What may remain on an object that is medically aseptic?


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What may remain on an object that is medically aseptic?

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List four examples of types of microorganisms: Bacteria, Viruses, Protozoa, Fungi, animal parasites
Define Medical Asepsis An object or area that is clean and free from infection
What type of microorganism is still present on an object that is medically aseptic? Nonpathogens
What is the name given to the organism that uses organic or living substances for food? Heterotrophs
Why do most microorganisms prefer a neutral pH? If the environment becomes too basic or acidic they will die.
List 5 examples of how microorganisms can enter the body Direct contact, discharge, cough or sneeze, contaminated hands/equipment, insects with pathogens and contaminated food/water
List 3 examples of how a microorganism can be transmitted from one person to another Water vapor, a cough or sneeze, insect that has pathogens
List 4 examples of factors that would make a host more susceptible to the entrance of a pathogen: Low ability to fight off disease, poor health, poor hygiene, poor nutrition, and stress
List 5 protective devices of the body that prevent the entrance of microorganisms: Skin, mucus membranes, coughing/sneezing, cilia in nose, tears, sweat, acidic urine/stomach
What is the difference between resident flora and transient flora? Resident grows in the epidermis and deep layers of skin. Transient grows on the superficial skin layers
List three examples of when handwashing should be performed in the medical office When hands are visibly soiled, before eating and after using the bathroom, and in between patients.
How does antiseptic handwashing sanitize the hands? Antiseptic kills or inhibits the growth of microorganisms
List 3 examples of when an alcohol-based hand rub can be used to sanitize the hands: when your hands are not visibly soiled, when a sink isn't accessible and less time is required to perform hand hygiene
What are the advantages and disadvantages of alcohol-based hand rubs? Faster and more accessible than soap and water, no rinsing. More expensive and brief stinging sensation.
What does OSHA stand for and what is its purpose? Occupational Safety and Health Administration
What is the purpose of the OSHA occupational exposure to bloodborne pathogens standard? It is a set of regulations to provide safe working environments
Who must follow the OSHA standard? List examples: Any employee with occupational exposure to pathogens. Physicians, nurses, dentists, lab personal, MA's, CNA's, etc.
What is the purpose of the Needlestick safety and prevention act? to incorporate stronger measures to reduce needlesticks and other sharps injuries among health care workers
List 5 examples of other potentially infectious materials (OPIM) Semen/vaginal secretions, cerebrospinal and amniotic fluids, saliva, any body fluid visibly contaminated with blood, any unfixed human tissue
List examples of nonintact skin: Dermatitis, abrasions, cuts, burns, hangnails, chapping, acne
What is the purpose of a sharps injury log? What type of office must maintain this log? Any office with more than 0 employees at risk for exposure are required to maintain the log.
Define an engineering control: All control measures that isolate or remove health hazards from workplace.
List 3 examples of engineering controls: readily accessible handwashing facilities biohazard sharps containers/bags autoclave
What is a safer medical device? A device that, based on reasonable judgement would make an exposure incident involving a contaminated sharp less likely
What should be done before and after gloves are applied? Your hands should be clean and after they must be removed in a manner that protects you from what is or could be on the gloves.
What procedure should be followed when a sharps container located in an examining room becomes full? Place into a box, usually cardboard, provided by the medical waste service. Securely seal, and make sure biohazard labels are on opposite sides of box.
Explain how to prepare regulated medical waste for pickup by a medical waste service: Place bags and sharps containers into cardboard box, seal and store in locked room/outside shed, that the medical waste service will pick up. Place biohazard labels on outside opposite sides of box.
How should regulated medical waste be stored while awaiting pickup by the medical waste service? In a locked room inside the facility or in a locked room outside the facility for pickup by the medical waste service. Should be labeled with signs like "Authorized Personnel Only" &/or "International Biohazard Label"
What information is included on a regulated medical waste tracking form? Type and quantity of waste, (weighed in pounds) and where it is being sent. Must be signed by reps at the medical office, and medical waste service.
What is the most likely means of contracting hepatitis B in the health care setting? Through needlesticks and cuts with contaminated needles. Blood splashes to eyes, mouth and nonintact skin and through semen/vaginal secretions
What side effects may occur after the administration of a hepatitis B vaccine? Soreness at the injection site, induration, erythema, and swelling. Sometimes a low grade fever, headache and dizziness occur
What postexposure prophylaxis (PEP) is recommended for an unvaccinated individual who has been exposed to hepatitis B? Administration of a passive and an active immunizing agent, within 24 hours and no later than 7 days
Why is chronic viral hepatitis B considered such a serious illness? Every year 5000 Americans die as a result of Hep. B. Some will get over it, some will be carriers forever and some will develop liver cancer.
Why is chronic hepatitis C known as "an epidemic that occurred in the past?" Lots of people were infected with it more than 25 years ago and are just now seeing symptoms.
How is HIV transmitted? Sexual contact, and sharing drug needles
How is HIV NOT transmitted? Tears, sweat, shaking hands, hugging, coughing, etc. It's not spread by indirect contact
What is the CDC's Definition of AIDS? The presence of one or both of the following conditions:
Be sure to keep your feet together when lifting an object or patient as this saves space False
Use your back when moving a patient as it is long and strong False
Back injuries can occur if you reach or sit improperly True
Telling the Patient what is expected of him when you assist him with positioning is not necessary False
Before moving or lifting a client or an object, hold it away from your body about 2 inches
Body mechanics is important all the time, not only when giving care to a patient True
Be sure to bend your back slowly but fully when you lift an object from the floor False
There is no rule to follow when lifting very light objects from the floor- like a pencil False
Surgical Asepsis All microorganisms are destroyed
To contaminate To make impure
Microorganisms on the hands are classified as: Flora
Name of virus that causes Hep B: HBV
Abbreviation for Headaches HA
Cryotherapy Cold/freeze therapy
RICE Rest ice compression elevation
Atrophy Without growth; Like after a cast comes off
Abduction Make absence from the midline
Inversion turning inward
eversion turning outward
Plantar flexion toes down
dorsal flexion toes up
supination palm up; holding a bowl of soup with hand, palm up
Pronation rotation of the hands and forearms so that the palms face downward
Supine lying face upward
Medical Asepsis an object is clean and free from infection

What types of microorganisms may remain on an object that is considered medically aseptic?

What type of microorganisms may remain on an object that is considered medically aseptic? Non-pathogens.

What is medical asepsis?

Medical asepsis is the state of being free from disease causing microorganisms. Medical asepsis is concerned with eliminating the spread of microorganisms through facility practices.

What are the six medical aseptic practices the medical assistant should follow in the medical office?

List six medical aseptic practices the medical assistant should follow in the medical office..
Mucous membranes..
Mucus and cilia..
Coughing and sneezing..
Tears and sweat..

What is the name given to a microorganism that can exist only in the presence of oxygen?

aerobe, an organism able to live and reproduce only in the presence of free oxygen (e.g., certain bacteria and certain yeasts).