How many distinct permutations can be formed from the letters of the word communication quizizz

How many different permutations can be made from the word communication?

1 Answer. The Reqd. No. of Permutations=3360.

What is distinct permutation?

A permutation of a set of distinct objects is. an arrangement of the objects in a specific order without repetition.

How many ways you can choose 8 of 32 playing cards not considering their order?

In how many ways you can choose 8 of 32 playing cards not considering their order? The playing cards can be chosen in 10 518 300 ways.

How many ways can you arrange seven people to be seated in a round table?

Since in this question we have to arrange persons in a circle and 7 persons have to be arranged in a circle so that every person shall not have the same neighbor. Hence there are 360 ways to do the above arrangement and therefore the correct option is A. So, the correct answer is “Option A”.