What are examples of mechanical solidarity?

The world is dynamic and each society across time has its structures and dynamics of relationships within. These structures of interactions develop as and when society develops. Over the years, sociologists have dedicated time to study the different types of societies across the world and postulate their characteristics. Sociologist Emile Durkheim has also worked on the types of solidarity that exist in society, i.e., mechanical solidarity, which exists in small societies, and organic solidarity, which exists in big societies.

The social integration of individuals into a community who share common ideas and beliefs is known as mechanical solidarity. These shared ideals and values form a “collective conscience” that motivates individual members to collaborate internally. Because the forces that compel members of society to cooperate, in Durkheim’s opinion, are similar to the internal energy that enables molecules to cohere in a solid, he coined the phrase mechanical solidarity using physical science language. (Britannica, 2010).

Mechanical solidarity is also closely linked to ‘collective consciousness: social solidarity exists when a specific number of levels of consciousness are shared by all members of the same community… Its contribution to society’s overall integration is determined by the amount of social life that is incorporated into and governed by it, whether large or small (Durkheim, 1893 b: 117 /t.84).


Mechanical solidarity in societies is beneficial to bring about collective growth and prevent intra-group conflicts. The small mechanical solidarity-based groups are advantaged in the aspects discussed below 

  1. Homogeneity: In societies that practice mechanical solidarity, there is the presence of uniformity and homogeneity, which decreases internal divisions and hierarchical oppression or discrimination.
  2. Social consciousness: The societies which follow mechanical solidarity are small groups, and therefore, each member is responsible not only for themselves but for the well-being of other members. They can depend on each other.
  3. Security: As mechanical solidarity has increased social consciousness as compared to other societies, the members of society are familiar with each other and help them in times of need and provide security for each other.
  4. Less competition: In societies with mechanical solidarity, there is less competition among members for advancement. They believe in working together for the overall growth of society and, therefore, the standard of living increases on a larger scale.
  5. Increased socialization: In mechanical solidarity societies, members interact with each other on a higher scale, and not just for work interaction. This develops the communication and idea-sharing abilities of the members of society.

Cons of Mechanical Solidarity

While Mechanical Solidarity has its benefits, one would still focus on its shortcomings in modern society. 

  1. The individual is fully subordinate to his group and society and there is reduced individual privacy. A member would always put the needs of society before himself/herself, even if it harms the individual in the process. 
  2. Division of labour: There exists a minimal division of labour that would hinder advancement. The non-existence of competition for progress also aids in this.
  3. Communal ownership: Community resources are owned collectively by the community itself. There is no personal property. There is the existence of collective property.
  4. Collective conscience- There are certain shared views and feelings. A tradition-bound society is held together by such a conscience. A criminal offence does not disturb the communal consciousness since it is criminal; rather, it is a criminal act to hurt the collective consciousness.
  5. Repressive law- It is founded on moral principles. In a mechanical society, punishment consists of damage or at the very least, a disadvantage imposed on the offender in order to injure him via his fortune, honour, life, liberty, or the deprivation of an asset he owns.
  6. Restitutive laws are found in civil, procedural, administrative, and constitutional law. They may not always result in the offenders’ misery, but rather in the restoration of the former order of affairs.


To sum up, no civilization is always stagnant. It is constantly evolving. Mechanical or conventional society had prevailed in Europe before the advent of industrialisation and still exists in some small tribal communities. This community is held together by conventions and a kind of communal conscience, as well as restrictive legislation and retributive punishments. It is a kind of communism in which individuality is kept to a bare minimum and social benefits are shared by everyone.

Also Read: Organic Solidarity


Britannica, T. Editors of Encyclopaedia (2010, February 9). Mechanical and organic solidarity. Encyclopaedia Britannica. https://www.britannica.com/topic/mechanical-and-organic-solidarity

Sister Mechtraud. (1955). Durkheim’s concept of solidarity. Philippine Sociological Review, 3(3), 23-27. Retrieved June 27, 2021, from http://www.jstor.org/stable/41853340

Schiermer, B. (2014). Durkheim’s Concept of Mechanical Solidarity – Where Did It Go? Durkheimian Studies / Études Durkheimiennes, 20, new series, 64-88. Retrieved June 28, 2021, from http://www.jstor.org/stable/44174119

SHELLY, R., & BASSIN, E. (1989). Cohesion, Solidarity, and Interaction. Sociological Focus, 22(2), 143-150. Retrieved June 28, 2021, from http://www.jstor.org/stable/20831507

Ruthu is a student of Symbiosis School for Liberal Arts, pursuing interdisciplinary studies in international relations, political science and sociology. She is passionate about current affairs, public policies, sustainable development, human rights and quality education. She aspires to have a career in research and academia that allow observation of social reality by combining her subjects and passions in writing.

Is religion an example of mechanical solidarity?

One example of mechanical solidarity can be found in religious groups. People who share the same religious beliefs often have a strong sense of community and belonging. This is because they share the same values and beliefs, which unite them.

What is associated with mechanical solidarity?

Mechanical solidarity is the social integration of members of a society who have common values and beliefs. These common values and beliefs constitute a “collective conscience” that works internally in individual members to cause them to cooperate.

What are the main components of mechanical solidarity?

Mechanical solidarity refers to connection, cohesion, and integration born from homogeneity, or similar work, education, religiosity, and lifestyle.

In what type of society would we find mechanical solidarity?

Mechanical solidarity normally operates in traditional and small-scale societies (e.g., tribes). In these simpler societies, solidarity is usually based on kinship ties of familial networks.