Implementation of tiers is __________ of the size or maturity level of a company.

The National Institute of Standards and Framework’s Cybersecurity Framework (CSF) was published in February 2014 in response to Presidential Executive Order 13636, “Improving Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity,” which called for a standardized security framework for critical infrastructure in the United States.

The NIST CSF is recognized by many as a resource to help improve the security operations and governance for public and private organizations. While the NIST CSF is a terrific guideline for transforming the organizational security posture and risk management from a reactive to proactive approach, it can be a difficult framework to actually dive into and implement.

If you’re struggling to get through the NIST Cybersecurity Framework, a quick overview and summary of the framework can help you accelerate your security transformation.

Here’s a quick NIST Cybersecurity Framework Summary and detailed breakdown:

Implementation of tiers is __________ of the size or maturity level of a company.

The NIST CSF is comprised of four core areas. These include Functions, Categories, Subcategories, and References. Below, we will provide a brief explanation of terminology for the NIST CSF.


The NIST CSF is organized into five core Functions also known as the Framework Core. The functions are organized concurrently with one another to represent a security lifecycle. Each function is essential to a well-operating security posture and successful management of cybersecurity risk. Definitions for each Function are as follows:

  • Identify: Develop the organizational understanding to manage cybersecurity risk to systems, assets, data, and capabilities.
  • Protect: Develop and implement the appropriate safeguards to ensure delivery of critical infrastructure services.
  • Detect: Develop and implement the appropriate activities to identify the occurrence of a security event.
  • Respond: Develop and implement the appropriate activities when facing a detected security event.
  • Recover: Develop and implement the appropriate activities for resilience and to restore any capabilities or services that were impaired due to a security event.

Categories & Subcategories

With each of the Functions noted in the Figure above, there are twenty-one categories and over a hundred subcategories. The subcategories provide context to each category with reference to other frameworks such as COBIT, ISO, ISA, and others.

The Figure below is a small view of the Identify Function with its categories, subcategories, and references:

Implementation of tiers is __________ of the size or maturity level of a company.


The NIST CSF Tiers represent how well an organization views cybersecurity risk and the processes in place to mitigate risks. This helps provide organizations a benchmark on how their current operations.

  • Tier 1 – Partial: Organizational cybersecurity risk is not formalized and managed in an ad hoc and sometimes reactive manner. There is also limited awareness of cybersecurity risk management.
  • Tier 2 – Risk-Informed: There may not be an organizational-wide policy for security risk management. Management handles cybersecurity risk management based on risks as they happen.
  • Tier 3 – Repeatable: A formal organizational risk management process is followed by a defined security policy.
  • Tier 4 – Adaptable: An organization at this stage will adapt its cybersecurity policies based on lessons learned and analytics-driven to provide insights and best practices. The organization is constantly learning from the security events that do occur in the organization and will share that information with a larger network.

You can use the NIST CSF to benchmark your current security posture. Going through each category and subcategories in the core Function can help you determine where you stand on the NIST CSF Tier scale.

Using the NIST Cybersecurity Framework is a great way to standardize your cybersecurity and risk management. It can also be used when your organization needs to benchmark its current security operations. If you need a quick self-assessment, try out CIPHER’s NIST Self-Assessment that will guide you through each Function, Categories, and Subcategories of the Framework.

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Cybersecurity framework

Leighton Johnson, in Security Controls Evaluation, Testing, and Assessment Handbook (Second Edition), 2020

Implementing and assessing security via the Cybersecurity Framework

The NIST Cybersecurity Framework (CSF) was published to create a common vernacular and approach to cybersecurity evaluations for all sectors of the nation's critical infrastructure. It has since gained widespread adoption in the private sector as well. It takes pains not to be overly prescriptive, to give organizations that wish to use the CSF the maximum amount of leeway in developing their implementation.

The CSF is designed with common and accessible language which is understandable by many professionals. It is adaptable to many technologies, life-cycle phases, sectors, and uses and is meant to be customized to each usage and industry sector. The CSF is risk-based focus with a catalog of cybersecurity outcomes but does not provide how little or how much cybersecurity is appropriate, since risk for each organization is unique to its own industry. The general process flow closely mirrors the process described in this document. It includes the following steps:


Prioritize and scope




Create a current profile


Conduct a risk assessment


Create a target profile


Determine, analyze, and prioritize gaps


Implement action plan

The Framework defines four tiers of maturity, from which it acknowledges that organizations should not necessarily strive for Tier 4 (highest maturity) in all aspects of their cybersecurity because that is likely more than the organization needs on some topics. Rather, each organization should evaluate its own situation and craft the security best suited to accomplish its organizational needs.

Five major functions of cybersecurity are identified in the Framework, which are further broken down into 23 Categories, and still further into 108 Subcategories. Each Subcategory may or may not apply in a given situation, and even those that apply may be adequately addressed by a low maturity level. The Functions, Categories, and Subcategories are visible in figures shown below along with references to other standards as they apply to each Subcategory.

Framework maturity tiers

For the NIST Cybersecurity Framework, the following definitions are used to describe the tiers of maturity for the Categories:

Tier 1: Partial

Risk Management Process—Organizational security risk management practices are not formalized, and risk is managed in an ad hoc and sometimes reactive manner. Prioritization of security activities may not be directly informed by organizational risk objectives, the threat environment, or business/mission requirements.

Integrated Risk Management Program—There is limited awareness of security risk at the organizational level and an organization-wide approach to managing security risk has not been established. The organization implements security risk management on an irregular, case-by-case basis due to varied experience or information gained from outside sources. The organization may not have processes that enable security information to be shared within the organization.

External Participation—An organization may not have the processes in place to participate in coordination or collaboration with other entities.

Tier 2: Risk Informed

Risk Management Process—Risk management practices are approved by management but may not be established as organizational-wide policy. Prioritization of security activities is directly informed by organizational risk objectives, the threat environment, or business/mission requirements.

Integrated Risk Management Program—There is an awareness of security risk at the organizational level but an organization-wide approach to managing security risk has not been established. Risk-informed, management-approved processes and procedures are defined and implemented, and staff has adequate resources to perform their security duties. Security information is shared within the organization on an informal basis.

External Participation—The organization knows its role in the larger ecosystem but has not formalized its capabilities to interact and share information externally.

Tier 3: Repeatable

Risk Management Process—The organization's risk management practices are formally approved and expressed as policy. Organizational security practices are regularly updated based on the application of risk management processes to changes in business/mission requirements and a changing threat and technology landscape.

Integrated Risk Management Program—There is an organization-wide approach to manage security risk. Risk-informed policies, processes, and procedures are defined, implemented as intended, and reviewed. Consistent methods are in place to respond effectively to changes in risk. Personnel possess the knowledge and skills to perform their appointed roles and responsibilities.

External Participation—The organization understands its dependencies and partners and receives information from these partners that enables collaboration and risk-based management decisions within the organization in response to events.

Tier 4: Adaptive

Risk Management Process—The organization adapts its security practices based on lessons learned and predictive indicators derived from previous and current security activities. Through a process of continuous improvement incorporating advanced security technologies and practices, the organization actively adapts to a changing security landscape and responds to evolving and sophisticated threats in a timely manner.

