to reinforce the buzzer as the prominent stimulus.

Operant Conditioning

Operant conditioning also called instrumental conditioning refers to the process that our behavior produces certain consequences are. If our actions have pleasant effects, then we will be more likely to repeat them in the future. If, however, our actions have unpleasant effects, we are less likely to repeat them in the future. Thus, according to this theory, behavior is the function of its consequences. The famous Skinner box demonstrated operant conditioning by placing a rat in a box in which the pressing of a small bar produces food. Skinner showed that the rat eventually learns to press the bar regularly to obtain food. Besides reinforcement, punishment produces avoidance behavior, which appears to weaken learning but not curtail it. In both types of conditioning, stimulus generalization occurs; i.e., the conditioned response may be elicited by stimuli similar to the original conditioned stimulus but not used in the original training. Stimulus generalization has enormous practical importance, because it allows for the application of learned behaviors across different contexts. Behavior modification is a type of treatment resulting from these stimulus/response models of learning. It operates under the assumption that if behavior can be learned, it can also be unlearned Operant conditioning emphasizes voluntary behaviors. Researchers call them “operant behavior” because they operate on the environment – they make the environment respond in ways that we want. Operant conditioning has a great impact on human learning. It also explains much of organizational behavior.

For example, it might be said employees work eight hours a day, six days a week, in order to feed, clothe and shelter themselves and their families. Working is instrumental only in obtaining food, clothing and shelter. Some significant insights can be gained directly from this kind of analysis. The consequences of organizational behavior can change the environmental situation and greatly affect subsequently employee behaviors. Managers can analyze consequences of organizational behavior to help accomplish the goals of prediction and control.

Cognitive theory of learning

Contemporary perspective about learning is that it is a cognitive process. Cognitive process assumes that people are conscious, active participants in how they learn. Cognitive theory of learning assumes that the organism learns the meaning of various objects and event and learned responses depending on the meaning assigned to stimuli.

Wolfgang Köhler showed that a protracted process of trial-and-error may be replaced by a sudden understanding that grasps the interrelationships of a problem. This process, called insight, is more akin to piecing together a puzzle than responding to a stimulus.

Social learning theory

Also called observational learning, social learning theory, emphasizes the ability of an individual to learn by observing others. The important models may include parents, teachers, peers, motion pictures, TV artists, bosses and others.

An individual acquires new knowledge by observing what happens to his or her model. This is popularly known as vicarious learning. A learner acquires tacit knowledge and skills through vicarious learning.

Social learning has considerable relevance in organizational behavior. A great deal of what is learned about how to behave in organizations can be explained as the result of the process of observational learning. A new hire acquires job skills by observing what an experienced employee does. Observational learning also occurs in a very informal, unarticulated manner. For instance, people who experience the norms and traditions of their organizations and who subsequently incorporate these into their own behavior may be recognized as having learn through observation. Social learning is also valuable because it enhances the self-efficacy of the learner. Self-efficiency refers to a person’s belief that he or she has the ability, motivation and situational contingencies to complete a task successfully. People strong in self-efficiency have a ‘can do’ attitude towards a specific task and, more generally, with other challenges in life. Social learning increases self-efficiency because people gain greater self-confidence after observing someone else do it than if they are simply told what to do. Managers can shape employee behavior by systematically reinforcing each successive step that moves the individual closer to the desired response. If an employee, for example, who has been chronically a half-hour late for work comes in only twenty minutes late, the boss can reinforce that improvement.


Principles of learning are highly useful for trainer in order to impart maximum knowledge and skills to the trainees. However, blind adherence to these principles can cause more harm than good. Each principle should, therefore, be interpreted and applied carefully in full consideration of the particular task being learned and the most important of them are

  •         Motivation
  •        Reinforcement
  •         Whole versus part learning
  •         Learning curves
  •         Meaningfulness of material
  •        Learning styles


The concept of motivation is basic because, without motivation learning does not take place or, at least, is not discernible. Motivation may be seen at different levels of complexity of a situation. A thirsty rat will learn the path through a maze to a dish of water; it is not likely to do so well, or even more purposefully at all, if it is satiated. On a broader level, a college student must have the need and drive to accomplish a task and reach a specific goal.

