What are verbal and nonverbal symbols?

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Communication is the act of providing information. It is a two-way process where thoughts, ideas, feelings and information are exchanged. In order for there to be communication between two parties, there must be a medium or means with which to provide it. These means can include writing, different sources of media, verbal (auditory) means and nonverbal means.

How Communication Takes Place

For communication to happen, five things need to take place. First, a message or idea is formed. It is spoken or written. The transmission of the message is then sent by speaking, writing or acting. The message is then received (or heard) by the other party, and then understood.

Types of Communication and Theory

According to Albert Mehrabian, professor at UCLA, there are three types of communication: words, tone of voice and body language. Through his research on subjects communicating with one another, he concluded that 55 percent of information gathered when people are speaking to each other in person is determined through body language. Thirty-eight percent of information relayed in a conversation is through tone of voice, and only seven percent of the words that are spoken are used to understand what is being said.

Verbal Communication

Verbal communication comes in two forms: oral and written. Examples of verbal communication include speaking to someone in person or on the phone, giving presentations and participating in meetings. Written communication uses symbols that are hand-written or printed with an electronic device. The symbols can range from letters in the alphabet to the use of identifiable images (like the “no smoking” image). Examples of written communication include letters, memos, reports, bulletins and emails.

Nonverbal Communication

Nonverbal communication is when a message is sent without spoken or written words. Examples of nonverbal communication include body language, gestures, facial expressions, tones of voice and even eye contact. According to Dr. Edward G. Wertheim, nonverbal cues in communication have five roles: they repeat and confirm what a person is saying if they are being honest, they contradict a person’s words when they are dishonest, they can be a substitute for verbal forms of communication and they compliment or accent what a person says.

It is often said that it doesn’t matter what a person says. Rather, what counts is how it is said. For example, a person could be telling a friend about a sad event; but if the story is being told while smiling, it would be hard for the listening party to say the other person truly feels sad. Nonverbal communication often gives clues to how a person really feels about a subject.

Body Language

Body language is one of the most observed features of communication. The way a person stands, how close they are to another person, the direction in which a person is facing and the use of physical contact are all static features of nonverbal communication. Other important aspects include those which are dynamic: gestures, line of sight or eye contact, and facial expressions.

Communication is a natural phenomenon, it is an act of interacting with people and sharing information with them. Do you know, whether you speak or not, it communicates the message to the other party. There are two types of communication Verbal and Non-verbal. Verbal communication is a form of communication in which you use words to interchange the information with other people either in the form of speech or writing.

On the contrary, Nonverbal communication does not use words for communicating anything, but some other modes are used, i.e. where communication takes place by way of unspoken or unwritten messages such as body language, facial expressions, sign language and so forth. In this article excerpt, we’ve broken down all the important differences between verbal and non-verbal communication in detail.

  1. Comparison Chart
  2. Definition
  3. Key Differences
  4. Video
  5. Conclusion

Comparison Chart

Basis for ComparisonVerbal CommunicationNon-verbal Communication
Meaning The communication in which the sender uses words to transmit the message to the receiver is known as verbal communication. The communication that takes place between sender and receiver with the use of signs is known as non-verbal communication.
Types Formal and Informal Chronemics, Vocalics, Haptics, Kinesics, Proxemics, Artifacts.
Time Consuming No Yes
Chances of transmission of wrong message Rarely happens. Happens most of the time.
Documentary Evidence Yes, in case of written communication. No
Advantage The Message can be clearly understood and immediate feedback is possible. Helpful in understanding emotions, status, lifestyle and feelings of the sender.
Presence The message can be transmitted through letters, phone calls, etc. so the personal presence of the parties, doesn't make any change. The personal presence of both the parties to communication is a must.

Definition of Verbal Communication

The communication in which the sender uses words, whether spoken or written, to transmit the message to the receiver is known as Verbal  Communication. It is the most effective form of communication that leads to the rapid interchange of information and feedback. There are fewer chances of misunderstanding as the communication between parties is clear, i.e. the parties are using words for saying anything.

