What is the relatively stable perceptions that each of us hold about ourselves?

The relatively stable set of perceptions you hold of yourself is called your. self-concept. The face you try to show to others is called the perceived self.


What kind of person you believe yourself to be is called the?

The kind of person you believe yourself to be is called the. perceived self

Is self-concept relatively stable?

Self-concept:A relatively stable set of perceptions you hold of yourself. Self-esteem: Subjective – May be at odds with how others view us. Flexible – Our perceptions of our self do change. Resists Change – People have a strong tendency to resist revision of our self-concept.

Which of the following refers to the communication strategies that we use to control how others view us?

Identity management refers to the communication strategies people use to present the self and to influence how others view them. Each of us possesses several selves.

What is the relatively stable set of perceptions you hold of yourself?

A set of relatively stable perceptions that each of us holds about ourselves is called: Self-esteem.

Which phrase best describes a person’s self-concept or identity?

Which phrase best describes a person’s self-concept or identity? The self is a collection of smaller selves. What are the stable perceptions that a person holds about his or herself called? What does the Johari window provide?

What is the part of the self-concept that involves evaluations of self worth?

Self-esteem is the part of the self-concept that involves evaluations of self-worth. The self-concept develops and evolves through social interaction.

What is a self fulfilling prophecy quizlet?

self-fulfilling prophecy. an expectation that causes you to act in ways that make that expectation come true. -expectations of others can cause a powerful situation.

What do social scientists call others against whom you evaluate your own characteristics?

We decide whether we are superior or inferior (which influences our self-esteem) and whether we are similar or different (which influences our self-concept) by comparing ourselves to what social scientists call reference groups – others against whom we evaluate our own characteristics.

Is objective a self-concept?

What does it mean to say that self-concepts are partly subjective? It means that many aspects of our self-concept are based on our impressions of ourselves rather than objective facts.

What is a benevolent lie quizlet?

benevolent lie. A lie defined by the teller as not malicious to the person to whom it is told

Which part of the Johari window represents information that you know but aren’t willing to reveal to others?

Part 3 of the Johari Window represents your hidden area: information that you know but aren’t willing to reveal to others. Items in this hidden area become public primarily through self-disclosure, which is the focus of this section.

Does self-concept remain stable?

This involves recognizing that the self-concept is simultaneously a complex structure and a process, that it is stable, but that it is also dynamic.

Is the self-concept flexible?

A healthy self-concept is flexible; it changes as needed to remain realistic. The self-concept resists change, that is, the tendency to resist revision of our self-concept is strong, and we seek out information that conforms to an existing self-concept, which is called cognitive conservatism.

Do self concepts change over time?

These analyses suggest that while self-concept may exhibit fluctuations from a baseline over short periods of time (e.g. one situation to the next), the basic core structure of self-concept remains fairly stable over longer periods of time.

Is self-concept always accurate?

The self-concept is a factual description of how you perceive yourself. If your perception is distorted, this description may not be an accurate depiction of you, but it IS an accurate statement of what you believe about yourself. The self-concept is derived from self-esteem and self-efficacy.

What are the three ways that communicators can manage their public face in face-to-face interaction?

What are the three ways that communicators can manage their public face in face-to-face interaction? . Manner, setting, and appearance. When your expectations of an event cause you to behave in a way that make your expectations come true, you have experienced ________.

What is cognitive conservatism?

In cognitive psychology and decision science, conservatism or conservatism bias is a bias which refers to the tendency to revise one’s belief insufficiently when presented with new evidence.

What is the process of judging ourselves by the evaluations of others?

reflected appraisal. Process of judging ourselves by the evaluations of others. significant others. People who’s opinions we especially value. social comparison.

What does the term self-concept refer to?

Self-concept is how we perceive our behaviors, abilities, and unique characteristics. 1 For example, beliefs such as I am a good friend or I am a kind person are part of an overall self-concept. Our self-perception is important because it affects our motivations, attitudes, and behaviors.

Is a relatively stable and lasting set of characteristics that define a person?

Self-concept:A relatively stable set of perceptions you hold of yourself. Self-esteem: Subjective – May be at odds with how others view us. Flexible – Our perceptions of our self do change. Resists Change – People have a strong tendency to resist revision of our self-concept.

Which of the following are elements of your self-concept?

Self-esteem is the part of the self-concept that involves evaluations of self-worth. The self-concept develops and evolves through social interaction.

Which of the following term refers to the way we see ourselves?

Self-concept consists of four main elements: perceived self, ideal self, self-esteem, and social identity.

Which of the following are examples of using self-disclosure to assist others? –Sharing memories about your childhood with a friend to improve your friendship. Which of the following describes the process of behavioral adjustment to project a desired image? People may not take you seriously or see you as untrustworthy. What does Scholars called the relatively stable set a perceptions you hold of yourself?

Self-concept: relatively stable set of perceptions you hold of your self.

Is self

Communication affects self-concept, which is the relatively stable set of perceptions you hold for yourself. Self-esteem is the part of the self-concept that involves evaluations of self-worth. The self-concept develops and evolves through social interaction.

How we develop an image of ourselves from the way we think others view us?

The looking-glass self describes the process wherein individuals base their sense of self on how they believe others view them. Using social interaction as a type of “mirror,” people use the judgments they receive from others to measure their own worth, values, and behavior.

What is the theory that says we tend to develop a self

Reflected Appraisal (*also known as "The Looking Glass Self") a. Def.: We tend to develop a self-concept that matches the way we think others see us.