Hướng dẫn chơi medusa trong watcher of samsara năm 2024

Highest Round Beaten.

Hello to everyone, who enjoys playing this great TD map. what was the highest round you and your team have beaten ?

i don't have a team and i always pug , and highest round was 55. finished game on nightmare endless mode.

Had medusa , luna, jugg. double divine rapiers on two heroes since they dont stack, maxed out on items , even with foreman lvl 3

Pretty easy.. pick a hero (preferably phys dmg like jug or just zeus........with his % !!! dmg ........which is op ..........) and get a sealed item (so apotheosis blade or that magic ring depending on which hero you got ) FIRST so you can fill that broken op weapon till wave 17-19 and then its ez game.

won all my games this way