Reinforcement, punishment and extinction

Reinforcement, punishment and extinction play a key role in learning process. Reinforcement issued to enhance desirable behavior; punishment and extinction are employed to minimize undesirable behavior.

Reinforcement is the attempt to develop or strengthen desirable behavior. There are two types of reinforcement: positive and negative.

Positive reinforcement

Strengthens and enhances behavior by the presentation of positive enforcers. There are primary reinforces and secondary reinforces. Primary reinforces satisfy basic biological needs and include food and water. However, primary rein forcers don not always reinforce. For instance, food may not be a reinforce to someone who has just completed a five course meal. Most behaviors in organizations are influenced by secondary rein forcers. These include such benefits as money, status, grades, trophies and praise from others. These include such benefits as money, status, grades, trophies and praise from others. These become positive rein forcers because of their associations with the primary rein forcers and hence are often called conditioned reinforcers. It should be noted that an event that functions as a positive reinforce at one time or in one context may have a different effect at another time or in another place. For example, food may serve as a positive reinforcer for a person who is hungry, but not when the person, as stated above, has already a large meal. Clearly, a stimulus that functions as a positive reinforcer for one person may fail to operate in a similar manner for another person. Within itself, positive reinforcement has several principles.

·        The principle of contingent reinforcement states that the reinforcer must be administered only if the desired behavior has occurred. A reinforcer administered when the desired behavior has not been performed becomes ineffective.

·        The principle of immediate reinforcement states that the reinforcer will be most effective if administered immediately after the desired behavior has occurred. The more time that elapses after the behavior occurs, the less effective the reinforcer will be.

·        The principle of reinforcement size stated that the larger the amount of reinforcement delivered after the desired behavior, the more effect the reinforcer will have on the frequency of the desired behavior. The amount or size of reinforcer is relative. A reinforcer that may be insignificant to one person may be significant to another person. Thus, the size of the reinforcer must be determined in relation both to the behavior and the individual.

·        The principles of reinforcement deprivation states that the more a person is deprived of the reinforcer, the greater effect it will have on the future occurrence of the desired behavior. However, if an individual recently has had enough of a reinforcer and is satisfied the reinforcer will have less effect.

In negative reinforcement, an unpleasant event that precedes a behavior is removed when the desired behavior occurs. This procedure increases the likelihood that the desired behavior will occur. Just as there are positive reinforcers, there are the stimuli that strengthen responses that permit an organism to avoid or escape from their presence. Thus, when we perform an action that allows us to escape from a negative reinforcer that is already present or to avoid the threatened application of one, our tendency to perform this action in the future increases. Some negative reinforcers such as intense heat, extreme cold, or electric shock, exert their effects the first time they are encountered, whereas others acquire their impact through repeated association. We see negative reinforcement in organizations and in personal life. Supervisors apply negative reinforcement when they stop criticizing employees whose poor performance has improved. By withholding the criticism, employees are more likely to repeat behaviors that enhance their performance. Negative reinforcement also occurs when parents give in to their children’s tantrums- especially in public places, such as restaurants and shopping malls. Over time, the parent’s tendency to give in may increase, because doing so stops screaming. Thus, both positive and negative reinforcement are procedures that strengthen or increase behavior. Positive reinforcement strengthens and increase behavior by the presentation of desirable consequences. Negative reinforcement strengthens and increases behavior by the threat of and the use of an undesirable consequence or the termination or withdrawal of an undesirable consequence. Negative reinforcement is sometimes confused with punishment, because both use unpleasant stimuli to influence behavior. However, negative reinforcement is used to increase the frequency of a desired behavior, where as punishment is used to decrease the frequency of an undesired behavior.

