What happens if you exfoliate your legs?

For people who want smooth, soft looking skin on their legs, there’s more to it than simply shaving on a regular basis. Exfoliation is a key part of a good skincare routine because it helps slough off dead skin cells that can be contributing to a dull appearance, as well as help expose skin to better absorb skincare products like moisturizer.

However, before simply diving in and buying the first exfoliator you find, it helps to know the best way to exfoliate the legs—both how and how often—according to your specific skin type.

What is Exfoliation?

In general, exfoliation is the act of removing dead skin cells from the surface of the skin. Every month or so, your body produces a brand-new layer of healthy skin, and while it is usually able to flake off old, damaged, dead skin cells, sometimes they can become trapped in pores, leading to blemishes or ingrown hairs.

Shaving is a type of exfoliation, although it can also irritate the skin and lead to dreaded razor burn. That’s why exfoliating with a professional-grade exfoliant for the legs is a more reliable way to clean and maintain the appearance of a healthy glow.

There are two ways for how to exfoliate your legs: chemically, with specific skin-safe acids, or physically with gentle scrubbing compounds.

Chemical Exfoliant for Legs

Chemical exfoliants work by dissolving the very outer layer of skin cells to reveal bright, fresh skin underneath. The three most common active ingredients that achieve this safely are alpha and beta hydroxy acids and certain plant-derived enzymes. Alpha hydroxy acid exfoliators are usually glycolic or lactic acid-based and the most common beta hydroxy acid is salicylic acid.

Chemical exfoliants aren’t right for everyone, as they can cause irritation and redness for sensitive skin, however enzyme-based exfoliants can be a good solution for sensitive skin exfoliation, because they don’t work as quickly as acid-based ones.

Physical Exfoliators for Legs

Physical exfoliants use abrasion from fine or coarse materials like salt, sugar, or walnut shell powder to slough away dead skin cells and clean pores thoroughly. The more oily your skin naturally is, the more aggressive you should go with an exfoliant. However, keep in mind that to avoid skin irritation, it’s important not to press too hard on your skin when exfoliating, as this can scratch the skin and cause redness and increased oil production.

Each of Epicuren’s body polishes uses a different exfoliant, some of which may work better for your specific skin type, so be sure to try different formulas if you’re unsatisfied with your first result. In addition to getting the job done, our professional-grade exfoliants, like our Cinnamon Vanilla Brown Sugar Body Polish, are naturally scented to give you a luxurious experience in the comfort of your own home.

How to Exfoliate The Legs Correctly

Exfoliating the wrong way, or over-exfoliating, can damage your skin and weaken its natural protective barrier, leading to more chronic inflammation and redness, as well as making it more sensitive. It’s best to follow the directions of your specific product, and monitor your skin condition to see if any changes occur that aren’t beneficial.

Step 1: Steam and Clean

A steamy shower helps open up the skin’s pores, allowing the products and exfoliators to better perform.

Wash your body with a gentle, moisturizing cleanser to get most of the dirt, oil, and residual products (like sunscreen) off the legs prior to exfoliating. This allows the exfoliation to work properly on a smooth, clean surface.

Step 2: Exfoliate

Paying close attention to your specific exfoliator’s instructions, start at your feet, spending more time on rough, thick skin like your heel and ankles, which can easily build up callouses that exfoliation helps prevent.

As you move up to the calves, spend extra time on the knees, where skin is also thick. Finally, pay attention to the inner thighs, which can chafe and rub, causing extra dead skin cells that need exfoliation.

Once you’ve exfoliated all of your legs, rinse the product off thoroughly before moving on with the rest of your routine, including shaving.

Step 3: Moisturize

The key after exfoliation is to hydrate the skin so that it doesn’t dry out. Your specific skin type will determine how strong a product you’ll need, from our popular after-bath moisturizers to a richerhydrating luxurious body oil.

Best Exfoliation for Legs

Exfoliating on a regular basis is totally worth it in the long run. This step in a comprehensive skin care routine ensures your skin is taking full advantage of the high-quality ingredients in Epicuren’s products.

Our exfoliators are formulated to be safe and effective on all skin types, with natural ingredients like sugar, salt, and Bora Bora sand in our Mint Renewal White Sand Body Polish. Browse our collection of exfoliators or take our Skin Quiz to discover products that can help you take your skin care to the next level.

Is exfoliating good for legs?

Exfoliation is when you remove dead skin buildup, which stimulates new cell growth. Exfoliating your legs can make them look smoother and more polished, and give them a glow. When exfoliating your legs, do it safely. Exfoliating too often or too hard can cause redness or even damage your skin.

How often should you exfoliate your legs?

One to two times a week is fine for people with oily skin. But if you have dry skin, you should either hydrate beforehand or exfoliate your legs less often. In other words, if your skin becomes irritated after exfoliating the second time, only do it once a week to avoid the irritation.

Should I exfoliate my legs wet or dry?

"It's best to exfoliate in the bath or shower on wet skin, and don't forget to apply moisturizer after exfoliation to prevent dryness or irritation," she says. Shaving exfoliates the skin, so if you shave every day, avoid exfoliating as frequently, as it can cause irritation.

What happens if you exfoliate your legs too much?

If you exfoliate too harshly, or too often, for your skin type, your skin can become reddened or even damaged. If your skin is sensitive, it may sting or burn after exfoliation. This is your skin's way of telling you to be gentler.