Integrated Risk Management Program—There is an organization-wide approach to managing security risk that uses risk-informed policies, processes, and procedures to address potential security events. Security risk management is part of the organizational culture and evolves from an awareness of previous activities, information shared by other sources, and continuous awareness of activities on their systems and networks.

External Participation—The organization manages risk and actively shares information with partners to ensure that accurate, current information is being distributed and consumed to improve security before a security event occurs.

Current and Target Profiles

Application of the NIST Cybersecurity Framework involves the creation of Current and Target Profiles. The Current Profile simply depicts 23 Framework Categories, along with the organization's current maturity level on each. This information by itself is of limited use without a measuring stick because, as was mentioned earlier, low maturity in some Categories may be satisfactory for an organization, depending on its threats and risk tolerance.

Two of the most common measuring sticks used to give context to a Current Profile are as follows:

Risk assessment Results

An organization may conduct a risk assessment to determine its manner and magnitude of risk exposure and compare that to its risk tolerance. Aspects that exceed the organization's risk tolerance must be reduced or otherwise mitigated and doing so will require the organization to increase its maturity on one or more of the Framework Categories. Identifying deltas in this way provides context to reveal whether the Current Profile is acceptable.

Planning and prioritizing based on such a risk assessment is most accurately accomplished by quantifying risk exposure, such as with the FAIR methodology.

Comparison to another baseline

In some situations, an organization may judge the adequacy of its Current Profile against another, baseline Current Profile. For example, Company A may be considering the acquisition of Company B and wants to understand whether the current maturity of Company B's cybersecurity program will fit with the program that Company A has in place. If Company A has already been evaluated against the NIST Cybersecurity Framework and deems its Current Profile to be acceptable, it could simply compare Company B's Current Profile to its own and look for deltas.

In either scenario above, the determination that a Current Profile is insufficient on any topic yields a Target Profile, which is the future state of maturity that the organization intends to achieve. The specific Categories, as well as the degree of maturity within each Category, are determined by the methods described above.

Note: It is possible for a Target Profile to recommend reducing the maturity of a given Category. This may be the case if an organization is particularly mature on a topic, at the cost of many resources, and the risk assessment determines that topic not to be a significant contributor to risk reduction. The organization may choose to reduce resources, becoming less mature, to better allocate them to a more impactful Category.

Current Profile

If the chosen Framework for the assessment is the NIST Cybersecurity Framework, the exercise below will result in a Current Profile of the organization. If a different Framework is chosen, the assessor should still proceed with this section as written, as it will provide him or her with a snapshot for characterizing the strengths and weaknesses of the organization's security program, which will be useful when forming conclusions to present to the customer, and particularly when helping the customer understand their risk tolerance.

Reviewing the findings documented by the actions above, the assessor should assign a rating to each NIST Cybersecurity Framework Subcategory, according to the following criteria.

Subcategory Rating
Capability claim Strong 1.5 3 4
Partial 1 2 2.5
Weak 0 1.5 1.5
Unsubstantiated Policies and Processes Validated

Use the following definitions for interpreting the matrix above:

Capability Claim

Strong—The Subcategory is both highly effective and has been implemented throughout most, if not all, of the organization

Partial—The Subcategory is either highly effective but implemented across only a minority of the organization or is in place throughout the organization but is marginal in its efficacy

Weak—The Subcategory has either not been implemented at all, or is partially implemented and marginally effective


Validated through testing—An independent party has evaluated the capability and found it to align with the rating. For example, a claim of Strong has been made regarding data leakage protection, and Internal Audit (or another independent source) has formally evaluated the capability and found no deficiencies that would disqualify it from a Strong rating. Testing must ensure the capability functions consistent with the organization's procedures.

Substantiated by Policies and/or Processes—The organization has formally defined expectations regarding the capability (usually thru policies and/or processes) that help to reduce the likelihood of the capability being ineffective or not meeting expectations.

Unsubstantiated—There are no formal policies or processes that formally establish expectations for this capability, which increases the likelihood of it being ineffective.

Once the rating for each Subcategory has been determined, all Subcategory ratings within a given Category should be averaged to determine the maturity tier, consistent with the CSF definitions. A Subcategory average that is not a whole number should be truncated rather than rounded. For example, if the six Subcategories within Identify—Asset Management (ID.AM) average a 2.7 rating, the current maturity tier for the ID.AM Category is determined to be Tier 2, Risk Informed.

The assessor should utilize the Current and Target Profiles spreadsheet on SharePoint, which autopopulates and calculates values according to these criteria. It will produce the following graphs:

Implementation of tiers is __________ of the size or maturity level of a company.

Implementation of tiers is __________ of the size or maturity level of a company.

The result of the exercise above is a depiction of the security currently being achieved by the organization and serves as a starting point for discussions of risk tolerance and establishing and implementing any mitigation activities (if the NIST Cybersecurity Framework is employed, mitigation planning will proceed by creating a Target Profile). For the organization to understand its risk tolerance, these results should be coupled with the risk exposure values derived in the following section.

Target Profile

Just as the present depiction of the organization's security program maturity makes up the Current Profile, the future-state maturity levels toward which the organization will build are called the Target Profile.

Once the assessor has determined the recommended action plans for each threat event, he or she should look again at the Current and Target Profiles spreadsheet and determine which maturity ratings would change if the organization fully implemented the recommendations (using the definitions in Section 5.4). Each future-state determination regarding Capability Claim and Confidence should be recorded in the spreadsheet and will produce the following graphs:

Implementation of tiers is __________ of the size or maturity level of a company.

Implementation of tiers is __________ of the size or maturity level of a company.

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John Pirc, ... Will Gragido, in Threat Forecasting, 2016

NIST Cyber Security Framework

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Cybersecurity Framework (CSF) was created specifically to strengthen protection for companies classified as critical infrastructure, however the CSF’s sphere of influence has quickly expanded. Organizations beyond those classified as critical infrastructure have also been looking to the CSF for guidance. Although compliance with the CSF standards is voluntary, it has emerged as the standard against which organizations are judged after a data breach occurs.

The CSF is organized into five core functions: Identify, Protect, Detect, Respond, and Recover. These core functions are then further branched into several tiers “which describe the level of sophistication and rigor an organization employs in applying its cyber security practices.”9 Much has been written about the CSF, its core functions and organizational impacts, so we won’t dive too deeply into the framework. Please familiarize yourself with these standards as they apply to your organization. When you begin the process of implementing threat forecasting practices in your organization (explained in Chapter 9), the NIST CSF may be a useful starting point when implementing phase one and evaluating your organization’s current cyber security practices, policies and procedures.

