How performance appraisal can contribute to a firms competitive advantage?

The performance appraisal process can have a significant impact on employee morale and engagement. This evaluation method often provides valuable insights to managers and employees, helping companies make decisions regarding bonuses, raises, promotions and other rewards. It also allows managers to define medium-term and long-term objectives for their team members and help them grow professionally.


When carried out effectively, performance appraisals can improve employee morale, productivity and job satisfaction. They also provide valuable insights that managers can use to spot talent and identify their staff's training needs.

Importance of Performance Appraisals

Employee appraisals are crucial for measuring and rewarding performance. When implemented correctly, they provide a means of evaluating your staff across various performance metrics and assist in identifying high achievers. The performance appraisal can help employees understand their strengths and weaknesses, correct bad behaviors, and reach their full potential. On the other hand, managers can use this evaluation system to assess their staff against defined objectives and address performance issues.

The benefits of a performance appraisal depend on how it's implemented. If carried out effectively, it can be a valuable tool for hiring and promotion decisions. Think of it as an opportunity to assess the organization's training and development programs, reward top performers, and identify opportunities for improvement.

Organizations may also use appraisals to manage changing roles, highlight problem areas, and find new ways to leverage an employee's strengths. The problem is that many companies have a difficult time finding a system that can accomplish these goals, points out the Harvard Business Review. The performance appraisal process is often subject to bias and inconsistencies, causing frustration among employees.

Managers don't always rate employees on objective criteria, and employees may not receive quality performance feedback – or any feedback at all. Performance reviews take place every four, six or 12 months, so they may not accurately reflect an employee's current results. Additionally, this process is time-consuming and can be stressful for managers with large teams.

Poor communication, generic feedback and human error are all potential disadvantages of performance appraisals. This system may also create unhealthy competition in the workplace, leading to higher turnover, conflicts and disengagement. Considering these facts, it's not surprising that Adobe, Microsoft, Accenture and other large organizations have replaced annual performance reviews with continuous feedback.

As a manager, it's essential that you provide ongoing feedback throughout the year – not just on performance appraisal day. Get everyone involved in the evaluation, including the employee's coworkers, subordinates and supervisors. Set clear metrics for each role instead of comparing employees' performance to how others have done. Flawed as they may be, regular performance evaluations may benefit both managers and their teams if executed correctly.

Performance Reviews May Improve Communication

The performance appraisal process can provide valuable insights about your employees. The key is to communicate openly with your staff members before, during and after the review. Less than one-third of employees say they always know how they perform at work, reports Forbes.

Set clear expectations throughout the year and communicate them to your staff. Perhaps someone on your team expects a raise, but the staffer's performance is not up to par. Let him know about it ahead of time so that he can work on improving his results. An employee who assumes that everything is fine won't have the chance to correct a problem. This kind of situation can lead to frustration, diminished productivity, poor morale and resentment.

Performance appraisals can help strengthen the bonds with your team. They not only reduce uncertainty but also allow you to set strategic goals for your staff and address behavioral issues in the early stages. Moreover, employees have the chance to express their concerns and discuss their training and development needs. They also learn what is expected of them and how their performance is evaluated.

Reward Top Performers

The purpose of performance appraisals is to identify employees' strengths and weaknesses. Managers can use this information to determine who has contributed the most to the company's growth and reward top performers. Therefore, employee evaluations may form the basis of merit-based compensation plans that let your best people know how much the organization values them.

Again, it all comes down to how you perform the evaluation. Common mistakes, such as completing the appraisal without having measurable goals, can affect the quality of the results. Managers may show unconscious bias against employees based on non-performance-related factors. That's why it's important to gather data from multiple sources and set clear expectations for each role.

Furthermore, managers should not allow one very good or very bad rating affect their evaluation, points out the American Management Association. Make sure you look at previous data during the performance appraisal process. For example, someone who has recently lost a loved one might not be able to perform at her peak. As a manager, it's your responsibility to check her past performance before drawing a conclusion.

Support Professional Development

Performance appraisals can reveal opportunities for improvement and help managers identify the training needs of their staff, leading to a more productive organization. They also allow you to spot potential talent and determine when your team members are ready to take on greater responsibility. Plus, companies that invest in employee development find it easier to attract and retain talent.

According to Oklahoma State University, a growing number of organizations now use ratingless appraisals and gather feedback about employees from multiple sources. More frequent informal meetings are replacing the traditional evaluation process. This approach appears to be more effective at helping people develop their skills and talents.

The Society for Human Resource Management recommends measuring employees' performance against their goals and providing ongoing coaching. Furthermore, your team members should have access to the tools they need to thrive in their roles. The insights gained during performance reviews allow you to map out a career path for your staff and effectively allocate training resources.

Boost Employee Morale and Motivation

While it's true that most employees dread appraisals, these evaluations can serve as a motivational tool. Merit-based bonuses, promotions, training programs, and other outcomes of performance reviews may improve team morale. Praising your team members for their accomplishments is just as important. Encourage your employees to better themselves and offer specific steps for improvement. Focus on the positive and show your team how to build on those strengths.

Be careful with your choice of words. As Forbes notes, performance appraisals may cause good employees to lose their motivation. These individuals are continually trying to improve their skills and excel in what they do. Tell them something like, "You're doing a fine job. Your work is great," and you might lose them forever.

Focus on providing constructive feedback, regardless of an employee's performance. Encourage the top performers in your team to seek new goals and challenges. Ask your staff to complete self-assessments to determine where they see themselves and what they want to improve. Use this information to help them achieve their full potential through ongoing feedback and training programs.

How performance appraisal can contribute to a firm?

Performance appraisals can help companies evaluate how well employees perform their job duties and where employees can improve to more closely align with companies' overall mission. Holding frequent job reviews allows for open dialogue about expectations and work goals.

What are the advantages of performance appraisals?

It helps employees to determine their role in the company and to see their professional future clearer. In other words, it sets them on the path to improving their skills. Bonuses, money always helps. If an employee performance review is positive, it could improve the employee's salary.

What are the 3 importance of performance appraisal?

Performance appraisal has three basic functions: (1) to provide adequate feedback to each person on his or her performance; (2) to serve as a basis for modifying or changing behavior toward more effective working habits; and (3) to provide data to managers with which they may judge future job assignments and ...