Schedules of reinforcement

Reinforcement, positive or negative, needs to be properly scheduled. Schedules of reinforcement determine when reinforcers are applied. Psychologists have identified several different schedules of reinforcement. When reinforcement is administered uninterruptedly, it is called continuous reinforcement. Instead, in organizations, reinforcers are administered following partial reinforcement schedules. Four varieties of partial reinforcement schedules have great relevance to organizations. They are

·        Fixed interval schedule: It means providing reinforcement on a predetermined, constant schedule. The first desired behavior to occur after the interval has elapsed is reinforced. Eg: monthly pay cheque

·        Variable interval schedule: It also uses time as the basis for applying reinforcement, but it varies the intervals between reinforcements.

·        Fixed ratio schedule: Reinforcement is administered after the desired behaviors occur a specified number of times. Eg: Piece rating

·        Variable ratio schedule: in this a certain number of desired behaviors must occur before the reinforcer is delivered, but the number of behaviors varies around some average. This type of reinforcement schedule provokes most interest and is preferred by employees for some tasks. It tends to be the most powerful of all the reinforcement schedules. Slot machines and a number of gambling devices operate on a variable ratio schedule. Most of the time when people put a coin into the slot they lose. But, after some unknown number of plays, the machine will pay off.

Punishment is the attempt to eliminate or weaken undesirable behavior. It is used in two ways. One way to punish a person is to apply a negative consequence called punishers – following an undesirable behavior. For example, a professional athlete who is excessively offensive to an official (undesirable behavior) may be ejected from a game (punished). The other way to punish a person is to withhold a positive consequence following an undesirable behavior. For example, a sales representative who makes a few visits to companies (undesirable behavior) is likely to receive less commission (positive reinforcer) at the end of the month. Reverting to the principles of punishment, it may be stated that punishment may end up in unintended results – mainly negative outcomes. Even though punishment may stop an undesirable behavior of an employee, the potential negative outcomes may be greater than the cost of undesirable behavior. Punishment tends to minimize undesirable behavior. But if repeated, punishment may result in undesirable emotions, hostility towards boss, low performance and even high turnover and absenteeism. An alternate to punishing undesirable behavior is extinction. Extinction is the weakening of a behavior by ignoring it or making sure it is not reinforced. The rationale for using extinction is that a behavior not followed by any reinforcer is weakened. In other words, if rewards are withdrawn for behavior that was previously reinforced, the behaviors probably will become less frequent and die out. But extinction needs time and patience to be effective.

Whole versus part learning

A great deal of work has been done in psychology of learning to decide whether learning a whole job is superior to breaking the job into parts and learning the parts. In parts learning, the individual is not only required to learn each individual part but must be able to combine the separate parts so that the whole performance can be accomplished. No overall conclusion, however, has been reached in this field.

Learning curves

A highly useful learning concept which is valid for a wide range of situation is the learning curve, a diagrammatic presentation of the amount learned in relation to time. A typical learning curve will show on the Y-axis the amount learnt and the X-axis the passage of time. Certain characteristics are common to all learning curves. One such feature is the initial spurt. At the beginning, it is natural that the rate of learning exhibits spurt. Usually, the graph levels off at some stage, indicating that maximum performance has been achieved. Apparently at the beginning of the learning process, the subject is highly motivated and seems to exhibit a significant surge of effort. Many experienced trainers exploit this initial spurt by selecting the most important items to be communicated and presenting them as a package to the students at the beginning of the training unit. In many ways, it is possible to exemplify the initial spurt with the aphorism “the first step is the best step”

Another feature of the curve is the learning plateau. At some point in the learning process there is a flattening off in terms of the improvement, a plateau. Frequently, the process of learning is marked by discontinuities and involves escalating from one plateau to another. Most learners are only too aware of the experience of finding themselves on a plateau, which manifests itself in the feeling that they are never going to get anywhere. Jumping from one plateau to another is called organization of learning. Organization of learning is achieved when the learner discovers a new and more effective method of performing particular tasks. For example, when he learns to apply calculus to solve problems of business. Disorganization of learning is an actual fall off in performance. This arises when the subject has to choose between alternative methods of tackling a task. The last characteristic of the learning curve is the end spurt. The end spurt is preceded by fatigue which is likely to set in with the passage of time. When the training season draws nearer to an end and the subject realizes this, there occurs resurgence of interest and effort to learn more. This revival is called the end spurt.

