What do you call the direct reports of your direct reports?

What is the meaning of direct report?

A direct report is someone who directly reports to their boss or manager in an organization. Most employees do not have a direct report unless they are in management. Instead, most employees are the direct report, or subordinate, to their boss.

Knowing the meaning of direct reports is important, especially if you work for a large company. The last thing you want to do is get embarrassed by accidentally calling your boss your direct report.

Luckily for you, I’ll show you the meaning of direct report. I’ll give you examples to help you understand the meaning and explain what a subordinate is. You’ll know the difference in no time!

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What is the meaning of direct report?

A direct report is an employee who reports up to a higher level of management, such as a manager or supervisor. The term implies that you are directly reporting to your manager. You are a direct report if you have a boss.

A CEO that does not report to anybody is not a direct report. The CEO does not have anyone he or she reports to because they are the top of the organizational hierarchy. Instead, the CEO has subordinates who directly report to them.

Typically, you are not managing anybody when you first join a company. You do not have any direct reports because you are not managing anyone. However, you most likely have a boss that you report to which makes you a direct report to your boss.

Managers may be subordinates and have direct reports simultaneously. A manager will have people under them who are their direct reports. The manager will often report to someone above them, which makes them a direct report to their boss. 

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Your boss is not your direct report. Instead, you are the direct report to your boss as you report your work activities to your boss. You do not have any direct reports if you do not manage any company personnel.

Who does a direct report report to?

A direct report reports to their boss, manager, supervisor, or team leader. Essentially, a direct report reports to the person who is above them in their organization. 

What does subordinate or direct report mean?

A subordinate is below someone in the organizational hierarchy. The subordinate directly reports to the person above them in the organization. A boss or manager has employees working for them who are their subordinates who directly report to them.

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Summary: Direct report meaning

As you can see, the meaning of direct report is that you directly report to someone above you and your organization. Your boss is not your direct report. Instead, you are your boss’s subordinate and you directly report to your boss.

Subordinate and direct reports are essentially the same term. A manager might have direct reports while also directly reporting to someone above them in the organization. CEO’s typically do not report to anyone, and therefore are not a direct report.

John is the founder of TightFist Finance and an expert in the field of personal finance. John has studied personal finance for over 10 years and has used his knowledge to pay down debt, grow his investment portfolio, and launch a financial based business. He is committed to sharing content related to personal finance based on his experience in his career, investing, and path towards reaching financial independence.

Report is the common word used in this context.

See the 4th definition under noun, in OLD:


An employee who reports to another employee.

Although they are your subordinates by your own description, the word subordinate carries with it the very clear sense that these people are lower in the company hierarchy than you. It would usually be used if there was a need to put emphasis on that detail. For example: "You need to get your subordinates to start doing their job!".

However, if you simply want a word to refer to people that you manage (directly or indirectly), the word report is the usual choice.

If the individual(s) report to you directly you could further qualify the relationship, by using the phrase:

Direct report(s) (Cambridge)

An employee whose position at work is directly below that of another person, and who is managed by that person:

She has a dozen direct reports, but manages many more people.

If one of your direct reports manages four people, those four individuals are your reports but not your direct reports.

What to call someone who reports to you?

Well, in the US folks who directly report to you would be "direct reports".

What are indirect reports?

Noun. indirect report (plural indirect reports) an employee who is indirectly under the supervision of a particular manager.

Who is a Reportee?

reportee (plural reportees) One who, or that which, is reported.

How do you list direct reports on a resume?

Here are some examples of how to list direct reports on a resume: Led team of 5 software engineers, managing schedules, performance reviews and daily tasks. Hired and managed a team of 9 customer service representatives responsible for 200 daily customer service inquiries.

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