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Angelique Dawkins, in Careers in Biomedical Engineering, 2019

Finding a Job

NICE Cybersecurity Framework

The NICE Cybersecurity Framework was designed to be a comprehensive resource describing the various cybersecurity roles available, and outlining the KSAs necessary to succeed in these roles. The KSAs cover IT, management, and policy development roles, but do not cover biomedical engineering. This Cybersecurity Framework can be found on the NIST website:


Cyberseek is an online platform designed to help job seekers interested in cybersecurity. It includes up-to-date information about cybersecurity jobs around the United States and outlines how to advance along some common career pathways in the industry. Information includes an interactive map of the United States showing cybersecurity job supply and demand (

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Connected Cars: Automotive Cybersecurity and Privacy for Smart Cities

Habeeb Olufowobi, Gedare Bloom, in Smart Cities Cybersecurity and Privacy, 2019

11 Security and Privacy for Intelligent Transportation Infrastructure

Generically, the (draft) NIST Cybersecurity Framework for Critical Infrastructure [84] provides a framework to guide organizations in securing their critical infrastructure. The NIST framework adopts a risk management approach consisting of five core functions: identify, protect, detect, respond, and recover. Identify encompasses threat characterization, while protect, detect, and respond address the usual cybersecurity defensive mechanisms and incidence response deployed in (IT) security. Recover is of particular importance in critical infrastructure, because appropriate recovery ensures the resilience of the infrastructure. The NIST framework has been adopted and specialized by multiple ITS domain-specific cybersecurity policies [85].

Much of the prior work in ITS security focuses on V2V and VANET [86], or on threats to the infrastructure that come from other sources besides V2I [87–90]. Much more work needs to be done in examining the threat landscape that V2I introduces against the transportation infrastructure, and then ensuring that cybersecurity approaches for ITS are resilient to attacks coming from any new attack vectors.

The impact on privacy caused by integration of V2I and ITS also has received quite a bit of attention. Cottrill [91] examines the problem and solution space for privacy concerns with respect to the emerging V2I-ITS integration. Glancy [60] discusses, among other topics, the legal and policy issues caused by V2I/I2V, including privacy concerns and security challenges. Privacy is also a repeated theme of concern in the proposed rules for V2V communications, especially as they rely on PKI and network infrastructure [43]. Lederman et al. [92] survey privacy protections in ITS and propose solutions for privacy protection in ITS data collection and storage.

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Gathering data

Allan Liska, in Building an Intelligence-Led Security Program, 2015

The business side of security

Building an intelligence-led security strategy, whether using a continuous monitoring framework, Cybersecurity Framework, or another security, requires being able to translate security activities into a language that the business side of the organization can understand.

Security teams, and even chief information security officers (CISOs), tend to speak in technical terms. Security leaders say things like, “We blocked 3000 attacking IP addresses last month” or “We stopped 20% more spam.” These are important, but they don’t make a business case for why security is so important to the organization. Of course, the security industry doesn’t help as these are the same types of metrics that security vendors use to sell their products. Security vendors will tell their customers things like, “We release 100,000 new signatures a month” or “Our product is capable of monitoring at 1000 Gbps.”

None of these conversations translate into something that explains to the business side of the organization what value the security spend adds to the bottom line. But it doesn’t have to be that way. The evidence for the return on investment that good security practices deliver to organizations appears every day on news sites and the nightly news. The costs associated with a major breach are well documented and demonstrated every time a large company or government organization discloses a missed attack.

According to the Ponemon Institute report, “2014 Cost of Data Breach Study” the average cost of a data breach to an organization is $3.5 million (Ponemon Institute, 2014).

Building an intelligence-led security program allows the security team to change the conversation from one involving bits and bytes to one involving cost savings and value demonstration. It also allows the security team to focus on the larger picture when presenting to senior management or the board.

How does that work? It starts by switching away from discussions about irrelevant numbers. Every organization of any size it targeted by hundreds or thousands of security attacks each day. Trying to turn hundreds or thousands of security incidents each day into increased budget numbers won’t work, as evidenced by the fact that security budgets continue to shrink despite the fact that the number of attacks against any organization are on the rise. Instead of discussing the number of attacks, the focus should be on those attacks that most relevant to the organization, and could have caused the most damage to the organization’s reputation.

The only way to understand which attacks could have caused the most damage to the organization is through the use of cyber threat intelligence. At its most effective, cyber threat intelligences allows an organization to connect artifacts to tools and to adversaries. By tying indicators of compromise to the adversaries behind those indicators, security teams are able to not only focus efforts on those threats that pose the greatest risk to the organization, but explain those actions in terms of tangible savings to the organization.

For example, there are thousands of new vulnerabilities discovered each day. An organization that is able to automate the prioritization of patching vulnerable systems using the Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) presents a tangible value in terms of manpower saved. Taking it to the next level and prioritizing based not only on the CVSS score, but also on intelligence, such as whether or not the vulnerability is being exploited in the wild and what groups are behind the exploitation, changes the conversation again. Now the conversation is not one of just man-hours; now it is a conversation built around the damage the adversary using an exploit targeting a vulnerability that exists within the organization can cause, based on what that adversary has done in the past. An adversary who has a track record of gaining access to networks and exfiltrating valuable data poses a more significant risk, and an increased cost to the organization if successful, than just a known vulnerability with no context.

The business conversation does not just revolve around threats; it also revolves around justifying the addition of new staff or technology. Instead of discussing the need to increase budget to add a security widget, the conversation changes to adding capability in order to achieve success in meeting the next goal in the IGCND model. Remember that whatever framework is being used to move toward intelligence-led security requires the buy-in from senior management. By expressing new requests in terms of filling gaps in the next phase of the plan, security teams are simply helping to meet the agreed upon goals set by the organization.

From this perspective, adding a new incident response tool does not mean that the security team will be able to respond to security incidents 20% faster. Instead, it means that it fills a gap in phase four of the security plan, which requires proactive protections be in place to prevent security events before they become a problem.

One thing to keep in mind when trying to discuss security in business terms: senior management and the board read the same news stories as the security team. Most board members are aware, albeit sometimes vaguely, of the threats facing their organization. They see the competitors in the news because of the breach that wound up leaking a million credit cards, and they don’t want to be next. The leadership of the organization has an obligation to protect the organization and its assets from outside threats. The leadership wants to enable the security team to protect the organization and, as long as the requests are put in a language that leadership speaks, they will do so.

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Policy Issues Regarding Implementations of Cyber Attack: Resilience Solutions for Cyber Physical Systems

Barry M. Horowitz, in Artificial Intelligence for the Internet of Everything, 2019

5.5 Market Incentives

In February 2014, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) released Version 1 of White House Executive Order 13636—Cybersecurity Framework, an initial structure for organizations, government, and customers to use in considering comprehensive cyber-security programs (WH, 2013). In April 2015 a NIST presentation provided a status report on the evolving framework (NIST, 2015). The framework broadly addresses the specific needs that are discussed in the previous section, but without the required specificity to illuminate the complexity associated with anticipatory physical system solutions. Past efforts to establish market incentives for improved information system cyber security illustrate the consequences of inaction, and also demonstrate the uncertainties and difficulties surrounding anticipatory actions. The example provided by information systems highlights the importance of initiating early data collection efforts so that incidents can be assessed for potential cyber attacks and confirmed attacks can be documented. With this evidence in hand, it will be easier to evaluate next-step responses and incentives for anticipatory forms of cyber security will be increased. As emphasized above, it will be difficult to motivate anticipatory solutions without confirmation that attacks on physical systems are actually occurring. The National Highway Safety Traffic System (NHTSA), through guidance that they are providing for improving automobile-related cybersecurity, has taken encouraging steps to anticipate some of the needs addressed above (USDOT, 2016). A potential sequence of events is that data collection starts early and provides incontrovertible evidence of attacks on physical systems, which then drives the development of the needed government, industry, and consumer relationships that underpin market incentives for investment in anticipatory cyber security. As suggested above, attacks on physical systems generally pose a much greater risk to human safety than attacks on information systems. Therefore it may be easier to motivate firms and policymakers to invest in physical system security, since potential consequences are so severe. The development of data curation processes that could promote the involvement of appropriate government, industry, and consumer groups appears to be a critical early step towards achieving market incentives.

