How do you know if the labor efficiency variance is favorable or unfavorable?




Direct Labor Variance Formulas

Direct Labor Variance Formulas

  • Other Category: Accounting

  • July 23, 2013
  • Dan
  • direct labor, direct labor variance, efficiency, employees, labor, variance

See Also:
Direct Cost vs Indirect Cost
Direct Labor
Variance Analysis
Cost Driver
Direct Material Variance Formulas

Direct Labor Variance Formulas

Commonly used direct labor variance formulas include the direct labor rate variance and the direct labor efficiency variance. Below are the formulas for calculating each of these variances.

Direct Labor Rate Variance

Direct labor rate variance measures the cost of the difference between the expected labor rate and the actual labor rate.
If the variance demonstrates that actual labor rates were higher than expected labor rates, then the variance will be considered unfavorable. If the variance demonstrates that actual labor rates were lower than expected labor rates, then the variance will be considered favorable.
Using the following formula. A positive DLRV would be unfavorable whereas a negative DLRV would be favorable.

How do you know if the labor efficiency variance is favorable or unfavorable?

How do you know if the labor efficiency variance is favorable or unfavorable?

How do you know if the labor efficiency variance is favorable or unfavorable?

How do you know if the labor efficiency variance is favorable or unfavorable?

How do you know if the labor efficiency variance is favorable or unfavorable?

How do you know if the labor efficiency variance is favorable or unfavorable?

How do you know if the labor efficiency variance is favorable or unfavorable?

How do you know if the labor efficiency variance is favorable or unfavorable?

DLRV = Direct labor rate variance
AH = Actual labor hours required for the operations
AR = Actual labor rate paid to employees
SR = Standard labor rate, or the estimated labor rate paid to employees

How do you know if the labor efficiency variance is favorable or unfavorable?

How do you know if the labor efficiency variance is favorable or unfavorable?

How do you know if the labor efficiency variance is favorable or unfavorable?

Direct Labor Efficiency Variance

Direct labor efficiency variance measures the cost of the difference between the expected number of labor hours required for the operations and the actual number of labor hours required for the operations.
If the variance demonstrates that the actual number of labor hours required was higher than expected number of labor hours required, then consider the variance unfavorable. If the variance demonstrates that the actual number of labor hours required was less than expected number of labor hours required, then consider the variance favorable.
Using the following formula. A positive DLEV would be unfavorable whereas a negative DLEV would be favorable.
DLEV = Direct labor efficiency variance
SR = Standard labor rate, or the estimated labor rate paid to employees
AH = Actual labor hours required for the operations
SH = Standard labor hours, or the estimated labor hours required for the operations
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How do you know if the labor efficiency variance is favorable or unfavorable?

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How do you know if the labor efficiency variance is favorable or unfavorable?


Hilton, Ronald W., Michael W. Maher, Frank H. Selto. “Cost Management Strategies for Business Decision”, Mcgraw-Hill Irwin, New York, NY, 2008.

How do you know if the labor efficiency variance is favorable or unfavorable?

How do you know if the labor efficiency variance is favorable or unfavorable?


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How to know if direct labor efficiency variance is favorable or unfavorable?

Direct Labor Rate Variance If the variance demonstrates that actual labor rates were higher than expected labor rates, then the variance will be considered unfavorable. If the variance demonstrates that actual labor rates were lower than expected labor rates, then the variance will be considered favorable.

When the labor efficiency variance is unfavorable you can say?

An unfavorable variance means that labor efficiency has worsened, and a favorable variance means that labor efficiency has increased.

Why is Labour efficiency variance Favourable?

A favorable variance occurs when your actual direct labor costs are less than your standard, or budgeted, costs, reports Accounting Coach. A labor variance that is a negative number , on the other hand, is unfavorable and can result in profit that is lower than expected.

What does a favorable efficiency variance mean?

= Variable overhead efficiency variance. A favorable variance means that the actual hours worked were less than the budgeted hours, resulting in the application of the standard overhead rate across fewer hours, resulting in less expense being incurred.