Xamarin forms put login on top tabbed page

In some App’s is required to navigate within the same screen throughout different sections with their own design and information, each one independent of the other. To do it, we have a page type named: TabbedPage. Let’s learn how to implement it.

What is a tabbed page?

It’s a page that contains different tabs or sections that make possible the navigation between them in the same screen.

Defining the sections

To start, we have to define the different sections that our TabbedPage will contain. In this case for the example shown below, we have the following sections: Software, Design and Database.

We just have to add as many pages of ContentPage type as sections are needed. For the example, let’s add three pages.

There are some attributes that we would like to keep in mind to add them to the Tabbed page such as:

◽ The title: Each section must have a Title attribute which will identify the page in the tabbedpage. (Mandatory)

◽ The Icon: To add an Icon add the Icon attribute to the page and done!

Inherit from the TabbedPage class in your code behind:

Creating the Tabbed Page and adding the child sections.

.1⃣ To add a Tabbed Page you just have to create a page and change the previous page type by TabbedPage.

2⃣ Add the page created for the section inside the <TabbedPage.Children> tags:

3⃣ Finally, you must have your code like this:

That’s all, thank you for reading this article! ?

Spanish post://medium.com/@reyes.leomaris/agregando-tabbed-page-a-nuestras-pantallas-en-xamarin-forms-b81a01d8b298

The Xamarin Tabbed View is a simple and intuitive interface for tab navigation in mobile application, where users can explore and switch between different tabs.

Adding multiple tabs

The Xamarin.Forms tabbed view will display a list of tabs that will hold the required views. Populate tabs either by adding each tab item or binding it to a data source. It can hold any number of tab items. Users can define the visible tabs count and access the remaining tabs by using the drop-down menu or simply scrolling to make them visible.

Swipe navigation

Swipe the content to easily navigate among the tabs with smooth transition.


Only the selected tab view can occupy the entire content area. Users can explore and switch between different views by simply tapping on the header or swiping.

Top and Bottom Tab Navigation

The tabbed view header panel can be placed either at the top or bottom.

Icon text relation

There may be scenarios where icons, text, or text with icons are optimal. The Xamarin.Forms Tabbed View comes with all these options.

Tabs header with icon in Xamarin.Forms tabbed view

Tabs header with icon and text in Xamarin.Forms tabbed view

Auto TabWidth

The Tabbed View headers can be rendered based on the text size.

Customize the header color, text color, icon size, and selection color to fit your application’s theme.

Add custom view in the tab header to display additional views like badge, close button etc.,

Icon font

Use the built-in icon font support of tabbed view to get rid of icon scalability issues and reduce app footage by avoiding solid images.

Xamarin.Forms Tabbed View Code Example

Easily get started with the Xamarin.Forms Tabbed View using a few simple lines of XAML and, C# code example as demonstrated below. Also explore our Xamarin.Forms Tabbed View Example that shows you how to render and configure the Tabbed View for Xamarin.Forms.

Can we add content above tabbed page in xamarin forms?

You can not add label above in tabbed page if you want to add label above tabbed page you have to crate your own tabbed page. One of the ways is to create a control template, add the top section in any layout and insert the tab page in content presenter.

How to design login page in Xamarin forms?

We are going to code in the following steps..

Create the ViewModels and Pages Folder in Project;.

Create the LoginViewModel class;.

Create the LoginPage view;.

Set binding to LoginViewModel in code-behind;.

Copy images files in Android's Project directory Resource/drawable..

How do I make a tabbed page?

Two approaches can be used to create a TabbedPage:.

Populate the TabbedPage with a collection of child Page objects, such as a collection of ContentPage objects. ... .

Assign a collection to the ItemsSource property and assign a DataTemplate to the ItemTemplate property to return pages for objects in the collection..

How to write log in xamarin forms?

Writing to the Debug Log.

string tag = "myapp"; Log.Info (tag, "this is an info message"); Log.Warn (tag, "this is a warning message"); Log.Error (tag, "this is an error message"); ... .

I/myapp (11103): this is an info message W/myapp (11103): this is a warning message E/myapp (11103): this is an error message..

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