What communications device connects multiple computers together and transmits data to its correct destination on a network?

What communications device connects multiple computers together and transmits data to its correct destination on a network?

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dictum vitae odio. Donec aliquet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam lacinia pulvinar tortor nec facilisis. Pellentesque dapibus efficitur laoreet. Nam risus ante, dapibus a molestie consequat, ultrices ac magna. Fusce dui lectus, congue vel laoreet ac, dictum v

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Switches connect network segments, providing full-duplex communication, valuable network performance data and efficient use of network bandwidth.

Contributing Writer, Network World |

Martyn Williams/IDGNS

Networks today are essential for supporting businesses, providing communication, delivering entertainment—the list goes on and on. A fundamental element networks have in common is the network switch, which helps connect devices for the purpose of sharing resources.

What is a network switch?

A network switch is a device that operates at the Data Link layer of the OSI model (Layer 2). It takes in packets being sent by devices that are connected to its physical ports and sends them out again, but only through the ports that lead to the devices the packets are intended to reach. Switches can also operate at the network layer (Layer 3) where routing occurs.

Switches are a common component of networks based on Ethernet, Fibre Channel, Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM), and InfiniBand, among others. In general, though, most switches today use Ethernet.

How does a network switch work?

Once a device is connected to a switch, the switch identifies its media access control (MAC) address, a code that’s baked into the device’s network-interface card (NIC). The NIC attaches to the Ethernet cable that attaches to the switch.

The switch uses the MAC address to identify which attached device is sending outgoing packets, and where to deliver incoming packets.

The MAC address identifies the physical device and doesn’t change, as opposed to the network layer (Layer 3) IP address, which can be assigned dynamically to a device and change over time.

When one device sends a data packet to another device, the packet enters the switch and the switch reads the header to determine what to do with it. The switch matches the destination address or addresses and sends the packet out through the appropriate ports that lead to the destination devices.

To reduce the chance for collisions between network traffic going to and from a switch and a connected device at the same time, most switches offer full-duplex functionality in which packets coming from and going to a device have access to the full bandwidth of the switch connection. (Picture two people talking on smartphones as opposed to a walkie-talkie).

While it’s true that switches operate at Layer 2, they can also operate at Layer 3, which is necessary for them to support virtual LANs (VLAN), which are logical network segments that can span subnets. In order for traffic to get from one subnet to another it must pass between switches, and this is facilitated by routing capabilities built into the switches.

What is the difference between a switch and a hub?

A hub can connect several devices for the purpose of sharing resources, and the collection of devices attached to a hub is known as a LAN segment.

A hub differs from a switch in that packets sent from one of the connected devices are broadcast to all of the devices that are connected to the hub. With a switch, packets are directed only to the port that leads to the addressed device.

Switches typically connect LAN segments, so hubs attach to them. Switches filter out traffic destined for devices on the same LAN segment. Because of this intelligence, switches make more efficient use of their own processing resources, as well as network bandwidth.

What is the difference between a switch and a router?

Switches are sometimes confused with routers, which also offer forwarding and routing of network traffic, hence their name. But they do this with a different purpose and location. Routers operate at Layer 3 and are used to connect networks to other networks.

An easy way to think about the difference between switches and routers is to think about LANs and WANs. Devices connect locally through switches, and networks are connected to other networks through routers. The general path a packet might take to reach the internet would look like this: device > hub > switch > router > internet.

Of course, there are cases where switching functionality is built into a router hardware, and the router performs as the switch as well. A common example is your home wireless router. It routes to a broadband connection through its WAN port, but it usually also has additional Ethernet ports that you can use to connect an Ethernet cable for a computer, television, printer or even a gaming console.

While other devices on the network, such as other notebooks and phones, connect through the Wi-Fi router, it still offers switching functions through the LAN. So the router, in effect, is also a switch. And you can even connect a separate switch to the router to provide both internet and LAN access for additional devices.

What are the different types of switches?

Switches vary in size, depending on how many devices you need to connect in a specific area, as well as the type of network speed/bandwidth required for those devices. In a small office or home office, a four- or eight-port switch usually suffices, but for larger deployments you generally see switches with up to 128 ports.

The form factor of a smaller switch is an appliance that you can fit on a desktop, but switches are also rack-mountable for placement in a wiring closet or data center or server farm. Sizes of rack-mountable switches range from 1U to 4U, but larger ones are also available.