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Satellite Cyber Attack Search and Destroy

Jeffrey Bardin, in Computer and Information Security Handbook (Third Edition), 2013

Improving Cybersecurity

According to a 2009 report from IGI Global, as written by Marlyn Kemper Littman, entitled “Satellite Network Security,” satellite transmissions are subject to lengthy delays, low bandwidth, and high bit-error rates that adversely affect real-time, interactive applications such as videoconferences and lead to data corruption, performance degradation, and cyber incursions [10]. Littman goes on to say that multiple layers of security covering all aspects of the satellite’s ecosystem are needed to protect satellite networks adequately. This includes policies and legislation requiring minimum necessary security protocols and standards. The Defense Information Systems Network Satellite Transmission Services Global (DSTS-G) Performance Work Statement states that:

DODD 8581.1 E requires that commercial satellites used by the Department of Defense employ NSA-approved cryptography to encrypt and authenticate commands to the satellite if supporting Mission Assurance Category (MAC) I or II missions as defined in DoD Directive 8500.1. While NSA approved cryptography is preferred for satellites supporting MAC III missions, cryptography commensurate with commercial best practices is acceptable for encrypting and authenticating commands to satellites that only support MAC III missions.

The change in cryptography requirements is for commercial interoperability with Department of Defense (DoD) satellite systems. These changes went into effect in 2005 and represent a shift to encrypt using the latest technologies transmitted over higher bandwidth, using mission-specific data networks. The change also calls for continued modifications to the security environment as new threats appear and new solutions are available. The cryptography requirements directly align to the Satellite Internet Protocol Security (SatIPSec) initiative from 2004. This protocol provides for encrypted transmissions using a standard symmetric method that clearly identifies the sender and receiver. SatIPSec used in conjunction with the Satellite-Reliable Multicast Transport Protocol, which provides secure transmission methods for audio and video files, enhances the satellite ecosystem security posture.

There are several areas for improvement in satellite cybersecurity. As with many commercial ventures, the sharing of information is limited owing to the potential for leaking intellectual property or proprietary processes, procedures, and methods. The information and cybersecurity industry is rife with examples of limited information sharing. Most companies are remiss to share information on breaches because of the potential embarrassment public awareness could bring. What is missed is the opportunity to share remediation strategies and information about the attacker. This actionable intelligence could prevent other organizations from experiencing the same fate. Methods of remediation that are successful should be shared across the satellite industry and within federal and state governments. The opportunity to share effective security practices could vastly improve satellite cyber defenses. Information sharing coupled with the appropriate education and awareness-raising efforts for the satellite industry is an effective method of propagating actionable intelligence.

Until recently, organizations did not agree on what represented an attack. The underlying issue is the use of a common taxonomy relative to satellite security. Incorporating already defined words, phrases, and concepts from the information security community can and will speed up the adoption and integration of a common book of knowledge regarding satellite cybersecurity. Just as websites and applications on the Internet are subject to continuous probes, scans, denial of service, and distributed denial of service activity, the satellite industry faces continuous intentional interference and jamming. The satellite industry could learn how to adopt methods of interference and jamming prevention by incorporating proven principles and methods achieved over years of parallel activity on the Internet. In addition, organizations managing satellites need to distinguish between advertent and inadvertent events and events that are intentional and unintentional. The data points gathered by the scores of government and commercial satellite organizations worldwide could be organized into information that is analyzed for links, tendencies, and trends to help devices’ ever-changing defenses to transmission penetration and jamming. The underlying premise is information sharing for the benefit of nonhostile entities to improve their defensive, preventive, and even predictive countermeasures through intelligence analysis of satellite-specific data points using proven methods in cybersecurity. An organization such as the National Council of Information Sharing and Analysis Centers (ISAC) could sponsor or propose an ISAC specific to the satellite industry adopting proven methods across member ISACs to assist in information-sharing activities. The Communications ISAC could further expand into the satellite industry with specific goals, emphasizing sharing information used to mitigate and prevent typical satellite-related impacts on confidentiality, integrity, and availability.

Many members of the cybersecurity industry may overlook the physical security aspects of satellite security. As any centralized management function, satellite monitoring and maintenance are performed from a ground location. Data centers require hardened perimeters and multiple layers of redundancy. Satellite ground controls stations require the same level of attention to security detail. These facilities should have standardized closed-circuit television and access control methods. Security guards performing 24×7 monitoring and response and employee training and awareness programs must be in place. Many ground control stations are not equipped to withstand electromagnetic plus radiological fallout, or instances of force majeure. They lack what many in the IT industry would term standard requirements for availability. Furthermore, many ground control stations are within proximity of public areas, providing potentially easy access for those with malicious intent. Standards for the continuity of operations for ground control stations should include conditioned and generated power, as well as backup locations in varied geographic locations with an inventory of equipment available in case of an incident. Ground control centers should also practice disaster recovery and business continuity through regularly scheduled exercises. The points mentioned here are standard functions of an IT data center that can and should be applied to the satellite industry. All ground control stations should have centralized and backup network operations, security operations, and satellite operations centers integrated into a cohesive monitoring and data-sharing environment.

Several “anti” solutions should be tested and embedded in each satellite’s ecosystem based on risk. Sensitive or military satellites should be required to provide antijamming, antispoofing, and antitampering capabilities consistently and continually that can be monitored by the ground control station. Ground control stations need to be outfitted with prevention-based cybersecurity solutions that prevent or detect penetrations, prevent malware and data exfiltration, and monitor, record, and analyze malware characteristics.

Another concept for all US-based satellites is the use of all appropriate satellites to act as a sensor while in orbit. The idea is for each satellite to share information on surveilled targets after agreeing to install a government payload or sensor that provides a space-based surveillance and warning network. This concept borrows from cybersecurity technologies using sensors to monitor network activity across government or commercial entities. The government could offer some type of concession or support to the commercial organization in exchange for carrying the nonintrusive payload.

Although many of the recommendations are already a regular occurrence in military satellite systems, commercial systems do not necessarily require the same level of security or scrutiny. Regardless, interference and jamming of satellite-controlled devices under the military’s purview and the penetration of malware of ground control stations indicate a need for increased attention to security, whether cyber or of a more traditional need. A call for all satellite ecosystems to undergo assessment and authorization procedures as defined in the Federal Information Security Management Act and as detailed on the DoD Information Assurance Certification and Accreditation Process (DIACAP) may be warranted based on the role satellites have in critical infrastructures. The use of DIACAP and DSTS-G can arrive at cybersecurity framework standardization for satellites (see checklist: An Agenda for Action for Implementing Cybersecurity Framework Standardization Methods for Satellites). They can help drive mitigation measures using onboard satellite radio-frequency encryption systems.

