How many 2 digit perfect square number are there whose unit digit is a perfect cube?

How many 2 digit perfect square number are there whose unit digit is a perfect cube?

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How many 2 digit perfect square number are there whose unit digit is a perfect cube?

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How many 2 digit perfect square number are there whose unit digit is a perfect cube?

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How many 2 digit perfect square number are there whose unit digit is a perfect cube?

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How many 2 digit perfect square number are there whose unit digit is a perfect cube?

How many 2 digit perfect square number are there whose unit digit is a perfect cube?

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How many 2 digit perfect square number are there whose unit digit is a perfect cube?



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How many 2 digit perfect square number are there whose unit digit is a perfect cube?



Class 12

How many 2 digit perfect square number are there whose unit digit is a perfect cube?


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How many 2 digit perfect square number are there whose unit digit is a perfect cube?


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How many 2 digit perfect square number are there whose unit digit is a perfect cube?


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How many 2 digit perfect square number are there whose unit digit is a perfect cube?


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How many 2 digit perfect square number are there whose unit digit is a perfect cube?


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Class 12

How many 2 digit perfect square number are there whose unit digit is a perfect cube?



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How many 2 digit perfect square number are there whose unit digit is a perfect cube?


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How many 2 digit perfect square number are there whose unit digit is a perfect cube?

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How many 2 digit perfect square number are there whose unit digit is a perfect cube?

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How many 2 digit perfect square number are there whose unit digit is a perfect cube?

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How many 2 digit perfect square number are there whose unit digit is a perfect cube?

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How many 2 digit perfect square number are there whose unit digit is a perfect cube?
How many 2 digit perfect square number are there whose unit digit is a perfect cube?

How many 2

So, there are 17 two-digit numbers whose sum of digits is a perfect square. Note: Perfect squares are those numbers which are formed when any number is multiplied by itself.

Which number is both a perfect square and a perfect cube?

64 is both perfect square and perfect cube number.

How many positive two digit numbers are there whose square and cube both end in the same digit?

Last digit of... So numbers ending in 0, 1, 5 and 6 will have squares and cubes that end in the same digit. There are 4×9=36 two-digit numbers then end in one of these digits.

Which two digit number has a cube root as well as square root?

Hence, the two digit number is 64.