Switches also vary in the network speed they offer, ranging from Fast Ethernet (10/100 Mbps), Gigabit Ethernet (10/100/1000 Mbps), 10 Gigabit (10/100/1000/10000 Mbps) and even 40/100 Gbps speeds. Which speed to choose depends on the throughput needed for the tasks being supported.

Switches also differ in their capabilities. Here are three types:

-      Unmanaged

Unmanaged switches are the most basic, offering fixed configuration. They are generally plug-and-play, which means they have few, if any, options for the user to choose from. They may have default settings for features such as quality of service, but they cannot be changed. The upside is that unmanaged switches are relatively inexpensive, but their lack of features make them unsuitable for most enterprise uses.

-      Managed

Managed switches offer more functionality and features for IT professionals and are the type most likely seen in business or enterprise settings. Managed switches have command-line interfaces (CLI) to configure them. They support simple network management protocol (SNMP) agents that provide information that can be used to troubleshoot network problems.

They can also support virtual LANs, quality of service (QoS) settings and IP routing. The security is also better, protecting all types of traffic that they handle. Because of their advanced features, managed switches cost much more than unmanaged switches.

-      Smart or intelligent switches

Smart or intelligent switches are managed switches that have some features beyond what an unmanaged switch offers, but fewer than a managed switch. While they are more sophisticated than unmanaged switches, they are also less expensive than a fully managed switch. They generally lack support for telnet access and have web GUIs rather than CLIs. Other options, such as VLANs, may not have as many features as those supported by fully managed switches. Because they are less expensive, they may be a good fit for smaller companies with fewer financial resources and/or those with fewer feature needs.

What are the management features of a network switch?

The full list of features and functionalities of a network switch will vary depending on the switch manufacturer and any additional software provided, but in general a switch will let IT professionals:

  • Enable and disable specific ports on the switch.
  • Configure settings for duplex (half or full), as well as bandwidth.
  • Set quality of service (QoS) levels for a specific port.
  • Enable MAC filtering and other access control features.
  • Set up SNMP monitoring of devices, including the health of the link.
  • Configure port mirroring, for monitoring network traffic.

What is the value of a network switch?

Switches remain important in today’s modern enterprise, as their capabilities can enable further wireless connectivity, as well as support Internet of Things devices and smart buildings that help create a more sustainable operation. The growing use of Industrial Internet of Things devices that connect sensors and machinery in factories also requires switching technologies to connect back to the enterprise network.

Modern switches now likely include Power over Ethernet (PoE) technology that can deliver up to 100W of power to support network-connected devices. This lets companies deploy devices in areas where a separate power outlet is not required, such as security cameras, outdoor lighting, wireless access points, VoIP phones and a litany of sensors (temperature, humidity, moisture, etc.) that can monitor remote areas. Data collected and transmitted from IoT devices can be collected by a switch and be applied to artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms to help optimize smarter environments.

What are some other uses of a network switch?

In larger networks, switches are often used to offload traffic for analytics. This can be important to security professionals, where a switch can be placed in front of a WAN router before the traffic goes to the LAN. It can facilitate intrusion detection, performance analytics, and firewalling. In many cases, port mirroring can create a mirror image of the data flowing through the switch before it is sent to an intrusion detection system or packet sniffer.

At its most basic, however, network switches quickly and efficiently deliver packets from device A to device B, whether they are located across the hallway or halfway around the world. Several other devices contribute to this delivery along the way, but the switch is an essential part of the networking architecture.

Keith Shaw is a freelance digital journalist who has written about the IT world for more than 20 years.

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Keith Shaw is a freelance digital journalist who has written about the IT world for more than 20 years.

Copyright © 2021 IDG Communications, Inc.

What device is used to connect a computer to a network?

Router. A router is a hardware device that allows you to connect several computers and other devices to a single Internet connection, which is known as a home network.

Which hardware device connects multiple devices on a computer network?

Hubs connect multiple computer networking devices together. A hub also acts as a repeater in that it amplifies signals that deteriorate after traveling long distances over connecting cables. A hub is the simplest in the family of network connecting devices because it connects LAN components with identical protocols.

What is network communication devices?

A network gateway provides interoperability between networks and contains devices, such as protocol translators, impedance matchers, rate converters, fault isolators, or signal translators. Modem vs Router. A modem helps to connect to the internet.

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