An Agenda for Action for Implementing Cybersecurity Framework Standardization Methods for Satellites

Standardization can introduce methods such as carrier lockup, uniqueness, autonomy, diversity, and out-of-band commanding (check all tasks completed):


Carrier lockup is a method used to maintain steady and continuous communication between satellite and the ground control stations, ensuring no other transmissions can be inserted from unauthorized ground control stations [11].


Uniqueness provides each satellite with a unique address much like a personal computer’s media access control address [11].


Autonomy is a predefined protocol of self-operation, giving the satellite the capability to operate autonomously for certain periods in case there is some type of interference or jamming [11].


Diversity provides diverse and redundant routes for transmitting data, much like the use of multiple Internet connections from different providers in a data center [11].


Out-of-band commanding provides unique frequencies not shared by any other traffic or ground control stations [11].

When it comes to ground-based network operations centers and security operations centers, traditional cybersecurity standards and controls apply for both physical and virtual measures. Much the same applies to interference. Interference in the satellite ecosystem comes from several sources such as human error, other satellite interference, terrestrial interference, equipment failure, and intentional interference and jamming [11].

The satellite industry continues to take steps to mitigate and deliver countermeasures to various types of interference. Use of various types of shielding, filters, and regular training and awareness can help reduce most types of interference. Intentional or purposeful interference is not remediated through these measures. The satellite industry has created an IT mirror process and procedure called the Purposeful Interference Response Team (PIRT). Many of the same methods, processes, and procedures used in a computer emergency response team program have been adopted for use in the PIRT. Root cause analysis of PIRT incidents is shared back into the process and out to satellite owners to ensure that effective security practices and countermeasures are shared across the industry. Communications and transmission security measures are employed using standards such as those defined by the National Institutes of Standards and Technology and its Federal Information Process Standard 140–2.

As the satellite industry continues to move toward traditional IT-type hybrid networks, satellites will be subjected to the same types of IT vulnerabilities that ground-based systems experience today. Issues associated with this migration are apparent but so, too, are the solutions. Cybersecurity standards, processes, procedures, and methods are available without the need for creating them anew. Regardless, their application is required in the design phase of the satellite ecosystem to be fully effective. Onboard IT systems provide greater features and real-time modifications, but they also introduce traditional IT vulnerabilities and exploits if not managed properly.

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Federal RMF Requirements

Leighton Johnson, in Security Controls Evaluation, Testing, and Assessment Handbook, 2016

NIST Cybersecurity Framework

Recognizing that the national and economic security of the United States depends on the reliable functioning of critical infrastructure, the President issued Executive Order 13636, Improving Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity, in February 2013. It directed NIST to work with stakeholders to develop a voluntary framework – based on existing standards, guidelines, and practices – for reducing cyber risks to critical infrastructure. This Executive Order calls for the development of a voluntary Cybersecurity Framework (“Framework”) that provides a “prioritized, flexible, repeatable, performance-based, and cost-effective approach” to manage cybersecurity risk for those processes, information, and systems directly involved in the delivery of critical infrastructure services. The Framework, developed in collaboration with industry, provides guidance to an organization on managing cybersecurity risk.

The Framework focuses on using business drivers to guide cybersecurity activities and considering cybersecurity risks as part of the organization’s risk management processes. The Framework consists of three parts: the Framework Core, the Framework Profile, and the Framework Implementation Tiers. The Framework Core is a set of cybersecurity activities, outcomes, and informative references that are common across critical infrastructure sectors, providing the detailed guidance for developing individual organizational Profiles. Through use of the Profiles, the Framework will help the organization align its cybersecurity activities with its business requirements, risk tolerances, and resources. The Tiers provide a mechanism for organizations to view and understand the characteristics of their approach to managing cybersecurity risk. [2]

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Controlled unclassified information assessment

Leighton Johnson, in Security Controls Evaluation, Testing, and Assessment Handbook (Second Edition), 2020

In December 2016, NIST issued SP 800-171 in support of the E.O. 13556 originally issued in November 2010. This Executive Order from the President is designed to provide guidance and direction to all organizations, public and private, on how to maintain the confidentiality of governmental data on their organizational systems. It deals with specific types of unclassified data, primarily in the Critical Infrastructure areas. Initially it was focused only on governmental agencies wherein the Executive Agent, NARA, established a program for managing all unclassified information in the executive branch that requires safeguarding or dissemination controls pursuant to and consistent with applicable law, regulations, and government-wide policies. This area was somewhat modified when the E.O. 13636 for the Critical Infrastructure was issued in 2013. This E.O. led to the creation of the Cybersecurity Framework discussed in the previous chapter of this book. NARA then issued, in conjunction with OMB, a set of regulations for CUI management and control in September 2016. The rule affects federal executive branch agencies that handle CUI and all organizations (sources) that handle, possess, use, share, or receive CUI—or which operate, use, or have access to federal information and information systems on behalf of an agency. Once these regulations went into effect, GSA and several other governmental agencies moved to have CUI management and control added to the Federal Acquisition Regulations, which oversee the entire contracting process between the USG and its various contractors and suppliers. Additionally, the Defense version of these acquisition regulations also adopted the CUI requirements. SO now, both the FAR and DFAR, as they are known, require all contracting organizations, suppliers, and providers to meet the CUI control requirements for managing and securing their retained Controlled Unclassified Information in accordance with SP 800-171 and assess these efforts using SP 800-171A. This FAR rule is necessary to ensure uniform implementation of the requirements of the CUI program in contracts across the government, thereby avoiding potentially inconsistent agency-level action. DOD has implemented these requirements under DFARS clause 252.204-7012 which must be implemented when covered defense information is processed, stored, or transit through an information system that is owned, or operated by or for, the contractor, or when performance of the contract involves operationally critical support. These DFAR requirements mandate that the acquisition solicitation/contract shall indicate when performance of the contract will involve, or is expected to involve, covered defense information or operationally critical support. All covered defense information provided to the contractor by the Government will be marked or otherwise identified in the contract, task order, or delivery order as CUI. The entry into this area was defined in the summary at the beginning of the CUI, SP 800-171, rev. 1 as follows:

The protection of Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) resident in nonfederal systems and organizations is of paramount importance to federal agencies and can directly impact the ability of the federal government to successfully conduct its assigned missions and business operations. This publication provides federal agencies with a set of recommended security requirements for protecting the confidentiality of CUI when such information is resident in nonfederal systems and organizations; when the nonfederal organization is not collecting or maintaining information on behalf of a federal agency or using or operating a system on behalf of an agency; and where there are no specific safeguarding requirements for protecting the confidentiality of CUI prescribed by the authorizing law, regulation, or governmentwide policy for the CUI category or subcategory listed in the CUI Registry. The security requirements apply to all components of nonfederal systems and organizations that process, store, or transmit CUI, or that provide security protection for such components. The requirements are intended for use by federal agencies in contractual vehicles or other agreements established between those agencies and nonfederal organizations.1

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Assessment process

Leighton Johnson, in Security Controls Evaluation, Testing, and Assessment Handbook (Second Edition), 2020

SP 800-53A

An assessment procedure consists of a set of assessment objectives, each with an associated set of potential assessment methods and assessment objects. An assessment objective includes a set of determination statements related to the particular security or privacy control under assessment. The determination statements are linked to the content of the security or privacy control (i.e., the security/privacy control functionality) to ensure traceability of assessment results back to the fundamental control requirements. The application of an assessment procedure to a security or privacy control produces assessment findings. These findings reflect, or are subsequently used, to help determine the overall effectiveness of the security or privacy control.