Meaningfulness of material

A definite relationship has been established between learning and meaningfulness of the subject learnt. The more meaningful the materials, the better does learning proceed. Learning of nonsense syllables proceeds more slowly than that of prose or poetry. On a broader scale, aerogramme of learning, where, each task makes for meaningfulness, trainers do have certain techniques that increase meaning for the trainees. Organizing meaningfulness units, creating association with already familiar terms, and providing a conceptual basis of logical reason for the material are some of the practical possibilities.

Learning styles

The final principle of learning is the learning styles. Learning style refers to the ability of an individual to learn. A manager’s long-term success depends more on the ability to learn than on the mastery of the specific skills or technical knowledge. There are four styles people use when learning: accommodation, divergence, assimilation and convergence. The four styles are based on dimensions: feeling versus thinking and doing versus observing.

Accommodator: An accommodator learns by doing and feeling. He tends to learn primarily from hands-on experience. He tends to act on gut feeling rather than on logical analysis. An accommodator tends to rely more heavily on people for information while making decisions. He seeks action-oriented careers such as marketing, politics, public relations and management.

Diverger: A diverter learns by observing and feeling. The diverter has the ability to view concrete situations from different angles. When solving problems, diverter enjoys brainstorming. He takes time and analyses many alternatives. Diverger is imaginative and sensitive to the needs of the other people. He seeks careers in entertainment, arts and services sector.

Converter: A converter learns by doing and thinking. The converter seeks practical use for information. When presented with problems and making decisions, the converter tends to focus on solutions. Converter tends to prefer dealing with technical tasks and problems rather than social and interpersonal issues. Converter seeks technical careers in various scientific fields and work at engineering, production supervision, IT and managerial jobs.

Assimilator: an assimilator learns by observing and thinking. The assimilator is effective at understanding a wide range of information and putting in to concise and logical form. It is more important for the assimilator that an idea or theory is logical than practical. Assimilator tends to be more concerned with abstract idea and concept than with people. He tends to seek careers in education, information and science.


In addition to the application of learning in Organizational Behavior, as explained earlier, there are several other dimensions of learning which have a bearing on individual behavior in organizations. A few important aspects are explained below.

1.     Stimulus generalization in organizations: Stimulus generalization refers to how people recognize the same or similar stimuli in different settings. In other words, it is the process by which they can generalize a contingent reinforcement from one setting to another.

Consider the plant manager of a manufacturing company who has a history of effective troubleshooting. Over the years he has been assigned to several plants, each with a serious operating problem. After successfully dealing with the difficulties, he has always received an extended vacation, a bonus and an increase in his base salary. He has learned the basic contingencies or requirements of reinforcement for his job. The stimulus is the assignment, the response is correcting problems and the consequences are several positive reinforcers. When the manager gets his next assignment, he will probably generalize from his past experiences even though he will be in a different plant with different problems and employees he will know what is expected of him and understand what it takes to be rewarded.

2.     Stimulus discrimination in organizations: Stimulus discrimination is the ability to recognize differences among stimuli. As in stimulus generalization, the person learns the basic stimulus-response-consequence sequence for one stimulus. When confronted with a new stimulus, however, he can discriminate between the two stimuli and respond differently assuming that the troubleshooting plant manager is assigned to the plant that is running smoothly. His routine response to new situations has always been to identify and solve problems, but he must now discriminate between his new situation and his earlier ones. He will also recognize that he will need a different set of behaviors, or responses, to meet performance expectations and receive positive reinforcement.

3.     Learning and training: Learning is the major objective of training. If conducted keeping learning principles in mind, training becomes effective. Many organizations devote vast resources to training and development to expand the skills and abilities of their employees.

