Which is first evolution of operating system?

The First Generation (1940's to early 1950's)

When electronic computers where first introduced in the 1940's they were created without any operating systems. All programming was done in absolute machine language, often by wiring up plugboards to control the machine's basic functions. During this generation computers were generally used to solve simple math calculations, operating systems were not necessarily needed.

Which is first evolution of operating system?

The Second Generation (1955-1965)

The first operating system was introduced in the early 1950's, it was called GMOS and was created by General Motors for IBM's machine the 701. Operating systems in the 1950's were called single-stream batch processing systems because the data was submitted in groups. These new machines were called mainframes, and they were used by professional operators in large computer rooms. Since there was such as high price tag on these machines, only government agencies or large corporations were able to afford them.

The Third Generation (1965-1980)

Which is first evolution of operating system?

The Fourth Generation (1980-Present Day)

The fourth generation of operating systems saw the creation of personal computing. Although these computers were very similar to the minicomputers developed in the third generation, personal computers cost a very small fraction of what minicomputers cost. A personal computer was so affordable that it made it possible for a single individual could be able to own one for personal use while minicomputers where still at such a high price that only corporations could afford to have them. One of the major factors in the creation of personal computing was the birth of Microsoft and the Windows operating system. The windows Operating System was created in 1975 when Paul Allen and Bill Gates had a vision to take personal computing to the next level. They introduced the MS-DOS in 1981 although it was effective it created much difficulty for people who tried to understand its cryptic commands. Windows went on to become the largest operating system used in techonology today with releases of Windows 95, Windows 98, WIndows XP (Which is currently the most used operating system to this day), and their newest operating system Windows 7. Along with Microsoft, Apple is the other major operating system created in the 1980's. Steve Jobs, co founder of Apple, created the Apple Macintosh which was a huge success due to the fact that it was so user friendly. Windows development throughout the later years were influenced by the Macintosh and it created a strong competition between the two companies. Today all of our electronic devices run off of operating systems, from our computers and smartphones, to ATM machines and motor vehicles. And as technology advances, so do operating systems.    

Which is first evolution of operating system?

When we say Operating System, we think about MacOS, Windows, Linux etc. Early generations of Operating System didn’t look like that. There are four generations of Operating System.

The first generation (1940s – 1950s)

1940 is the year when the first electronic computer was developed. This computer was created without any operating system. In that time, program was written for each task in absolute machine language. It was used for solving only simple mathematical calculations and this calculations didn’t require an operating system.

The second generation (1955 – 1965)

The second generation represent the first operating system known as GMOS. This operating system was developed for the IBM computer. GMOS was based on single stream batch processing system, because it collects all similar jobs in groups or batches and then submits the jobs to the operating system using a punch card to complete all jobs in a machine. Operating system is cleaned after completing one job and then continues to read and initiates the next job in punch card. In that time, machines were very big and not everyone could use them, but only professional operators.

The third generation (1965 – 1980)

New operating system that could perform multiple tasks in a single computer program was success for this generation and this capability is called multiprogramming. Another progress which leads to developing of personal computers in fourth generation is a new development of minicomputers with DEC PDP-1.

The fourth generation (1980 – Present day)

Development of personal computer represent the fourth generation. The cost of personal computer was high back then. Microsoft and the Windows operating system were related to creating personal computers. Some of the popular operating systems are Microsoft Windows, Mac OS, Linux. Linux operating system was created in early 1990s. The first Windows operating system was created by Microsoft in 1975. Windows realised operating systems such as Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows XP. Most Windows users use the Windows 10 operating system. Apple realised another popular operating system developed in the 1980s which is named as Macintosh OS or Mac OS.

Which operating system is the best for programming depends on the career domain of the programmer, because every OS has advantages and limitations.

What is the evolution of operating system?

The evolution of operating systems began with serial processing. It marks the start of the development of electronic computing systems as alternatives to mechanical computers. Because of the flaws in mechanical computing devices, humans' calculation speed is limited, and they are prone to making mistakes.

Which one is the first stage in the evolution of operating system?

1. Serial Processing. It develops by 1940 to 1950's programmers incorporated by the hardware components without the implementation of the operating system. The problems here are the scheduling and setup time.

When was the first operating system development?

The first operating systems were developed in the mid-1950s. These were small “supervisor programs” that provided basic I/O operations (such as controlling punch card readers and printers) and kept accounts of CPU usage for billing.

Who made the first operating system?

Answer and Explanation: The first operating system sold along with a computer was invented by IBM in 1964 to operate its mainframe computer. It was called the IBM Systems/360 Operating system.