Assessment objects identify the specific items being assessed and include specifications, mechanisms, activities, and individuals. Specifications are the document-based artifacts (e.g., policies, procedures, plans, system security and privacy requirements, functional specifications, architectural designs) associated with an information system. Mechanisms are the specific hardware, software, or firmware safeguards and countermeasures employed within an information system. Activities are the specific protection-related actions supporting an information system that involve people (e.g., conducting system backup operations, monitoring network traffic, exercising a contingency plan). Individuals, or groups of individuals, are people applying the specifications, mechanisms, or activities described above.

Assessment methods define the nature of the assessor actions and include examine, interview, and test. The examine method is the process of reviewing, inspecting, observing, studying, or analyzing one or more assessment objects (i.e., specifications, mechanisms, or activities). The purpose of the examine method is to facilitate assessor understanding, achieve clarification, or obtain evidence. The interview method is the process of holding discussions with individuals or groups of individuals within an organization to once again, facilitate assessor understanding, achieve clarification, or obtain evidence. The test method is the process of exercising one or more assessment objects (i.e., activities or mechanisms) under specified conditions to compare actual with expected behavior. In all three assessment methods, the results are used in making specific determinations called for in the determination statements and thereby achieving the objectives for the assessment procedure.

Assessment methods have a set of associated attributes, depth and coverage, which help define the level of effort for the assessment. These attributes are hierarchical in nature, providing the means to define the rigor and scope of the assessment for the increased assurances that may be needed for some information systems. The depth attribute addresses the rigor of and level of detail in the examination, interview, and testing processes. Values for the depth attribute include basic, focused, and comprehensive. The coverage attribute addresses the scope or breadth of the examination, interview, and testing processes including the number and type of specifications, mechanisms, and activities to be examined or tested, and the number and types of individuals to be interviewed. Similar to the depth attribute, values for the coverage attribute include basic, focused, and comprehensive. The appropriate depth and coverage attribute values for a particular assessment method are based on the assurance requirements specified by the organization. As assurance requirements increase with regard to the development, implementation, and operation of security and privacy controls within or inherited by the information system, the rigor and scope of the assessment activities (as reflected in the selection of assessment methods and objects and the assignment of depth and coverage attribute values) tend to increase as well.3

“In addition to selecting appropriate assessment methods and objects, each assessment method (i.e., examine, interview, and test) is associated with depth and coverage attributes that are described in (SP 800-53A), Appendix D. The attribute values identify the rigor and scope of the assessment procedures executed by the assessor. The values selected by the organization are based on the characteristics of the information system being assessed (including assurance requirements) and the specific determinations to be made. The depth and coverage attribute values are associated with the assurance requirements specified by the organization (i.e., the rigor and scope of the assessment increases in direct relationship to the assurance requirements).4

RMF step 4—assess security controls

The purpose of the Assess step is to determine if the controls selected for implementation are implemented correctly, operating as intended, and producing the desired outcome with respect to meeting the security and privacy requirements for the system and the organization.

SP 800-37, rev. 2 Table 7.1 provides a summary of tasks and expected outcomes for the RMF Assess step. Applicable Cybersecurity Framework constructs are also provided (Fig. 7.1).

Table 7.1. Assess tasks and outcomes5.


An assessor or assessment team is selected to conduct the control assessments.

The appropriate level of independence is achieved for the assessor or assessment team selected.


Documentation needed to conduct the assessments is provided to the assessor or assessment team.

Security and privacy assessment plans are developed and documented.

Security and privacy assessment plans are reviewed and approved to establish the expectations for the control assessments and the level of effort required.


Control assessments are conducted in accordance with the security and privacy assessment plans.

Opportunities to reuse assessment results from previous assessments to make the risk management process timely and cost-effective are considered.

Use of automation to conduct control assessments is maximized to increase speed, effectiveness, and efficiency of assessments.


Security and privacy assessment reports that provide findings and recommendations are completed.


Remediation actions to address deficiencies in the controls implemented in the system and environment of operation are taken.

Security and privacy plans are updated to reflect control implementation changes made based on the assessments and subsequent remediation actions. [Cybersecurity Framework: Profile]


A plan of action and milestones detailing remediation plans for unacceptable risks identified in security and privacy assessment reports is developed. [Cybersecurity Framework: ID.RA-6]

As part of the Risk Management Framework, SP 800-37, rev. 2 provides an updated listing of the tasks and guidance for each task during the prosecution of the Assessment Phase.

Implementation of tiers is __________ of the size or maturity level of a company.

Figure 7.1. SP 800-53A assessment case flow.

TASK A-1: ASSESSOR SELECTION—select the appropriate assessor or assessment team for the type of control assessment to be conducted

Primary role of responsibility: authorizing official

Organizations consider both the technical expertise and level of independence required in selecting control assessors for the security control assessments; however, this level of independence is not required for privacy control assessments. “Some organizations may select control assessors prior to the RMF Assess step to support control assessments at the earliest opportunity during the system life cycle. Early identification and selection of assessors allows organizations to plan for the assessment activities, including agreeing on the scope of the assessment. Organizations implementing a systems security engineering approach may also benefit from early selection of assessors to support verification and validation activities that occur throughout the system life cycle. Organizations ensure that control assessors possess the required skills and technical expertise to develop effective assessment plans and to conduct assessments of program management, system-specific, hybrid, and common controls, as appropriate. This includes general knowledge of risk management concepts and approaches as well as comprehensive knowledge of and experience with the hardware, software, and firmware components implemented. In organizations where the assessment capability is centrally managed, the senior agency information security officer may have the responsibility of selecting and managing the security control assessors or assessment teams for organizational systems. As controls may be implemented to achieve security and privacy objectives, organizations consider the degree of collaboration between security control and privacy control assessors that is necessary.

Organizations can conduct self-assessments of controls or obtain the services of an independent control assessor. An independent assessor is an individual or group that can conduct an impartial assessment. Impartiality means that assessors are free from perceived or actual conflicts of interest with respect to the determination of control effectiveness or the development, operation, or management of the system, common controls, or program management controls. The authorizing official determines the level of assessor independence based on applicable laws, executive orders, directives, regulations, policies, or standards. The authorizing official consults with the Office of the Inspector General, chief information officer, senior agency official for privacy, and senior agency information security officer to help guide and inform decisions regarding assessor independence.

