When you give care to a child who is responsive and choking Where should you position your fist to give abdominal thrusts *?

First Aid for a Choking Conscious Adult or Child

Step 1. 

Determine if the person can speak or cough. If you see an object in the throat or mouth, remove it. If not, proceed to the next step.

When you give care to a child who is responsive and choking Where should you position your fist to give abdominal thrusts *?

Step 2. 

Perform an abdominal thrust (Heimlich Maneuver) repeatedly until the foreign body is expelled.

  • Stand behind the victim with one leg forward between the victim’s legs. For a child, move down to the child’s level. Keep your head slightly to one side.
  • Locate the person’s navel with a finger from one hand.
  • Make a fist with the other hand and place the thumb side of the fist against the person’s abdomen  just above the navel.
  • Grasp your fist with your other hand and thrust inward and upward into the victim’s abdomen with quick jerks. Continue abdominal thrusts until the victim expels the object or becomes unresponsive.

When you give care to a child who is responsive and choking Where should you position your fist to give abdominal thrusts *?

Step 3. 

For a responsive pregnant victim or any victim you cannot get your arms around or for who abdominal thrusts are not effective, give chest thrusts from behind the victim. Avoid squeezing the ribs with your arms.

When you give care to a child who is responsive and choking Where should you position your fist to give abdominal thrusts *?

If the person becomes unresponsive (or is found unresponsive), lower the person to the ground, expose the chest and start CPR with 30 chest compressions. Look inside the mouth each time you open the mouth to give breaths and remove any object seen.

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As you start weaning your baby and they begin eating solid foods or playing with small objects, they may be at risk of choking. Find out what to look for and what to do.

When someone is choking, they may be unable to breathe properly. Find out what to look for and what to do.

If a child is unresponsive and not breathing normally you will need to call 999 or 112 for emergency help and perform child CPR straight away. Learn what to do.

When you give care to a child who is responsive and choking Where should you position your fist to give abdominal thrusts *?


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When you give care to a child who is responsive and choking Where should you position your fist to give abdominal thrusts *?

Choking is a common preventable cause of cardiac arrest. The correct response for a choking person depends on the degree of airway obstruction, whether the person is responsive or not, and the age of the person. See Table 3 for rescue actions for choking in adult and children.

Choking In Adults And Children

Degree of ObstructionPerson's ResponseRescuers Action
Mild Obstruction
  • Breathing but may also be wheezing
  • Coughing and making noise
  • Stay with the person, try to keep them calm
  • Encourage them to cough
  • Call 911/EMS if the person seems to be getting worse
Severe Obstruction
  • Clutching the neck (universal sign of choking; Figure 15)
  • Weak or no cough
  • Unable to make noise or talk; may make high-pitched noise
  • Little or no breathing
  • Appears cyanotic (blue around lips and fingertips)
  • Use abdominal thrusts to attempt to remove obstruction
  • Call 911/EMS
  • Begin BLS if the person becomes unresponsive

Figure 16: Abdominal

Abdominal Thrusts

These steps should only be used when a person is responsive and older than one year of age.

To properly perform the abdominal thrusts, do the following:

  1. Stand behind the responsive person. Wrap your arms around their waist under their ribcage.

  2. Put the side of your fist above the person’s navel in the middle of their belly. Do not press on the lower part of the sternum (Figure 16a).

  3. With your other hand, hold the first fist and press forcefully into the person’s abdomen and up toward their chest (Figure 16b and 16c).

  4. Continue performing these thrusts until the obstruction is relieved or until the person becomes unresponsive.

If you can see a foreign object in the individual’s mouth and can easily remove it, then do it. Watch and feel for breathing to begin. If the individual does not begin breathing, continue to provide CPR and rescue breaths until help arrives.

Choking in Infants

Choking In Infants

Degree of ObstructionInfants's ResponseRescuers Action
Mild Obstruction
  • Breathing but may also be wheezing
  • May be coughing and making noise
  • Stay with the infant, try to keep them calm
  • Do not do a blind finger sweep
  • Call 911/EMS if infant does not quickly clear the obstruction
Severe Obstruction
  • Weak or no cough
  • Unable to make noise; may make high-pitched noise
  • Little or no breathing
  • Appears cyanotic (blue around lips and fingertips)
  • Use back blows/chest thrusts to attempt to remove obstruction
  • Call 911/EMS
  • Begin BLS if the infant becomes unresponsive
  • Assess if obstruction is visible; if so, remove it

For chest compressions, do the following:

In a choking but responsive infant less than one-year-old, back blows and chest thrusts are used instead of abdominal thrusts. See Table 4 for rescue actions for choking in infants. To provide back blows and chest thrusts, do the following:

  1. Hold the infant in your lap.
  2. Put the infant with their face down and their head lower than their chest; they should be resting on your forearm. Put your forearm on your thigh (Figure 17a).
  3. Support the infant’s head and neck with your hand and be sure to avoid putting pressure on their throat.
  4. Using the heel of your free hand, deliver five back blows between the infant’s shoulder blades (Figure 17b).
  5. Using both hands and arms, turn the infant face up so they are now resting on your other arm; this arm should now be resting on your thigh (Figure 17c).
  6. Make sure the infant’s head is lower than their chest.
  7. Using the fingers of your free hand, provide up to five quick downward chest thrusts over the lower half of the breastbone (Figure 17d). Perform one thrust every second.
  8. If the obstruction is not relieved, turn the infant face down on your other forearm and repeat the process (Figure 17b).
  9. Continue doing these steps until the infant begins to breathe or becomes unresponsive.

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What is the correct hand placement to perform abdominal thrusts on a choking child?

Abdominal thrusts for children over 1 year Stand or kneel behind your child. Place your arms under the child's arms and around their upper abdomen. Clench your fist and place it between the navel and ribs. Grasp this hand with your other hand and pull sharply inwards and upwards.

What is the correct position for giving thrusts to a child who is still responding?

Give up to five abdominal thrusts: hold the child around the waist and pull inwards and upwards above their belly button. Abdominal thrusts squeeze the air out of the lungs and may dislodge the blockage.

What position do you put a choking baby in?

Lay the infant face down, along your forearm. Use your thigh or lap for support. Hold the infant's chest in your hand and jaw with your fingers. Point the infant's head downward, lower than the body.

Where on the person's abdomen should you give abdominal thrusts?

Place your fist, thumb side in, just above the person's navel (belly button). Grasp the fist tightly with your other hand. Make quick, upward and inward thrusts with your fist.