At the beginning of the recruiting process organisations must

The five steps of the recruitment process are as follows:

(i) Recruitment planning
(ii) Strategy development
(iii) Search
(iv) Screening
(v) Assessment and Monitoring.

Recruitment Planning:
The first step in the recruitment process is planning. This involves writing a complete job specification for the position to be filled, outlining major and minor responsibilities, required skills, experience and qualifications, grade and salary level, start date, whether the position is temporary or permanent, and special conditions, if any, related to the position to be filled.

Strategy Development:
Once it is known how many candidates, with what qualifications, are needed, the next step is to develop an appropriate strategy for recruiting candidates to the organization.

Strategic considerations to be taken into account may include such issues as whether to prepare the required candidates themselves or to recruit them externally, the type of recruitment method to be used, the geographic area to be considered for sourcing candidates, the recruitment source to be used, and the sequence of activities to be followed in recruiting candidates into the organization.

Candidate Search:
This step involves attracting job seekers to the organization. There are basically two sources used to attract candidates.

These are:

  1. Internal sources, and
  2. External sources

The latter were discussed in detail in section 6.3 Recruitment Sources.

Although some consider screening to be the starting point for selection, we have considered it an integral part of recruitment. This is because the selection process only begins after the screening and selection of applicants. Let's take an example to illustrate our point.

In universities, applications are solicited to fill faculty positions. The applications received in response to the invitation, i.e. the advertisement, are reviewed and screened on the basis of eligibility and suitability. Then, only shortlisted candidates are invited to participate in a seminar and a personal interview. The selection process starts here, i.e. at the seminar presentation or interview.

The job specification is very valuable for the selection. Applications are reviewed based on the qualifications, knowledge, skills, abilities, interests and experience listed in the job specification. Those who do not meet the requirements are eliminated directly from the selection process.

The techniques used to screen candidates vary depending on the source of supply and the method used for recruitment. Preliminary applications, screening tests, and selection interviews are common techniques used to select candidates.

Read More... What is the Difference Between Recruitment and Selection?

Evaluation and Monitoring:
Given the considerable cost of the recruitment process, its evaluation and control is, therefore, imperative.

The costs typically incurred in a recruitment process are as follows:

(i) Recruiters' salaries

(ii) Cost of time spent preparing the job analysis and advertisement.

(iii) Administrative costs

(iv) Cost of outsourcing or working overtime while vacancies are unfilled

(v) Cost of recruiting unsuitable candidates.

Given the above, it is necessary for a prudent employer to try to answer some questions such as: Are the recruitment methods appropriate and valid? And whether or not the recruitment process followed in the organization is effective? If the answers to these questions are negative, appropriate controls must be developed and implemented to remedy the situation.

However, such an exercise seems to be rarely carried out in practice by employer organizations. Having discussed the recruitment process, it is now relevant to get an idea of recruitment practices.

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At the beginning of the recruiting process organisations must

Finding and retaining talented employees is a vital part of any successful business. Yet qualified employees can be difficult to find and hard to keep around, and replacing a salaried employee costs an average of 6–9 months salary.

Companies can cut down on employee turnover and cost of replacing an employee by having an effective recruitment process in place. Keep reading to learn more about the best practices and steps to an effective recruitment process.

What Is the Recruitment Process in HR?

The recruitment process is the steps to drawing in and selecting a new employee to fill an opening in an organization. This job is usually done by managers, Human Resource Management (HRM), recruiters, or a combination of all three. Human resource managers typically lead this process, collaborating with relevant departments and team members to streamline recruitment.

The recruitment process involves finding the candidate with the best skills, experience, and personality to fit the job. It requires a series of collecting and reviewing resumes, conducting job interviews, and finally selecting and onboarding an employee to start working for the organization.

What Makes a Good Recruitment Process?

A good recruitment process allows you to find qualified candidates quickly and efficiently. The process requires intentional planning and constant evaluation.

The recruitment process should be streamlined so each staff member has the tools and resources they need for their step in the process. For example, if a manager is tasked with conducting interviews, the recruiter or HR manager should make the process easier by providing the manager with a printed resume and background on the employee before the interview begins. The recruiter or HR manager should also inform a candidate about the full interview schedule so they aren’t left wondering about future steps in the process.

Here are other key objectives in developing an effective recruitment process:

Maximize Automation

Use an applicant tracking system (ATS) to maximize your automation needs. You’ll be able to automate where you’re posting job listings, track the number of applicants, and filter resumes to find the most qualified applicants. With all the time saved, you’ll be able to spend more time nurturing relationships with potential hires.

Make Data-Driven Decisions

Invest in a comprehensive data analytics system to see how many people applied for a job, how many people were interviewed, where the best candidates came from, etc. Reflecting on the process with each hire will help improve the recruitment process over time.

Want to build an effective recruitment process? Check out our free infographic!

Create an Employee Referral Program

Create an employee referral program to involve your employees in the recruitment process. They’ll be more motivated to spread the word about the opening, and they’ll likely lead you to more qualified candidates for the job. Organizations that use their employees’ networks can have a ten times larger talent pool to recruit from.

Develop a Clear Employer Brand

Recruitment is a two-way street. Just as candidates invest time to impress potential employers by sharing their experience and skills, your business should do the same in attracting talent by illustrating why people should work for you. Think about the mission and values of the company. Are they displayed effectively across your website and social media pages? Since your candidates will most likely research your company online, it’s crucial to establish a strong digital brand.