The system privacy officer is responsible for identifying assessment methodologies and metrics to determine if privacy controls are implemented correctly, operating as intended, and sufficient to ensure compliance with applicable privacy requirements and manage privacy risks. The senior agency official for privacy is responsible for conducting assessments of privacy controls and documenting the results of the assessments. At the discretion of the organization, privacy controls may be assessed by an independent assessor. However, in all cases, the senior agency official for privacy is responsible and accountable for the organization's privacy program, including any privacy functions performed by independent assessors. The senior agency official for privacy is responsible for providing privacy information to the authorizing official.6

TASK A-2: ASSESSMENT PREPARATION—Develop, review, and approve a plan to assess the security controls

Primary role of responsibility: security control assessor, authorizing official

Security and privacy assessment plans are developed by control assessors based on the implementation information contained in security and privacy plans, program management control documentation, and common control documentation. Organizations may choose to develop a single, integrated security and privacy assessment plan for the system or the organization. An integrated assessment plan delineates roles and responsibilities for control assessment. Assessment plans also provide the objectives for control assessments and specific assessment procedures for each control. Assessment plans reflect the type of assessment the organization is conducting, including for example: developmental testing and evaluation; independent verification and validation; audits, including supply chain; assessments supporting system and common control authorization or reauthorization; program management control assessments; continuous monitoring; and assessments conducted after remediation actions.

Assessment plans are reviewed and approved by the authorizing official or the designated representative of the authorizing official to help ensure that the plans are consistent with the security and privacy objectives of the organization; employ procedures, methods, techniques, tools, and automation to support continuous monitoring and near real-time risk management; and are cost-effective. Approved assessment plans establish expectations for the control assessments and the level of effort for the assessment. Approved assessment plans help to ensure that appropriate resources are applied toward determining control effectiveness while providing the necessary level of assurance in making such determinations. When controls are provided by an external provider through contracts, interagency agreements, lines of business arrangements, licensing agreements, or supply chain arrangements, the organization can request security and privacy assessment plans and assessments results or evidence from the provider.7

TASK A-3: SECURITY CONTROL ASSESSMENT—Assess the security controls in accordance with the assessment procedures defined in the security assessment plan

Primary role of responsibility: security control assessor

“Control assessments determine the extent to which the selected controls are implemented correctly, operating as intended, and producing the desired outcome with respect to meeting security and privacy requirements for the system and the organization. The system owner, common control provider, and/or organization rely on the technical skills and expertise of assessors to assess implemented controls using the assessment procedures specified in assessment plans and provide recommendations on how to respond to control deficiencies to reduce or eliminate identified vulnerabilities or unacceptable risks. The senior agency official for privacy serves as the control assessor for the privacy controls and is responsible for conducting an initial assessment of the privacy controls prior to system operation, and for assessing the controls periodically thereafter at a frequency sufficient to ensure compliance with privacy requirements and to manage privacy risks. The senior agency official for privacy can delegate the assessment functions, consistent with applicable policies. Controls implemented to achieve both security and privacy objectives may require a degree of collaboration between security and privacy control assessors. The assessor findings are a factual reporting of whether the controls are operating as intended and whether any deficiencies in the controls are discovered during the assessment.”8 Assessor judgment is relied upon during the assessment because only deficiencies in controls that can be exploited by threat agents are considered vulnerabilities.

Control assessments occur as early as practicable in the SDLC, preferably during the development phase. These types of assessments are referred to as developmental testing and evaluation, and validate that the controls are implemented correctly and are consistent with the established information security and privacy architectures. Developmental testing and evaluation activities include, for example, design and code reviews, regression testing, and application scanning. Deficiencies identified early in the SDLC can be resolved in a more cost-effective manner. Assessments may be needed prior to source selection during the procurement process to assess potential suppliers or providers before the organization enters into agreements or contracts to begin the development phase. The results of control assessments conducted during the SDLC can also be used (consistent with reuse criteria established by the organization) during the authorization process to avoid unnecessary delays or costly repetition of assessments. Organizations can maximize the use of automation to conduct control assessments to increase the speed, effectiveness, and efficiency of the assessments, and to support continuous monitoring of the security and privacy posture of organizational systems.

Applying and assessing controls throughout the development process may be appropriate for iterative development processes. When iterative development processes (e.g., agile development) are employed, an iterative assessment may be conducted as each cycle is completed. A similar process is employed for assessing controls in commercial IT products that are used in the system. Organizations may choose to begin assessing controls prior to the complete implementation of all controls in the security and privacy plans. This type of incremental assessment is appropriate if it is more efficient or cost-effective to do so.

Common controls (i.e., controls that are inherited by the system) are assessed separately (by assessors chosen by common control providers or the organization) and need not be assessed as part of a system-level assessment. Organizations ensure that assessors have access to the information system and environment of operation where the controls are implemented and to the documentation, records, artifacts, test results, and other materials needed to assess the controls. This includes the controls implemented by external providers through contracts, interagency agreements, lines of business arrangements, licensing agreements, or supply chain arrangements. Assessors have the required degree of independence as determined by the authorizing official. Assessor independence during the continuous monitoring process facilitates reuse of assessment results to support ongoing authorization and reauthorization.

To make the risk management process more efficient and cost-effective, organizations may choose to establish reasonable and appropriate criteria for reusing assessment results as part of organization-wide assessment policy or in the security and privacy program plans. For example, a recent audit of a system may have produced information about the effectiveness of selected controls. Another opportunity to reuse previous assessment results may come from external programs that test and evaluate security and privacy features of commercial information technology products (e.g., Common Criteria Evaluation and Validation Program and NIST Cryptographic Module Validation Program). If prior assessment results from the system developer or vendor are available, the control assessor, under appropriate circumstances, may incorporate those results into the assessment. In addition, if a control implementation was assessed during other forms of assessment at previous stages of the SDLC (e.g., unit testing, functional testing, acceptance testing), organizations may consider potential reuse of those results to reduce duplication of efforts. And finally, assessment results can be reused to support reciprocity, for example, assessment results supporting an authorization to use.9

TASK A-4: SECURITY ASSESSMENT REPORT—Prepare the security assessment report documenting the issues, findings, and recommendations from the security control assessment

Primary role of responsibility: security control assessor

The results of the security and privacy control assessments, including recommendations for correcting deficiencies in the implemented controls, are documented in the assessment reports 92 by control assessors. If a comparable report meets the requirements of what is to be included in an assessment report, then the comparable report would itself constitute the assessment report. Organizations may develop a single, integrated security and privacy assessment report. Assessment reports are key documents in the system or common control authorization package that is developed for authorizing officials. The assessment reports include information based on assessor findings, necessary to determine the effectiveness of the controls implemented within or inherited by the information system. Assessment reports are an important factor in a determining risk to organizational operations and assets, individuals, other organizations, and the Nation by the authorizing official. The format and the level of detail provided in assessment reports are appropriate for the type of control assessment conducted, for example, developmental testing and evaluation; independent verification and validation; independent assessments supporting information system or common control authorizations or reauthorizations; self-assessments; assessments after remediation actions; independent evaluations or audits; and assessments during continuous monitoring. The reporting format may also be prescribed by the organization.

