How to tell if windows are insulated

How to tell if windows are insulated

We all know windows are important when creating a home. For starters, by law rooms MUST have windows incase of a fire, but more than that windows invite light into the house – they are extremely welcoming. To ensure these important staples in your home are functioning properly, we are going to give you a few tips on how to tell if there is damage being done.
Here are 4 signs that you have BAD windows.

1.) Is your window working properly?

This could mean several different things. If you have a window that moves up and down or side to side, (double hung window) and stops functioning there is a problem. When it gets too hard to open or close or perhaps you cannot open it at all, the window could possibly be too compressed or not compressed enough. When someone installs a window, it can be tedious work. They need to make sure its level and sitting on the frame correctly, as well as making sure they insert enough shims and insulation foam. The shims allow the window to move properly (up down, out and in), while the foam keeps things air-tight (keeping the inside air inside and the outside air outside). Things like this can make the window work properly or not work at all. Therefore, it may be a small adjustment. The window itself may be fine, it was just not installed properly so with a repair, your window can become functional once again.

2.) Is there fog appearing in between the glass?

How to tell if windows are insulated

Yes, windows typically fog up on a hot summer day when you are blasting the air conditioning or on a winter morning when its freezing outside, but the furnace is working extra hard to keep it warm. These two instances are called condensation which is normal and not the issue at hand. Windows are pretty complex in fact they are amazing. Windows all have insulated glass which means there are two pieces with a little space left between them for argon gas (providing insulation). This helps keep the heat or cool air inside the house. If you have fogging going on in between the glass it means you have a bad window seal. The window seal is supposed to keep moisture out, however sometimes this breaks or withers depending on how it was installed.

3.) Are there soft spots or discoloration around your window?

How to tell if windows are insulated

Windows as well as siding and exterior trim become old and eventually, they will need replaced to avoid damage. Therefore, if you are a homeowner and spot some rotting going on around the window, you want to get that checked out right away before it causes more damage. Rot can surprise us, however the earlier you notice it and take-action, the better. Rot can be spotted by noticing soft spots or discoloration within the stucco.

4.) Do you feel a draft while standing beside the window?

If you are standing by your window and feel a draft, there is something majorly wrong. It could mean that you may have a leaky window or quite possibly a hole somewhere. You will want to get this checked out right away before it causes water damage. Water damage can lead to rotting and discoloration.

These are just 4 ways that can help determine if you may have a bad window. We want to advise you to get these issues taken care of right when you notice them because the problem won’t go away on its own. In fact, it might grow and cause more damage, which we ALL WANT TO AVOID.

Thanks for visiting our website and reading over the top 4 signs. We hope they helped! Give this post a like and comment below with any questions you might have! If you need assistance with your windows, siding or any of your external remodeling needs, give us a call at 614-733-4401 or shoot us an email @ .

Many design features and technologies make windows more energy efficient and improve the durability, aesthetics, and functionality. When selecting new windows, consider the frame materials, the glazing or glass features, gas fills and spacers, and the type of operation. All of these factors will influence the overall energy-related properties of the window.  To assess and compare the overall window properties, look for an NFRC label.

Frames and Sash

Improving the thermal resistance of the frame can contribute to a window's overall energy efficiency, particularly its heat loss rate or U-factor. There are advantages and disadvantages to all types of frame materials, but vinyl, wood, fiberglass, and some composite frame materials provide greater thermal resistance than metal.

Aluminum or Metal Frames

Although very strong, light, and almost maintenance free, metal or aluminum window frames conduct heat very rapidly, which makes metal a very poor insulating material.

To reduce heat flow, metal frames should have a thermal break -- an insulating plastic strip placed between the inside and outside of the frame and sash.

Composite Frames

Composite window frames consist of composite wood products, such as particleboard and laminated strand lumber, and some are mixed with polymer plastics. These composites are very stable, they have the same or better structural and thermal properties as conventional wood, and they have better moisture and decay resistance.

Fiberglass Frames

Fiberglass window frames are dimensionally stable and have air cavities that can be filled with insulation, giving them superior thermal performance compared to wood or uninsulated vinyl.

Vinyl Frames

Vinyl window frames are made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) with ultraviolet light (UV) stabilizers to keep sunlight from breaking down the material. Vinyl window frames do not require painting and have good moisture resistance. The hollow cavities of vinyl frames can be filled with insulation, which makes them thermally superior to standard vinyl and wood frames.

Wood Frames

Wood window frames insulate relatively well, but they require regular maintenance, although aluminum or vinyl cladding reduces maintenance requirements. Metal clad wood frames may have slightly lower thermal performance.

Glazing or Glass

In most windows the most important decision regarding energy efficiency is the selection of the glazing. Based on various window design factors such as window orientation, climate, building design, etc., you may even want to choose different types of glazing for different windows throughout your home.

For more detailed information about glazing options visit the Efficient Windows Collaborative to learn about the specific properties and efficiency of different glazing options.

