What is the probability of getting a card of spade or an ace?

8. A card is drawn at random from a well-shuffled deck of playing cards. Find the probability that the card drawn is i. a card of spade or an ace. ii. a black king. iii. neither a jack nor a king iv. either a king or a queen.
Hint: In a deck of cards there are 13 spades and 4 aces. Then we have to find the probability of drawing spades from deck of cards and probability of drawing aces from deck of cards, now there is a probability of getting aces of spades so remove that probability from addition of those two probabilities. Probability of drawing an ace or a spade or both from a deck of card is denoted by \[P(A\cup B)\]

Complete step-by-step answer:
We know that there are 52 cards in total.
Hence, the total number of possible outcomes is 52
 Probability of drawing an ace or a spade or both from a deck of card is
The total number of spades in a deck of cards is 13
The probability of drawing spades in a deck of cards is \[P(A)=\dfrac{13}{52}\]
The total number of aces cards in a deck of cards is 4
The probability of drawing aces in a deck of cards is \[P(B)=\dfrac{4}{52}\]
The total number of aces of spade is 1
\[P(A\cap B)=\dfrac{1}{52}\]
Probability of drawing an ace or a spade or both from a deck of card is
\[P(A\cup B)=P(A)+P(B)-P(A\cap B)\]
= \[\dfrac{13}{52}+\dfrac{4}{52}-\dfrac{1}{52}=\dfrac{16}{52}=\dfrac{4}{13}\]
Probability of drawing an ace or a spade or both from a deck of cards is \[\dfrac{4}{13}\].

Note: From the venn diagram we can obtain the relation that is \[P(A\cup B)=P(A)+P(B)-P(A\cap B)\]. Here \[P(A\cup B)\]represents probability of happening of events A and B or probability of happening both.By using the formula we are able to solve the problem. We know that the probability is the ratio of total number of desired outcomes to the total number of all possible outcomes.

Home > Statistical Methods calculators > Cards Probability calculatorMethod and examplesCards draw Probability calculatorMethod  

1. Coin1. unbiased coins are tossed. What is the probability of getting ?

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  2. 2 unbiased coins are tossed. What is the probability of getting atleast 1 Head
  3. 2 unbiased coins are tossed. What is the probability of getting atmost 1 Tail
  4. 2 unbiased coins are tossed. What is the probability of getting exactly 1 Head
  5. 3 unbiased coins are tossed. What is the probability of getting atmost 2 Tail
  6. 3 unbiased coins are tossed. What is the probability of getting exactly 1 Tail

2. Dice1. An unbiased dice is thrown. What is the probability that the number is

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  2. An unbiased dice is thrown. What is the probability that the number is Odd
  3. An unbiased dice is thrown. What is the probability that the number is Multiple/Divide by 3
  4. An unbiased dice is thrown. What is the probability that the number is Multiple/Divide by 2
  5. An unbiased dice is thrown. What is the probability that the number is >= 5
  6. An unbiased dice is thrown. What is the probability that the number is Prime
  7. An unbiased dice is thrown. What is the probability that the number is <= 4

2. Two dice are thrown together. What is the probability that numbers on the two faces is is

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  2. Two dice are thrown together. What is the probability that numbers on the two faces product/multiple is Odd
  3. Two dice are thrown together. What is the probability that numbers on the two faces product/multiple is Divide by 3
  4. Two dice are thrown together. What is the probability that numbers on the two faces doublet
  5. Two dice are thrown together. What is the probability that numbers on the two faces product/multiple is Divide by 3 or product/multiple is Divide by 5
  6. Two dice are thrown together. What is the probability that numbers on the two faces doublet or product/multiple is Divide by 5
  7. Two dice are thrown together. What is the probability that numbers on the two faces sum/add is >= 5 and sum/add is Prime
  8. Two dice are thrown together. What is the probability that numbers on the two faces sum/add is >= 5 and sum/add is < 10
  9. Two dice are thrown together. What is the probability that numbers on the two faces sum/add is Divide by 4 or sum/add is Divide by 6
  10. Two dice are thrown together. What is the probability that numbers on the two faces sum/add is = 10 or sum/add is = 11

3. Cards1. card is drawn, what is the probability that, card is card is

  1. 1 card is drawn, what is the probability that,1 card is FACE Card
  2. 2 card is drawn, what is the probability that,2 card is FACE Card
  3. 1 card is drawn, what is the probability that,1 card is QUEEN
  4. 2 card is drawn, what is the probability that,2 card is RED
  5. 1 card is drawn, what is the probability that,1 card is CLUB
  6. 1 card is drawn, what is the probability that,1 card is QUEEN or 1 card is SPADE
  7. 1 card is drawn, what is the probability that,1 card is RED or 1 card is KING
  8. 2 card is drawn, what is the probability that,2 card is RED or 2 card is KING
  9. 2 card is drawn, what is the probability that,1 card is RED and 1 card is KING

2. card is drawn, what is the probability that, card is card is

  1. 1 card is drawn, what is the probability that,1 FACE Card card is CLUB
  2. 2 card is drawn, what is the probability that,2 QUEEN card is RED
  3. 1 card is drawn, what is the probability that,1 FACE Card card is RED
  4. 2 card is drawn, what is the probability that,2 QUEEN card is RED
  5. 1 card is drawn, what is the probability that,1 QUEEN card is CLUB or 1 KING card is HEART
  6. 2 card is drawn, what is the probability that,1 QUEEN card is CLUB and 1 KING card is HEART
  7. 2 card is drawn, what is the probability that,2 QUEEN card is RED or 2 KING card is BLACK

4. BallsSearch OptionA bag contains balls

balls are drawn at random, what is the probability that it is Not (Neither nor)

Total selected = Out of this


  1. A bag contains 4 black, 5 blue, 6 green balls. 2 balls are drawn at random, what is the probability that it is black, blue ?
  2. A bag contains 4 black, 5 blue, 6 green balls. 1 balls are drawn at random, what is the probability that it is not black, blue ?
  3. A bag contains 4 black, 5 blue, 6 green balls. 2 balls are drawn at random, what is the probability that it is same ?
  4. A bag contains 4 black, 5 blue, 6 green balls. 3 balls are drawn at random, what is the probability that it is not 1 black, 2 blue ?
  5. A bag contains 4 black, 5 blue, 6 green balls. 4 balls are drawn at random, what is the probability that it is 2 black, 2 other ?


Solution provided by AtoZmath.com

What is the probability of getting a card of spade or an ace?
What is the probability of getting a card of spade or an ace?
What is the probability of getting a card of spade or an ace?
What is the probability of getting a card of spade or an ace?
What is the probability of getting a card of spade or an ace?
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What is the probability of getting a card of spade?

For example, you can add up the number of spades in a complete deck (13) and divide this by the total number of cards in the deck (52) to get the probability of randomly drawing a spade: 13 in 52, or 25 percent.

How many ways can you draw a spade or an ace?

In a standard 52 card deck, there are 13 spades and 4 aces, however one of these aces is a spade, so we need to avoid counting one ace to ensure no double-counting. So, there are 13 + 3 = 16 ways to draw an ace or a spade.

What is spade and ace?

The Ace of Spades (also known as the Spadille and Death Card) is traditionally the highest and most valued card in the deck of playing cards in English-speaking countries. The actual value of the card varies from game to game.

What will be the probability of drawing either an ace card or a king of spade from deck?

The probability of drawing either an ace or a king from a pack of card in a single draw is 2/13.