Control assessment results obtained during the system development lifecycle are documented in an interim report and included in the final security and privacy assessment reports. Development of interim reports that document assessment results from relevant phases of the SDLC reinforces the concept that assessment reports are evolving documents. Interim reports are used, as appropriate, to inform the final assessment report. Organizations may choose to develop an executive summary from the control assessment findings. The executive summary provides authorizing officials and other interested individuals in the organization with an abbreviated version of the assessment reports that includes a synopsis of the assessment, findings, and the recommendations for addressing deficiencies in the controls.10

TASK A-4: REMEDIATION ACTIONS—Conduct initial remediation actions on security controls based on the findings and recommendations of the security assessment report and reassess remediated control(s), as appropriate

Primary roles of responsibility: information system owner or common control provider; security control assessor

The security and privacy assessment reports describe deficiencies in the controls that could not be resolved during the development of the system or that are discovered post-development. Such control deficiencies may result in security and privacy risks (including supply chain risks). The findings generated during control assessments, provide information that facilitates risk responses based on organizational risk tolerance and priorities. The authorizing official, in consultation and coordination with system owners and other organizational officials, may decide that certain findings represent significant, unacceptable risk and require immediate remediation actions. Additionally, it may be possible and practical to conduct initial remediation actions for assessment findings that can be quickly and easily remediated with existing resources.

If initial remediation actions are taken, assessors reassess the controls. The control reassessments determine the extent to which remediated controls are implemented correctly, operating as intended, and producing the desired outcome with respect to meeting the security and privacy requirements for the system and the organization. The assessors update the assessment reports with the findings from the reassessment, but do not change the original assessment results. The security and privacy plans are updated based on the findings of the control assessments and any remediation actions taken. The updated plans reflect the state of the controls after the initial assessment and any modifications by the system owner or common control provider in addressing recommendations for corrective actions. At the completion of the control assessments, security and privacy plans contain an accurate description of implemented controls, including compensating controls.

Organizations can prepare an addendum to the security and privacy assessment reports that provides an opportunity for system owners and common control providers to respond to initial assessment findings. The addendum may include, for example, information regarding initial remediation actions taken by system owners or common control providers in response to assessor findings. The addendum can also provide the system owner or common control provider perspective on the findings. This may include providing additional explanatory material, rebutting certain findings, and correcting the record. The addendum does not change or influence the initial assessor findings provided in the reports. Information provided in the addendum is considered by authorizing officials when making risk-based authorization decisions. Organizations implement a process to determine the initial actions to take regarding the control deficiencies identified during the assessment. This process can address vulnerabilities and risks, false positives, and other factors that provide useful information to authorizing officials regarding the security and privacy posture of the system and organization including the ongoing effectiveness of system-specific, hybrid, and common controls. The issue resolution process can also ensure that only substantive items are identified and transferred to the plan of actions and milestones.

Findings from a system-level control assessment may necessitate an update to the system risk assessment and the organizational risk assessment. Risk assessments are conducted as needed at the organizational level, mission/business level, and at the system level throughout the SDLC. Risk assessment is specified as part of the RMF Prepare-Organization Level step and RMF Prepare-System Level step. The updated risk assessments and any inputs from the senior accountable official for risk management or risk executive (function) determines the initial remediation actions and the prioritization of those actions. System owners and common control providers may decide, based on a system or organizational risk assessment, that certain findings are inconsequential and present no significant security or privacy risk. Such findings are retained in the security and privacy assessment reports and monitored during the monitoring step. The authorizing official is responsible for reviewing and understanding the assessor findings and for accepting the security and privacy risks (including any supply chain risks) that result from the operation the system or the use of common controls.

In all cases, organizations review assessor findings to determine the significance of the findings and whether the findings warrant any further investigation or remediation. Senior leadership involvement in the mitigation process is necessary to ensure that the organization's resources are effectively allocated in accordance with organizational priorities—providing resources to the systems that are supporting the most critical missions and business functions or correcting the deficiencies that pose the greatest risk.“11

TASK A-5: PLAN OF ACTION AND MILESTONES—Prepare the plan of action and milestones based on the findings and recommendations of the assessment reports

Primary roles of responsibility: information system owner or common control provider

The plan of action and milestones is included as part of the authorization package. The plan of action and milestones describes the actions that are planned to correct deficiencies in the controls identified during the assessment of the controls and during continuous monitoring. The plan of action and milestones includes tasks to be accomplished with a recommendation for completion before or after system authorization; resources required to accomplish the tasks; milestones established to meet the tasks; and the scheduled completion dates for the milestones and tasks. The plan of action and milestones is reviewed by the authorizing official to ensure there is agreement with the remediation actions planned to correct the identified deficiencies. It is subsequently used to monitor progress in completing the actions. Deficiencies are accepted by the authorizing official as residual risk or are remediated during the assessment or prior to submission of the authorization package to the authorizing official. Plan of action and milestones entries are not necessary when deficiencies are accepted by the authorizing official as residual risk. However, deficiencies identified during assessment and monitoring are documented in the assessment reports, which can be retained within an automated security/privacy management and reporting tool to maintain an effective audit trail. Organizations develop plans of action and milestones based on assessment results obtained from control assessments, audits, and continuous monitoring and in accordance with applicable laws, executive orders, directives, policies, regulations, standards, or guidance.

Organizations implement a consistent process for developing plans of action and milestones that uses a prioritized approach to risk mitigation that is uniform across the organization. A risk assessment guides the prioritization process for items included in the plan of action and milestones. The process ensures that plans of action and milestones are informed by the security categorization of the system and security, privacy, and supply chain risk assessments; the specific deficiencies in the controls; the criticality of the identified control deficiencies (i.e., the direct or indirect effect that the deficiencies may have on the security and privacy posture of the system, and therefore, on the risk exposure of the organization; or the ability of the organization to perform its mission or business functions); and the proposed risk mitigation approach to address the identified deficiencies in the controls (e.g., prioritization of risk mitigation actions and allocation of risk mitigation resources). Risk mitigation resources include, for example, personnel, new hardware or software, and tools.12

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What are implementation tiers?

'Implementation Tiers' describe the degree to which an organization has incorporated NIST CSF into its cybersecurity structure. There are four tiers in total, that indicate how well your organization manages cybersecurity risks and information.

Which of the following is framework implementation Tier 3?

Risk Management Processes: Tier 3 organizations have formally approved risk management practices, and are expressed as policy. These practices are regularly updated based on changes in business requirements and changing threat landscape.

What are the 4 CSF tiers?

The National Institute of Standards and Technology Cyber-Security Framework (NIST) implementation tiers are as follows..
Tier 1: Partial..
Tier 2: Risk Informed..
Tier 3: Repeatable..
Tier 4: Adaptive..

What are the 3 tiers of the NIST risk management Framework?

Building from those key elements, NIST recommends a three-tiered approach to integrating the risk management process throughout the organization: Tier 1: Organization level. Tier 2: Mission/business process level. Tier 3: Information systems level.