Which type of menu allows a customer to order any type of menu item at any time of day?

10 Questions  |  By Catherinehalcomb | Last updated: Jun 18, 2022 | Total Attempts: 141



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Are you specializing in culinary arts? Do you know about menu and menu planning? Check out this trivia quiz and assess how well you know about menu planning variations. In a restaurant or hotel, the menu is a list of foods or beverages served to customers with the prices. And menu planning is a managerial activity of food and beverages operations in the food industry. The below quiz asks a few questions related to both of these. Do you think you can answer them all? See it for yourself now.

  • 1. 

    What is menu planning?

    • A. 

      The plan to teach employees how to cook items on the menu.

    • B. 

      Planning for building a restaurant.

    • C. 

      The selecting of foods for a menu, usually for a specific event.

    • D. 

      The plan for a menu to be reconstructed every week.

  • 2. 

    Which of the following is NOT an important factor in menu planning?

    • A. 

      Kitchen availability

    • B. 


    • C. 


    • D. 

      Type of institution

  • 3. 

    Which type of menu allows a customer to order any type of menu item at any time of day?

    • A. 

      Du jour

    • B. 

      Ala carte

    • C. 


    • D. 


  • 4. 

    Jean is a busy mom and has signed up for an online class that teaches menu planning. Why would she want to involve herself in menu planning?

    • A. 

      She is taking the class to become educated about food sourcing and nutrition.

    • B. 

      She wants her family's meals to be planned so they do not have to count calories.

    • C. 

      Jean is taking the class to learn new cooking techniques so she can create interesting menus for parties.

    • D. 

      Jean wants to know what her family will be eating for each meal and provide quality food.

  • 5. 

    How do daily activities and variations in schedules affect the menu planning process?

    • A. 

      Daily activity can add to the shopping budget because of the need to buy foods already prepared.

    • B. 

      Menu planning is easier on days with many planned activities because there is no time to make a full meal.

    • C. 

      They dictate how much time is allowed to make food, the best preparation method, and when to serve it.

    • D. 

      Daily activities should have no impact on planning menus.

  • 6. 

    What is the first step in meal planning?

    • A. 

      Look for recipes that make good meal choices.

    • B. 

      Set a shopping budget for the week.

    • C. 

      Create the grocery shopping list.

    • D. 

      Write down days of the week and meal ideas.

  • 7. 

    How does menu design help a restaurant's bottom line?     

    • A. 

      Menus can steer customers to the most profitable items.

    • B. 

      Menus are not an expensive item. 

    • C. 

      Menus can make poor food sound good.  

    • D. 

      Menus can disguise prices on expensive items

  • 8. 

    Why is the physical arrangement of items on a menu important?

    • A. 

      People tend to look at certain areas more than others.

    • B. 

      People want to see prices first.

    • C. 

      People do not like pictures in menus.

    • D. 

      People do not like lots of choices.

  • 9. 

    What role does psychology play in how prices are shown as part of the design of menus?

    • A. 

      People always want the best value for money so lowest prices should be more prominent.

    • B. 

      People will never order high price items if the price is too obvious.

    • C. 

      If people's eyes focus first on prices, it can deter them from ordering high profit items.

    • D. 

      People do not trust menus where prices are not obvious.

  • 10. 

    Some are factors to consider when planning a menu, except one      

    • A. 

      People being served

    • B. 

      Resources available

    • C. 

      Nutritive value

    • D. 

      Restaurant availability

Food being a basic need for human survival, restaurants has become one of the most booming businesses around. Depending on the class of a restaurant, we have different types of food menu and below we gauge our knowledge on...

Questions: 10  |  Attempts: 2214   |  Last updated: Mar 22, 2022

  • Sample Question

    Which of the following is not a basic, traditional meal period?





Questions: 9  |  Attempts: 1794   |  Last updated: Mar 21, 2022

  • Sample Question

    Service has been slow at the Season's Restaurant. The manager has traced the problem to the flow of products from the storeroom to production areas. Which of the following control points is likely to be the focus of corrective action?





Section 12.3–Quiz: Menu Planning

Questions: 10  |  Attempts: 1064   |  Last updated: Mar 21, 2022

  • Sample Question

    Amanda is preparing a new menu for the hotel’s pasta bar. She’s decided that she first wants to create a large pool of possible menu items and then whittle it down by passing it among her staff. All of the following would be good sources for ideas, except:

    Old menus


    Trade magazines

    Grocery store fliers

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Which type of menu allows a customer to order specialty of the day?

Du Jour Menu This type of menu varies according to what is available for the day, or what the chef has prepared. When it says “soup du jour”, then it means that soup is the specialty for the day.

What are the 4 types of menus?

The five types of menus most commonly used are a la carte menus, static menus, du jour menus, cycle menus, and fixed menus.

What is an a la carte menu?

An à la carte menu in a restaurant offers you a choice of individually priced dishes for each course. You could choose as much or as little as you wanted from an à la carte menu. à la carte is also an adverb.

What are the 3 types of menus?

Types of Restaurant Menus.
Static menu: Separated into categories like appetizers, pastas, sandwiches, sides, etc. ... .
A La Carte: French for "according to the menu;" This menu usually features seasonal faire and offers greater flexibility for ordering when compared to a static menu..
Du Jour: A menu that changes daily..

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