germanate là gì - Nghĩa của từ germanate

germanate có nghĩa là



That person is from Germany. They are German.

germanate có nghĩa là

A group that, along with blacks and puerto ricans, have the largest average penis size


Blacks, Germans, and Puerto Ricans have massive cocks.

germanate có nghĩa là

1. A language whose arcane grammar can drive you crazy.

2. Something of German origin; i.e., beer or cars.

3 A resident of Germany; person of German descent. Typically, a mellow, intelligent thinking creature, invariably polite, living in the area of land commonly known as Germany, a lush, wooded land with the Alps to the south, gentle, rolling hills in the center, and the North Sea to the North.

The typical German is even-tempered, tolerant, respectful, practical, and somewhat skeptical and pessimistic by nature. German men are far less sexist than American men, and are more prone to marriage. Germans, though, typically have small families.

A German tends to be a lover of nature, well-organized, frugal and efficient. They seldom lose their tempers- if you go to a German bar, people are usually friendly and happy, unlike an American bar, where people start fights.

Germans love fast cars, motorcycles, good beer, taking lots of holidays, and walking in nature. Germany is a great place for the outdoors, and people love hiking, camping and cycling.

Germans are often tastelessly dressed, and German women often wear atrocious clothes. German food is OK, if you like pork. German bread, on the other hand, is excellent. It doesn't matter, though, because German people mostly eat Italian and French food.

Germans make the best engineers, computer scientists, and technicians. They never go anywhere without their "handies" (cell phones), they're mad about soccer, and they love to have a festival. They take a day off for every holiday, including all-saint's day, May Day and the assumption of the Virgin Mary (despite the fact that most Germans don't go to church often). The biggest parties are Karneval and the Love Parade.

They typical German hates extremes and extremists of all kinds, including neo-nazis, who comprise a hated minority in the country. Most people are moderate in their beliefs. There are lots of political parties in Germany, including the Green Party, who helped turn Germany into the biggest purveyor of solar power and electric windmills.

Germans don't neccesarily dislike any group of people; Germans often visit France, England, the US, Eastern Europe, Turkey and the Mediterranean. Often, though, other nations have prejudices about Germans. Germany is ethnically mixed, though, and lots of Germans marry non-Germans.


1. How do you translate the German word "unwahrscheinlichkeit"?
2. This German wheat beer- Franziskaner Weissbier"- is excellent.
3. Look at that cute German techie guy over there.

germanate có nghĩa là

n. language spoken in several European countries (Germany, Austria, Eastern Switzerland, Northern Italy). German has a very complicated/confusing grammatical structure and tends to sound very harsh to non-German speakers. Differences in local dialects can effectively hinder communications between parts of the population. Words can reach amazing lenghts through more or less sensible combinations (see below).
For Trekkies: Similarities to Klingon pronounciation are evident.


Überschallgeschwindigkeitsflugzeug = an airplane capable of supersonic speeds

germanate có nghĩa là

Deragotory description of another person's belated observation or contribution to the conversation or thread, indicating that their observation is 'old news' despite they're thinking it's 'new news.' Etiology: Belushi's character (Bluto) asks, " Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?" to which Otter questions Boon, "Germans?" Boon responds "Forget it, he's on a roll."


Posting a link to a news story 2 - 3days old which has already been discussed ad nauseum: Brittany Spears may not be a good role model .. That so Germans.

germanate có nghĩa là

A group of people living mostly in Germany, the beaches of Southern Spain and Pennsylvania. They are great at pretty much everything, and have invented most technical gear you own or would like to own. Being an awesome nation, a short Austrian named Hitler managed to make these good-humored people think they were the master race. This soon turned out to be false, and to this day, Germans travel the globe apologizing profusely for ever believing that crap. Germans are known to be great lovers, although they often dress poorly and sometimes sport moustaches. That's why Karl Lagerfeld pretends to be French. As a rule of thumb, Germans posses the inverse skill set of the English, who suck at everything except wearing really, really, really groovy clothes and writing catchy pop songs. Famous Germans include Beethoven, Wagner, the Scorpions, Einstein, Luther, Boris Becker, Kant, Milli Vanilli and most British Royalty. Ahmadinejad and Tom Cruise secretly want to be German, but they can't.


Your mum: Look at these guys, they are building a great car. Are they Japanese? You: No, doh. They are tall and handsome, so obviously they are Germans. Let's go and nag them about the holocaust. (they walk over) Hans: Ve are so sorry about what happened...
Fritz: Sorry.

germanate có nghĩa là

Germanation is when you catch a German person masturbating and take him, whilst mid way through masturbation, to a dogs home and forced to relieve himself on the dogs face.


i went germanating today or i do love germanation

germanate có nghĩa là

this amazing, attractive guy that can make any girl feel special, he is an amazing reader of people, he loves to help and has this musician side, he is dedicated passionate, sincere and always gives his all, if you know a German, you better keep him, he is a rough diamond, most people don't see his value until they interact with him.


"Hey, if you want to learn how to succeed, you have to be a German,"
"what do you mean, dedicated?"
"yes dummy!"

germanate có nghĩa là

When two germans converse in German, usually in a non-German speaking country.


Max Langer and Jan Koch proceded to loudly germanate during chemistry class.

germanate có nghĩa là

Something that is not German


Portugal is Not German