While single glazing is common in older buildings, virtually all new efficient buildings use double or triple glazing units.  The "insulating glazing units", or IGUS, are available in a wide range of properties based on the type of glass selected, the coatings on the glass, the gas used to fill the space between the panes, and the spacers that keep the glazing separated. Below are some of the most common coatings and technologies you may find when shopping for windows:


Insulated window glazing refers to windows with two or more panes of glass. To insulate the window, the glass panes are spaced apart and hermetically sealed, leaving an insulating air space. Insulated window glazing primarily lowers the U-factor, but it also lowers the SHGC.

Low-Emissivity Coatings

Low-emissivity (low-e) coatings on glass control heat transfer within the insulated glazing. Windows manufactured with low-e coatings typically cost about 10% to 15% more than regular windows, but they reduce energy loss by as much as 30% to 50%.

A low-e coating is a microscopically thin, virtually invisible, metal or metallic oxide layer deposited directly on the surface of one or more of the panes of glass. The low-e coating lowers the U-factor of the window, and can manage the daylight transmittance as well as the solar heat gain through the glazing system.  Different types of low-e coatings have been designed to allow for high solar gain, moderate solar gain, or low solar gain, and and they can also be tuned to control the amount of visible daylight transmitted.  

Although low-e coatings are usually applied during manufacturing, some are available for do-it-yourselfers. These films are inexpensive compared to total window replacements, last 10 to 15 years without peeling, save energy, reduce fabric fading, and increase comfort.

Spectrally Selective Coatings

In those climate where cooling loads dominate, you will want a glazing that provides daylight and view but transmits as little of the sun's non-visible infrared radiation as possible,  Some low-E coatings are designed to be spectrally selective, filtering out 40% to 70% of the heat normally transmitted through insulated window glass or glazing while allowing the full amount of daylight.

Gas Fills and Spacers

In order to minimize heat transfer between the interior and exterior of the window, the space between glazing layers, usually about 1/2", is filled with  argon or krypton gas; both are inert, non-toxic, clear, and odorless.

Argon is most commonly used because it is inexpensive and performs well in the typical 1/2" space. Krypton can be used when the space in thinner than usual - usually about ¼ inch. It has better thermal performance than argon but is also more costly.

Spacers with associated sealants are used to keep the layers of glazing the correct distance apart. In addition, they provide accommodation for thermal expansion and pressure differences, while also preventing moisture and gas leaks.

A variety of spacers are available with different impacts on the window U-factor.  Look for "warm edge" spacers which are designed to lower the window U-factor and reduce condensation at the edge of the window. See the Efficient Windows Collaborative for more information on the different spacer types.

Operating Types

Another important consideration is how the windows operate. Since all operable windows may have undesired air leakage which will decrease your home's energy efficiency, the choice of operator type can impact overall energy use. Air leakage rates will vary with the type and quality of the weatherstripping and seals, and will generally increase over time due to operational use. Traditional operating types include:

  • Awning. Hinged at the top and open outward. Because the sash closes by pressing against the frame, they generally have lower air leakage rates than sliding windows.
  • Hopper. Hinged at the bottom and open inward. Like both awning and casement, they generally have lower air leakage rates because the sash closes by pressing against the frame.
  • Single- and double-sliding. Both sashes slide horizontally in a double-sliding window. Only one sash slides in a single-sliding window. Like single- and double-hung windows, they generally have higher air leakage rates than projecting or hinged windows.
  • Fixed. Fixed panes that don't open. When installed properly they're airtight but are not suitable in places where window ventilation and egress is desired.
  • Single- and double-hung. Both sashes slide vertically in a double-hung window. Only the bottom sash slides upward in a single-hung window. These sliding windows generally have higher air leakage rates than projecting or hinged windows.
  • Casement. Hinged at the sides. Like awning windows, they generally have lower air leakage rates than sliding windows because the sash closes by pressing against the frame.

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What makes a window insulated?

Insulated window glazing refers to windows with two or more panes of glass. To insulate the window, the glass panes are spaced apart and hermetically sealed, leaving an insulating air space. Insulated window glazing primarily lowers the U-factor, but it also lowers the SHGC.

Are all double

Double-pane windows have two panes of glass, many with insulating argon gas between the panes. The additional layer of material, plus the insulating gap in between is what makes them stand out. Two or three panes of glass means more layers of protection between the weather and your home.

How can I tell if my windows are argon filled?

You may also spot two small holes at the edge of these windows, which show that it is a gas-filled model. One of them is entering point for argon, while the other is an exit for the air initially placed between the layers of glass.

What is the difference between insulated and non insulated window?

Unlike insulated glass doors and windows, non-insulated windows and doors do not resist heat. Their insulation ability is not resistant enough to protect the room or building from weather. This allows heat to enter more than it would from an insulated glass. Insulated glass protects the surroundings from heat.