4.     Learning through feedback: Feedback is any information that people receive about the consequences of their behavior. Feedback has a powerful effect on behavior and job performance by improving role perceptions, ability and motivation. With regard to role perceptions, feedback lets people know what behaviors are appropriate or necessary in a particular situation. Feedback improves employee ability by frequently providing information to correct performance problems. Employees develop better skills and acquire job-related information by watching instrument dials or non-verbal cues from customers. This is known as corrective feedback, because it makes people aware of their performance errors and helps them correct those errors quickly. Feedback is a source of motivation. Positive feedback fulfills personal needs and makes people feel more confident that they are able to accomplish certain tasks.

5.     Employee indiscipline: Employee indiscipline exhibited in such acts as drunkenness on the job, late arrivals to work, insubordination, stealing company property and the like is common. Every manager is frequently confronted by such indiscipline. The manager will respond with disciplinary actions such as, verbal warnings, oral reprimands, or temporary suspensions. Research on discipline shows that the manager should act immediately to correct the problem, match the severity of punishment and the undesirable behavior. Punishment for indiscipline is hardly the answer to the problem. The person being punished can perceive the punishment as a result of being caught rather than as an incentive to replace undesirable behaviors with another set of behaviors. Disciplining employees for undesirable behavior only tells them what not to do. It does not tell them what alternative behavior is preferred. The result is that this form of punishment frequently leads to only short-term suppression of the undesirable behavior rather than to its elimination. Continued use of punishment rather than positive reinforcement also tends to produce a conditional fear of the manager.


Learning is the acquisition and development of memories and behaviors, including skills, knowledge, understanding, values, and wisdom. It is the product of experience and the goal of education. Learning ranges from simple forms of learning such as habituation and classical conditioning seen in many animal species, to more complex activities such as play, seen only in relatively intelligent animals. Some years ago Säljö (1979) carried out a simple, but very useful piece of research. He asked a number of adult students what they understood by learning. Their responses fell into five main categories:

  1. Learning as a quantitative increase in knowledge. Learning is acquiring information or ‘knowing a lot’.
  2. Learning as memorizing. Learning is storing information that can be reproduced.
  3. Learning as acquiring facts, skills, and methods that can be retained and used as necessary.
  4. Learning as making sense or abstracting meaning. Learning involves relating parts of the subject matter to each other and to the real world.
  5. Learning as interpreting and understanding reality in a different way. Learning involves comprehending the world by reinterpreting knowledge. (quoted in Ramsden 1992: 26)

As Paul Ramsden comments, we can see immediately that conceptions 4 and 5 in are qualitatively different from the first three. Conceptions 1 to 3 imply a less complex view of learning. Learning is something external to the learner. It may even be something that just happens or is done to you by teachers (as in conception 1). In a way learning becomes a bit like shopping. People go out and buy knowledge - it becomes their possession. The last two conceptions look to the 'internal' or personal aspect of learning. Learning is seen as something that you do in order to understand the real world. In today’s fast-changing world, an employee is periodically required to learn new knowledge and skills. This is dramatically apparent from the mushrooming uses of the Internet, as it changes the ways people perform routine functions and discover new ways of obtaining and acting on information.

What are the 5 principles of learning?

5 Principles of Learning.
Learning takes Time. It takes time to learn worthwhile academic content. ... .
Learning is Social. Most learning is an interactive endeavor. ... .
Learning is Personal. ... .
Learning is Transferable. ... .
Effort produces Achievement..

What are the 7 principles of learning?

The 7 principles of learning.
Learners at the centre..
The social nature of learning..
Emotions are integral to learning..
Recognising individual differences..
Stretching all students..
Assessment for learning..
Building horizontal connections..

What are the 8 principles of learning?

To ensure the successful transfer of knowledge, online training courses should effectively apply the 8 principles of learning..
Readiness. You can't force anyone to study, not even kids. ... .
Exercise. ... .
Effect. ... .
Primacy. ... .
Recency. ... .
Intensity. ... .
Freedom. ... .

What are the 9 principles of learning?

Nine Principles of Learning.
Learning is change. ... .
Learning is inevitable, essential, and ubiquitous. ... .
Learning can be resisted. ... .
Learning may be disadvantageous. ... .
Learning can be tacit and incidental as well as conscious and intentional. ... .
Learning is framed by our humanness. ... .
Learning refers to both a process and a product..

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