Total length là gì

Chiều dài lớn nhất/chiều dài tối đa (Length overall) là tổng chiều dài giữa hai điểm đầu và cuối xa nhất của tàu từ mũi tàu đến đuôi tàu. Việc đo chiều dài của tàu thường nhằm xác định một mục đích nào đó, ví dụ, liệu tàu có thể cập một ụ tàu nào đó hoặc liệu tàu có thể vào một cầu cảng nào đó hay không. Thuật ngữ này viết tắt là “1.0.a.”, và còn được gọi là “chiều dài toàn phần” - “overall length”.

Chiều dai tối đa (Overall length) là thuật ngữ này còn được gọi là “length overall”.

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Khen thưởng đối với tổ chức đảng và đảng viên?

Điều 34, Điều lệ Đảng Cộng sản Việt Nam 2011 quy định như sau: “Tổ chức đảng và đảng viên có thành tích được khen thưởng theo quy định của Ban Chấp hành Trung ương.” Bài viết dưới đây sẽ phân tích sau ...

The quality of reporting in such sources may be inadequate, as they do not always contain the same methodological detail as a full-length article.

Từ Cambridge English Corpus

The only full-length biography is thirty-six years old and was written before all the important recent developments in women's history.

Từ Cambridge English Corpus

This is by no means the first full-length monograph on the landed proprietors.

Từ Cambridge English Corpus

For the abridgment of 1802 and the second full-length edition of 1810, however, he changed his tune completely.

Từ Cambridge English Corpus

Two full-length plays (benxi) would have to be performed.

Từ Cambridge English Corpus

Will there be a full-length opera in the future?

Từ Cambridge English Corpus

This text is a rare example of a full-length report of such a study.

Từ Cambridge English Corpus

The increased capacity of these vectors, which contain no viral coding sequences, makes them suitable for gene transfer of full-length dystrophin.

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Moreover, the neurons show no outward signs of degeneration, retaining full-length axons and expressing appropriate subtype-specific markers.

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He took up this task with enthusiasm, to the extent that he expanded his article into a full-length book.

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It is certainly salutary to realize that our problem today had attracted a full-length study 30 years ago.

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The bars indicate the size of full-length paramyosin.

Từ Cambridge English Corpus

Results from this case study demonstrate discrepancies in data available between abstracts, on-line conference presentations, and subsequently published full-length articles.

Từ Cambridge English Corpus

String quartets regularly claim that they have trouble building interesting programmes because everything written for them is a full-length work.

Từ Cambridge English Corpus

Xem tất cả các ví dụ của full-length

Các quan điểm của các ví dụ không thể hiện quan điểm của các biên tập viên Cambridge Dictionary hoặc của Cambridge University Press hay của các nhà cấp phép.

Each recording was forty to sixty minutes long,5 and the total length of the recordings is 2295 minutes.

To alleviate any size-dependent bias in capture probability, shrimps < 20 mm in total length were excluded from the analyses.

Total length of the bat is c. 70 mm.

Our objective is to find the set of accessible segments with maximum total length that allows toppling.

The stroke of the actuators has been limited to 80% of the total length of the piston.

The entire alimentary canal was removed and divided into ten sections based on percentages of the total length from the anterior end.

The total length of outer segment discs analyzed was 1259 mm in old and 1283 mm in young animals, which represents approximately 65,000 discs.

All histograms in these figures and in figure 13 have been obtained using the total length of sampled data.

For these workers, the figures in parentheses denote the total length of their employment.

This would provide a value of about 16 mm for the total length of the parasite.

We can predict that the total length of the translated protein is variable, mainly depending on the repeat number.

Its total length was recorded prior to dissection.

Fish were measured (total length) and dissected immediately after capture, and the alimentary tract was removed quickly, fixed and stored in 4% formaldehyde solution.

There was, however, a very wide degree of variation, without significant difference, between the total length and the transverse diameter of the pulmonary trunk.

The aspect ratio is defined as the square of diaspore's total length divided by the total wing area.

The total length of the path is 8m, thus the average speed is about 1.6knot.

Where fallen logs were found the following data were recorded: species, total length (trunk length and stump length, when present), and basal diameter.