What Are the Benefits of Having an Effective Recruitment and Selection Process?

Investing time to create and implement an effective recruitment process can provide the following benefits:

  • Lower hiring costs – Being proactive in hiring new employees increases the profitability and performance of your business. You can help your departments by providing the necessary resources and manpower to fulfill their responsibilities along with financially helping your organization by reducing cost-per-hire.
  • Better quality of new hires – By fast-tracking high-quality candidates, you’ll be more likely to retain their interest. A slower process may leave them disappointed and tempted to look at other companies. A survey of more than 3,000 job seekers and 100 employers found that 92 percent of companies “make an offer within a week of the interview process.”
  • Increases employee productivity – An effective recruitment process can free up space for HR teams to invest time in training new and existing employees. By focusing on learning and development, you can foster employee engagement and performance that will bring lasting results.

Steps to the Recruitment Process

Now that you know what a good recruitment process looks like, how do you create one for your business? We’ve broken things down into simple and actionable recruitment process steps:

Want to build an effective recruitment process? Check out our free infographic!

1. Identify Your Needs

Create a list of needs before you create a job posting. It may seem easy to identify the hiring need when you’re replacing an employee who just left, but the task gets more difficult if you’re creating a new position or changing the responsibilities of a role.

2. Prepare the Job Description

Creating a good job description is a vital piece in crafting an effective recruitment strategy. Once you understand your business and department’s needs, you should determine the duties and responsibilities of the role and write them out.

Job descriptions help communicate the organization’s needs and expectations to a potential candidate. It’s essential to be as specific as possible in the job description to attract and meet candidates who can sufficiently meet the demands of the role.

3. Create a Recruitment Plan

Save time and energy by creating a recruitment plan. Strategize the best ways to get the word out about the job. Determine who will be reviewing resumes, scheduling interviews, and deciding on the right candidate.

4. Start Searching

Use keyword recruitment tools to cut down on your search time during the recruitment process. This can be the most time-consuming part of recruiting, and keyword tools can weed out unqualified applicants.

5. Recruit Top-Tier Candidates

The best candidates likely have many options, and you’ll need to maintain timely communication or they’ll quickly move on to other opportunities. Use a mobile hiring app to review top candidates quickly, right on your smartphone, whether you’re in the office or on the go.

At BambooHR, we take a fun twist on the phone screening and do a video screening. Candidates video record their response to a few simple questions, so recruiters can get a good idea of not only a candidate’s qualifications but also their personality.

6. Conduct a Phone Screening

Once you have your eye on certain applicants, conduct a phone screening to narrow down the selection process and make sure you want to take the time to interview the candidate in person. Make a list of the best interview questions to ask before you get started.

7. Interview in Person

Interviews should be conducted soon after a phone screening—ideally within a week. The process shouldn’t stretch on too long, or candidates may lose interest. Communicate with the interviewee about where you are in the process and how long it will take to get back to them with your decision. And then be sure to follow up, even if you decide they’re not a good fit. Be sure to allot enough time so you can focus and give candidates your undivided attention.

8. Offering the Job

Just because you offer an employee a job doesn’t mean they’re going to accept. Take great care in this step of the process to present a desirable offer the candidate won’t want to pass up. Over 90 percent of people report being contacted by a manager can make them accept a job offer faster, so don’t be afraid to reach out. But expect the process to take time, and be ready to negotiate salary and benefits.

9. Onboarding a New Employee

Now that you’ve determined which candidate will be joining your team, the real work begins. Implement a new hire onboarding process so the candidate has a positive experience and can easily dive into the job you’ve hired them for.

The onboarding process shouldn’t simply focus on new hire paperwork—it should focus on processes and resources that will help new hires transition successfully into the company. For example, assigning a mentor or a buddy and setting up one-on-one time with managers can help expedite new hire proficiency.

Getting Started

By following these steps and guidelines, you’ll be on your way to finding a qualified candidate for your organization. The recruitment process may be tricky, but investing time in your strategy will be well worth the effort. Good luck!

What is the first step in the recruiting process?

Recruitment Planning. Recruitment planning is the first step of the recruitment process, where the vacant positions are analyzed and described. It includes job specifications and its nature, experience, qualifications and skills required for the job, etc.

What are the 5 stages of the recruitment process?

The recruitment process.
Stage 1 - Identify the vacancy. ... .
Stage 2 - Carry out a job analysis. ... .
Stage 3 - Create a job description. ... .
Stage 4 - Create a person specification. ... .
Stage 5 - Advertise the job. ... .
Stage 6 - Send out application forms or request CVs..

What is the recruitment process from start to finish?

Full Life Cycle Recruiting process encompasses 6 main recruiting stages: preparing, sourcing, screening, selecting, hiring and finally onboarding. Each of the 6 main full cycle recruiting stages encompasses different activities.

What are the 7 steps of recruitment process?

Step 1: Identify the hiring needs. What are your existing hiring needs? ... .
Step 2: Prepare job descriptions. ... .
Step 3: Devise your recruitment strategy. ... .
Step 4: Screen and shortlist candidates. ... .
Step 5: Interview Process. ... .
Step 6: Make the offer. ... .
Step 7: Employee Onboarding..