What is the relationship between the elements of art and the principles of design?

The 7 Elements of Art

The elements of art are the "building blocks" of art. This is the vocabulary we use to describe works of art. 

Line A path created by a moving point, mark or object. It is a dot that takes a walk. A line can be straight, swirly, wavy, jagged, dotted, dashed, broken, thick, thin, zig zag, diagonal, vertical, horizontal, curved, bold, parallel or perpendicular.

Shape A two-dimensional (2D), flat enclosed area. When a line crosses over itself it creates a shape. Examples of shapes could be geometric, organic/natural, irregular, circle, square, rectangle, diamond, oval, crescent, heart, triangle, octagon.

Color The element of art derived from reflected or absorbed light. Color adds interest and mood to a work of art. It is also referred to as "Hue". The primary colors are red, yellow and blue. The secondary colors are created by mixing the primary colors. They are purple (violet), orange and green.

Texture How something feels or looks like it would feel if you could touch it. There are two kinds of texture: Real (how something actually feels, such as a sculpture) and Implied (when an artist paints or draws a texture but it is artificial).

Form Objects having three dimensions (3D), or height, width, and depth. You can walk around a form. Examples of form can include cubes, cylinders, and spheres.

Value The lightness or darkness of an object; the degree of lightness or darkness in a piece of art; or the effect of light and shade on objects in a picture. Value vocabulary includes tint (adding white to make something lighter), shade (adding black to make something darker) and hue (the true color). Shadow, highlight, and light source are also some vocabulary words to consider with this element of art.

Space The element of art that refers to the emptiness or area around or within objects. Positive space refers to the part of the artwork that takes up space. Negative space is the area around that object. This element of art also refers to the "parts" of the picture... Foreground, Middle ground and Background!


Principles of Design

Balance is the distribution of the visual weight of objects, colors, texture, and space. If the design was a scale, these elements should be balanced to make a design feel stable. In symmetrical balance, the elements used on one side of the design are similar to those on the other side; in asymmetrical balance, the sides are different but still look balanced. In radial balance, the elements are arranged around a central point and may be similar.

Emphasis is the part of the design that catches the viewer’s attention. Usually the artist will make one area stand out by contrasting it with other areas. The area could be different in size, color, texture, shape, etc.

Movement is the path the viewer’s eye takes through the work of art, often to focal areas. Such movement can be directed along lines, edges, shape, and color within the work of art.

Pattern is the repeating of an object or symbol all over the work of art.

Repetition works with pattern to make the work of art seem active. The repetition of elements of design creates unity within the work of art.

Proportion is the feeling of unity created when all parts (sizes, amounts, or number) relate well with each other. When drawing the human figure, proportion can refer to the size of the head compared to the rest of the body.

Rhythm is created when one or more elements of design are used repeatedly to create a feeling of organized movement. Rhythm creates a mood like music or dancing. To keep rhythm exciting and active, variety is essential.

Variety is the use of several elements of design to hold the viewer’s attention and to guide the viewer’s eye through and around the work of art.

Unity is the feeling of harmony between all parts of the work of art, which creates a sense of completeness.



Elements of Arts

Elements of arts consist of line, shape, color, value, form, texture and space. These elements can be seen in each art products.

  1. Line
    This image shows multiple lines used in a hallway. The different lengths of lines add depth to the image by using perspective technique.
  2. Shape
    The road sign shown above uses two shapes: diamond and rectangle. The usage of shapes in different road signs ease the drivers to expect the signs from far without having to exactly identify the words and pictures.
  3. Color
    The above image shows multiple colors, especially shown by the middle tree. The transition of red to green as demonstrated by the tree from top to bottom shows that colors can be continuous although they have different properties. The variant colors also gives the mood of happiness in the image, especially on a sunny day.
  4. Value
    Value is the different shades of color, demonstrated by the shadows on the mug in the above image. The brightness on the right of the mug and darker color at the left show the direction of the light, in this case the sunlight. This also gives the hint to the viewers of the time the picture was taken. Since the light seems to be from a lower source, the picture might be taken in the evening or in the morning.
  5. Form
    Form demonstrates the depth of 3-dimensional objects. In the above image, the objects are clearly 3-dimensional based on the different values they have at certain parts. The shadows at the bottom also prove that the objects are 3-dimensional.
  6. Texture
    Texture shows the details of the material to better visualize and sense the image. The above image shows the texture of a tree bark, which viewers may have sense or imagine that they are in the image since they can think of the feel of the texture.
  7. Space
    Space is important to draw the attention of the viewers to a specific object. In the above image, the sky acts as an empty space to draw the viewer’s attention towards Statue of Liberty.

Principles of design are the criteria used in art making to demonstrate some messages in their work. Among them are balance, contrast, emphasis, movement, pattern, proportion, alignment and unity.

  1. Balance
    Balance is the existence of a symmetry line in an image. The above image has a vertical symmetry line at the center, which the right and the left part are almost exactly the same. Thus, there is balance between the right and left parts of the image.
  2. Contrast
    Contrast can be identified from any criteria of an image. The image shown above demonstrates the contrast in brightness, which the trees on the left are bright while the trees on the right are dark. Contrast may also be identified through numbers, color and other properties, but there is usually an imaginary line that clearly separates between the two opposite criteria.
  3. Emphasis
    Emphasis may be shown through its distinct properties apart from other part of an image. In the above image, the group of flowers is emphasized by focusing on it and blurring the background. This principle will draw viewer’s attention to the flowers.
  4. Movement
    Movement in an image is usually shown through a continuous line demonstrating the movement path of an object. The above image shows that the water is flowing down the rocks, demonstrated by the continuous line of the water. This principle increases the sense of viewer in imagining the situation of the place.
  5. Pattern
    Pattern is a principle in which something is repeated multiple times. In the above image, the hexagon-shaped lights are repeated several times to be like a bee-hive pattern.
  6. Proportion
    Proportion shows the different size of an object with respect to another object. In the above image, the sign looks obviously larger than the building on the right. Since the building should be larger in the real world, viewers can conclude that the sign is nearer than the building based on the proportion.
  7. Alignment
    Alignment is similar to pattern, but arranged in a line. The image shown above shows some flowers grown in a line instead of spread throughout the field. Viewers may also extend their views outside of the image, which there are more flowers in the line.
  8. Unity
    Unity is the principle that is used in most real images since the objects are arranged in a unified way. The above image shows the unity in nature. Although the bamboo hut is manmade, it unifies with the river and the trees since it is made of bamboo, which is natural. The color reflected by the water in the river is also green, which unifies with the green trees along the side of the river.

What is the relationship between art and design?

Design and art share the same fundamental creative visual principles: Shape, color, line, contrast, balance, rhythm, etc. Both designers and artists study artistic methods such as drawing, painting, or sculpting to develop their creative abilities. Both designs and artworks can be visually attractive.

Why are the elements of art and principles of design important?

These elements are put together to make the picture look better. The combination of multiple principles can lead to creating artwork that will amaze people, get great publicity, and hopefully benefit the artist who made it.

What is the relationship between contrast and the elements of art?

Contrast is simply defined as difference. Difference between art elements like color, value, size, texture, and so on can intensify the elements used. As a result, the elements used in a work of art can become more powerful. Although contrast is closely related with variety, it is usually considered a principle of art.

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