The communication can be done in two ways (i) Oral – like face to face communication, lectures, phone calls, seminars, etc. (ii) Written – Letters, E- mail, SMS, etc. There are two types of communication, they are:

  • Formal Communication: Also termed as official communication, it is a type of communication in which the sender follows a pre-defined channel to transmit the information to the receiver is known as formal communication.
  • Informal Communication: Most commonly known as grapevine, the type of communication in which the sender does not follow any pre-defined channels to transmit the information is known as informal communication.

Definition of Nonverbal Communication

Non-verbal communication is based on the understanding of the parties to communication, as the transmission of messages from the sender to receiver is wordless i.e. the communication uses signs. So, if the receiver understands the message completely and proper feedback is given afterwards, then the communication succeeds.

It complements the verbal communication many times, to understand the mindset and the status of the of the parties, which is not spoken by them, but it is an act of understanding. The types of Non-verbal communication are as under:

  • Chronemics: The use of time in communication is chronemics, which speaks about the personality of the sender / receiver like punctuality, the speed of speech, etc.
  • Vocalics: The volume, tone of voice and pitch used by the sender for communicating a message to the receiver is known as vocalics or paralanguage.
  • Haptics: The use of touch in communication is the expression of feelings and emotions.
  • Kinesics: It is the study of the body language of a person, i.e., gestures, postures, facial expressions, etc.
  • Proxemics: The distance maintained by a person while communicating with others, communicates about the relationship of the person with others like intimate, personal, social and public.
  • Artifacts: The appearance of a person speaks about his personality, i.e. by way of clothing, carrying jewellery, lifestyle, etc. This kind of communication is known as artifactual communication.

Key Differences Between Verbal and Nonverbal Communication

The following points explain the difference between verbal and non-verbal communication in detail:

  1. The use of words in communication is Verbal communication. The communication which is based on signs, not on words is Non-verbal communication.
  2. There are very fewer chances of confusion in verbal communication between the sender and receiver. Conversely, the chances of misunderstanding and confusion in non-verbal communication are very much as the use of language is not done.
  3. In verbal communication, the interchange of the message is very fast which leads to rapid feedback. In opposition to this, the non-verbal communication is based more on understanding which takes time and hence it is comparatively slow.
  4. In verbal communication, the presence of both the parties at the place of communication is not necessary, as it can also be done if the parties are at different locations. On the other hand, for an effective non-verbal communication, both the parties must be there, at the time of communication.
  5. In verbal communication, the documentary evidence is maintained if the communication is formal or written. But, there is no conclusive evidence  in case of non-verbal communication.
  6. Verbal communication fulfils the most natural desire of humans – talk. In the case of Non-verbal communication, feelings, status, emotions, personality, etc are very easily communicated, through the acts done by the parties to the communication.

Video: Verbal Vs Nonverbal Communication


Verbal and Non-verbal communication are not contradictory to each other, but they are complementary as somebody has rightly said, ” Actions are louder than words.” In short, both goes side by side and helps a human being, to interact and respond to other human beings.

Verbal communication is obviously an important part of life as we use words to communicate. But have you ever thought, that a small baby cannot use language or words to speak, but he chooses signs to show his anger, happiness, and sorrow. Similarly, deaf and dumb persons also use sign language for communicating with other people. So, this is the significance of Non-verbal communication in many lives.

What is verbal and non verbal symbols?

In general, verbal communication refers to our use of words while nonverbal communication refers to communication that occurs through means other than words, such as body language, gestures, and silence.

What are nonverbal symbols?

These nonverbal communication types are facial expressions, gestures, paralinguistics (such as loudness or tone of voice), body language, proxemics or personal space, eye gaze, haptics (touch), appearance, and artifacts.

What is verbal and non verbal with example?

Verbal communication is the words and sounds that come out of our mouths when we're speaking, including tone of voice and things like sighs and groans. Nonverbal communication, on the other hand, is the signs and messages that we communicate using things like body language, gestures, and facial movements.

What is the meaning of verbal symbol?

Verbal symbols show meaning or emotion through writing or spoken words. Two types of Verbal Symbols. Written words - more abstract. Spoken words - less abstract. WRITTEN WORDS.

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