Why do babies have no object permanence?

For babies, the phrase “out of sight, out of mind” isn’t just a fun colloquialism, it’s literal. That’s because they haven’t developed object permanence — if a baby can’t see an object it basically ceases to exist. So prior to developing object permanence, life is pretty exciting for babies because a parent’s ability to hide things and make them reappear is basically a god-like power. But it doesn’t last, so get the peek-a-boo in early.

What is Object Permanence?

Developmental psychologist Dr. Kimberly Corson explains that object permanence occurs when infants understand that something still exists even when it cannot be seen, heard, or touched. “As an adult, we’ve figured this out. If I put something in my desk drawer, I know it’s there if and when I need it,” she says. “And if it’s not there, I know someone got into my desk drawer when I wasn’t looking. I understand that it didn’t magically disappear when it was out of sight.”

The concept of object permanence originated from Swiss developmental psychologist Jean Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Development in the 1930s. He believed that infants began developing object permanence at 8 months, but current theorists generally agree that the process begins as early as 4 months. Before that point, infants are moving from a reflexive relationship to their surroundings, to an understanding that objects exist and can be interacted with.

What is an Example of Object Permanence?

The most difficult example of the struggle with object permanence is separation anxiety. Say you drop your toddler off at daycare: While they know you will still exist after you go away, their sense of time isn’t developed enough to know when or if you will come back. They shed tears, you feel sadness or embarrassment, and it’s painful for everyone involved. It’s a natural and necessary development, but that doesn’t make it any easier to experience.

Dr. Corson reminds parents to show themselves compassion. “It’s hard to see your kiddo cry, but remember that separation anxiety is normal, and it’s a good first experience for children to explore and practice coping skills.” She suggests the following ideas for weathering this stage as well as possible:

  • Practice separation with games, such as hide and seek or role play with dolls/action figures. Switch roles with your child so that sometimes you are the person who “goes away” and sometimes they do the hiding or “leaving.”
  • Create short goodbye rituals like a goodbye song or phrase or special wave, and practice them before you leave your child with another caregiver. Keep the goodbye brief and give them specifics they can understand about when you’ll return (e.g. “after lunch”).
  • Create or help your child choose a comfort object, like a blanket, a teddy, or a “hug” that they can keep in their pocket.

Perhaps the most fun, productive and iconic parent-baby activity during object permanence development is playing peek-a-boo. “It definitely lets you see how younger children react when they think you ‘disappear,'” notes Dr. Corson. “It’s also great early language practice for the pragmatics of language, and they’re learning ‘serve and return’ or giving information, waiting for a response, and then responding.”

It’s no wonder that peek-a-boo has retained its title as The Greatest Game Ever for all these years.

When do children start to understand something still exists even though they can’t see or hear it – and what activities will they enjoy doing at this time? By Ruth Thomson


Object permanence means a child understands that things, and people, still exist even when they cannot be seen or heard. It is an important developmental milestone and a concept that was pioneered by child psychologist Jean Piaget.

You can gauge a child’s understanding of object permanence by their reaction when you hide a favourite toy. If the child appears confused or upset and doesn’t look for the toy, then they haven’t yet grasped the concept. If, however, they start looking for the toy then they know that it still exists and they want it back!

Another indicator is a child’s reaction when you leave the room. If the baby doesn’t respond or settles quickly, they don’t understand object permanence. If, however, they become upset and want to follow you, then they have an understanding of the concept.


In the first few months of life, babies inhabit a world of the ‘here and now’. While they recognise some familiar faces, their memory development is in its earliest stages and they explore their world through movement and the senses.

Understanding object permanence signals an important development in an infant’s working memory, as it means they can now form, and retain, a mental representation of an object. It also marks the beginning of a baby’s understanding of abstract concepts.

Where previously babies inhabited a world that consisted only of things they could see, hear and touch, they now enter a world that is more permanent.

With an understanding of object permanence, babies are able to explore and interact in more complex ways.


According to Piaget’s theory of cognitive development, object permanence is one of the most significant aspects of development in the sensorimotor phase (from birth to two).

Piaget believed object permanence develops in infants at about eight months old. However, research has since demonstrated children as young as four months can understand the concept.


Games, books and activities in which things are hidden and then reappear are ideal for developing children’s understanding of object permanence, and babies and toddlers will derive enormous pleasure from finding hidden objects. Here are some ideas to try:

Play peek-a-boo. Vary the game as children’s awareness develops – for example, pop out from behind your hands, instead of simply removing them from your face.

Play ‘hide and seek’. Cover and uncover small objects with a scarf or piece of fabric. Or hide a toy and encourage the child to find it. Always show the child the object first, talk through what you are going to do and perhaps encourage the child to start hunting by looking for the toy under some cushions.

Share action or finger rhymes that involve objects vanishing and then reappearing, such as ‘Two little dicky birds’ and ‘This little piggy went to market’.

Provide containers with small objects in them. The child will enjoy ‘experimenting’, taking things out and putting them back in.

Share simple pop-up toys and baby books, as well as books with things hidden under flaps.

Support children’s interest in ‘posting’ objects. For example, provide a range of small objects to ‘post’ down large cardboard tubes.


Object permanence often coincides with separation anxiety. For young babies, an adult is soon ‘out of sight, out of mind’ when they leave the room. However, that often changes at about eight months old.

At this age, a child not only grasps object permanence but also has developed a strong attachment to the significant adults in their lives. Nap and bedtimes as well as drop-offs at nurseries can become problematic, with many parents reporting that their babies start to show high levels of anxiety when they leave.

Developing strong bedtime and goodbye routines can help alleviate this anxiety, and most babies will eventually learn through experience that their parents will always return.


Jean Piaget’s theory of cognitive development, www.simplypsychology.org/piaget.html

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What does lack of object permanence mean?

This refers to difficulty focusing and paying attention. Inattention can cause problems such as frequently losing everyday items. In the past, some people have used the term “object permanence” to refer to this “out of sight, out of mind” phenomenon which affects some people with ADHD.

What happens if a child does not develop object permanence?

A lack of object permanence can lead to A-not-B errors, where children reach for a thing at a place where it should not be. Older infants are less likely to make the A-not-B error because they are able to understand the concept of object permanence more than younger infants.

Why is object permanence important for the baby?

Understanding object permanence signals an important development in an infant's working memory, as it means they can now form, and retain, a mental representation of an object. It also marks the beginning of a baby's understanding of abstract concepts.