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Biểu tượng này là gì?

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think highly of

Những từ và cụm từ này có liên quan tới think highly of. Nhấn vào từ hay cụm từ bất kì để đi đến trang từ điển từ đồng nghĩa của chúng. Hoặc, đi đến định nghĩa của think highly of.


Everyone thinks highly of him.

Các từ đồng nghĩa và các ví dụ


I've always admired her for her generous spirit.


I respect her for what she has achieved, but I would have approached it very differently.

look up to

She was my older sister and I looked up to her.


Teenagers have always worshipped their idols.


As a young boy I hero-worshipped my older brother.


We live in a culture that idolizes skinny celebrities.

revere formal

He was revered more for his philosophy than his politics.

venerate formal

The older people in the village are venerated for their experience, judgment, and wisdom.


Everywhere he goes, people adulate him and treat him as some kind of god.


Everywhere he goes he is lionized by his followers.

celebrate formal

Her art celebrates the feminine.


They are feted by audiences all over the world.

Tìm hiểu thêm

Từ Điển Từ Đồng Nghĩa Tiếng Anh Cambridge © Cambridge University Press

Tìm kiếm

The purpose and content of the interventions in these studies were highly diverse.

The dynamic model of one leg, as considered here, is highly nonlinear and time variant.

Highly robust software is also required to integrate, process, display, and communicate such data.

Indeed, the subject herself often finds the experience highly desirable.

The use of a highly sensitive electrophoretic method to compare the proteinases of trichomonads.

The individual vibrational modes of a complex molecule such as a protein can of course be highly anharmonic.

The structure of the a-lactalbumin molten globule and denatured states are highly heterogeneous.

The two sets of values thus obtained are highly correlated ; r=0.991.

However, their content and conduct is highly contentious and discussion is problematised.

Boundary condition (9b) has a similar character for the magnetic field except that the highly conducting surface is in direct contact with the fluid.

The grid points are highly packed in the region near the reversed-shear surface to enhance the resolution on the reconnection sites.

At the given high laser intensity, the laser wakefield is highly broken and a bubble structure is formed.

In terms of effectiveness the line manager had no hesitation in stating that the post is highly cost effective.

All in all, we find plausible and highly significant coefficients for most explanatory variables.

Thus, dose affects morbidity only through its effects on the timing and\or magnitude of peak parasite density (or variables highly correlated to these).

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