the heresy là gì - Nghĩa của từ the heresy

the heresy có nghĩa là

Heresy is from the Greek hairesis meaning, choose, and by extension in Theological terms, "doctrines of men who have chosen to follow their own views." In general, heresy is a self-chosen doctrine not emanating from God's word. Any doctrine or teaching which is contradictory to established Church doctrine based on the Holy Bible is called a heresy.


For example, Jesus being the Son of God is established Church doctrine based on the Bible. To forsake the word and choose to believe he is not, would be heresy! back

the heresy có nghĩa là

Actions, statements, and thoughts which fall outside of that which is in the Holy light of the God-Emperor of Mankind, and, thus, into the unholy darkness of the Ruinous Powers. Inquisitors, through their holy judgement, seek out and destroy heresy wherever they find it, through any means necessary, including the drastic measure of exterminatus. Discussions on what constitutes Heresy is considered Heretical; this is not because no one can come to a decision on what is heretical and not-heretical, this thought is also heretical. Reading this definition is heretical.


Heresy is like a tree, its roots lie in the darkness whilst its leaves wave in the sun and to those who suspect nought, it has an attractive and pleasing appearance. Truly, you can prune away its branches, or even cut the tree to the ground, but it will grow up again ever the stronger and ever more comely. Yet all awhile the root grows thick and black, gnawing at the bitter soil, drawing its nourishment from the darkness, and growing even greater and more deeply entrenched.
Such is the nature of heresy, and this is why it is so hard to destroy, for it must be eradicated leaf, branch, trunk and root. It must be exorcised utterly or it will return all the stronger, time and time again, until it is too great to destroy. Then we are doomed.

the heresy có nghĩa là

The act of going against the teachings of the Bible and the refusal to believe in the Almighty God. The politically correct term for this today is Atheism. This is something committed by seemingly hundreds of millions of people all over the world today. Tens of millions of people in the United States alone are heretics (the same as Atheist). The cause of all of this heresy is because of the move towards Secularism (non-religious), a more liberal culture, and the enhancement of transportation and greater communication technology, which links to everything in the outside world and the various regions of this nation.


The big cities of the Blue States are full of Heretics.

the heresy có nghĩa là

A sign used widely in theological circles denoting dodgy logic, and doctrinal unsoundness. The arm is made to look like a heron, with the lower arm held vertically to look like the neck, and the hand perpendicular to symbolise the beak. It appears to have originated quite recently, though it has now spread all over Great Britain and is thought to have arrived in America.


"Jesus was adopted as Son later in life, right?"
Theologians shake their head and display the heresy heron. "The Creator isn't the same guy as the Redeemer, right?"
Theologians shake their head and display the heresy heron.

the heresy có nghĩa là

A term used to say when someone does something against the beliefs of your culture.


For Example: BROTHER YOU DARE LEAVE THE BATTLEFIELD?! SUCH HERESY or you betray our lord with such heresy? you shall be punished for such heresy.

the heresy có nghĩa là

A crime committed by cheap partiers in which you pay absolutely no money for alcohol/drugs, but you still manage to get more than anybody else. This is especially true when you take large amounts of alcohol from a party and bring it back to your own crib so you can throw your own party for free. You can steal individual cans and hide them in your cargo pockets, or if you are stealthy enough to get away with an unopened case that works just as well.


Tonight we will commit habitual heresy, I plan on bringing home at least a 30-Rack and a blunt.

the heresy có nghĩa là

To say something about food or restaurants that is untrue or is completely ridiculous.


Calling Olive Garden "real, authentic Italian food" is culinary heresy!

the heresy có nghĩa là

It was a late October night in the year 40,000ABY(2012 AD going off the Roman calendar) when the dark forces who ate Walt Disney’s soul absorbed Lucasfilm like a snack and setting in motion what is now referred to as the Disney Heresy. Three years later, on December 18th 2015AD, The “Walt Disney” Co. released the visual pornography “The Force Awakens” this continuation of the Starwars mythos as told in the book of George, was widely accepted to the surprise of critics and religious zealots, but as everyone was having a good time there was no reason to be a poopy pants. Then in 2016 not even the most pious followers of the way could deny the quality of the legend of “rogue one,” film adaptation. Followers everywhere looked to the future of Disney scripture with great optimism. But we were all of us deceived............... For another sequel was made. Deep in the rape dungeons of Hollywood California, Kathleen Kennedy forged in secret a disaster script. And Into this script she poured her plotholes, her sexism, and Her desire to ruin every OT character. Some say it was the blasphemous portrayal of Luke Skywalkers lame ass death, others say it was the Extended Universe Scribes refusal to renounce the Disney Canon as heresy, and brand all Disney worshippers as heretics that led to the great schism of 2017. It matters little. Noting will erase the carnage that ensued on that dark December night.


We must erase the Disney Heresy

the heresy có nghĩa là

the slayer of heresy he will smite all heresy and will join random discord servers to ethier hang or to serve some justices to thy that has done heresy he will check servers for thy none belivers and heresy


heresy slayer smites thy

the heresy có nghĩa là

The act or process of defiling or misusing parts of grammar and language. Examples include misuse of possessive pronouns in place of homophonic consonants.


Did you see the lexical heresy that kid was spewing? He used "your" in place of "you are"... cringe