Which models of communication assert an overlap between the field of experience of the speaker and the listener?

The main flaw in the linear model is that it depicts communication as a one-way process where speakers only speak and never listen. It also implies that listeners listen and never speak or send messages. Schramm came out with a more interactive model that saw the receiver or listener providing feedback to the sender or speaker. The speaker or sender of the message also listens to the feedback given by the receiver or listener. Both the speaker and the listener take turns to speak and listen to each other. Feedback is given either verbally or non-verbally, or in both ways. This model also indicates that the speaker and listener communicate better if they have common fields of experience, or fields which overlap. This model is described in Schramm’s book “The Process and Effects of Communication”.

Which models of communication assert an overlap between the field of experience of the speaker and the listener?

Concepts of Schramm’s Communication Model
Schramm’s model of communication includes the source which is also known as the encoder, the message or the signal, and the destination which is also recognized as the decoder. The model addresses the sociological aspects involved in communication. Communication or commonness can take place if the fields of the source and destination overlap as shown in the figure below as the field of experience.
It is a Circular Model, so that communication is something circular in nature
• Encoder – Who does encoding or Sends the message (message originates)
• Decoder – Who receives the message
• Interpreter – Person trying to understand (analyses, perceive) or interpret

• Circular communication gives opportunity to both parties to give their opinion.
• As it is dynamic and ever changing model, it is helpful in general practice.
• Sender and receiver interchanges and both are equally active.
• Semantic noise included as a concept helps in understanding problems that can occur during interpretation of message.
• Feedback makes it easier to know if the message is interpreted by the receiver as intended or not.
• Concept of interpretation makes the communication effective.
• Field of experience (psychological effect) helps to understand the communication process in many other ways than the traditional ones..
• Concept of context makes the environmental factor be included in interpretation of message and brings change in the message value.

• This model can not deal with multiple levels of communication and complex communication processes.
• There can only be two sources communicating, many sources complicates the process and the model can not be implemented.
• Message sent and received might be interpreted differently than intended.


The main drawback in the interactive model is that it does not indicate that communicators can both send and receive messages simultaneously. This model also fails to show that communication is a dynamic process which changes over time.The transactional model shows that the elements in communication are interdependent. In transactional model, senders and receivers both are known as communicators and both play equally important role in communication
There are three implications in the transactional model:
i. Transactional” means that communication is an ongoing and continuously changing process. You are changing, the people with whom you are communicating are changing, and your environment is also continually changing as well.
ii. In any transactional process, each element exists in relation to all the other elements. There is this interdependence where there can be no source without a receiver and no message without a source.
iii. Each person in the communication process reacts depending on factors such as their background, prior experiences, attitudes, cultural beliefs and self-esteem.

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Which models of communication assert an overlap between the field of experience of the speaker and the listener?

14. Wilbur Schramm in his model of communication asserts that a. communication can take place if and only there is an overlap between the field ofexperience of the speaker and the field of experience of the listenerb. communication can occur if there is no overlapping of the field of experience of thespeaker and the listenerc. communication can take place if and only there is an overlap between the speaker'sfield of experience and the messaged. communication can take place if there is no overlap in the speaker's field of experienceand the message.15. How does the speaker know that the message has been received?a. if there is a response from the receiver based on the interpretation of the messageb. if there is no response from the receiverc. if the response is not heardd. all of the above.ication Strategies and Barriers

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What is overlaps of Schramm model of communication?

Schramm's first model shows an overlap of the sender's and receiver's fields of experience. For communication to be effective, the transmitted signal must fall within this shared area. Schramm's third model is based on the convergence or network approach.

What is Field of experience in Schramm model?

The Osgood-Schramm Model Later, Wilbur Schramm, who talked about the model in his book, The Process and Effects of Communication, adapted the model and added the notion of field of experience, or commonality, to the mix. Field of experience incorporates what is mutually understood between the sender and receiver.

What are the 4 types of communication models?

There are four main types of communication we use on a daily basis: verbal, nonverbal, written and visual.

What model of communication claims that the most important part is the setting where the listener is situated?

ARISTOTLE'S MODEL (5BC) According to this model, the receiver plays the key role to whether or not the communication takes place. it is a one-way process because there is no concept of feedback. Even though Aristotle centered on the speaker and the message, the setting is more important where the listener is situated.